
亚洲展讯 | 印痕与复数 - 陈琦个展

展名/ Title: 印痕与复数 - 陈琦个展 Imprint ˑ Plurality - Solo Exhibition of Chen Qi 

艺术家/ Artist: 陈琦 Chen Qi

展览时间/ Date: 2018.8.25 - 9.16

开幕式/ Opening: 2018.8.25 (Sat) 3:00pm

展览地点/ Venue: 亚洲艺术中心(北京)B展厅

Asia Art Center (Beijing) Hall B


798 Art Dist., No.2, Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang Dist., Beijing

喧嚣的尖叫 Squeal 

画心 80x180cm   画纸100x198cm 水印版画 Woodblock Print 2018

《无题-No.32 Untitled-No.32》 

画心 118x243.5cm  画纸 135x257cm 水印版画 Woodblock Print 2017

亚洲艺术中心荣幸地宣布将于2018年8月25日至9月16日举办“印痕与复数 - 陈琦个展”。艺术家陈琦,1963年生于南京,现为中央美术学院研究生院常务副院长、教授、博士生导师,中国美术馆展览评审委员会委员,中国美术家协会版画艺术委员会委员,中国国家画院版画院秘书长。本次展览将展出陈琦自2015年开始进行的一系列实验性独幅版画作品创作。陈琦的水印版画将传统与当代对接,在中国当代水印版画史上具有标志性的地位。他志在突破版画原有的简单复制特性:通过随机痕迹与即兴灵感来提取版画、制作材质及过程本身的艺术性,从而在他的艺术语言中探索并发掘水印版画在当代艺术文化语境中的意义,以期实现传统艺术形式的传承与创新。


画心 60x188.5cm   画纸100x197.5cm 水印版画 Woodblock Print 2018





《觉-No.1 Awakening-No.1》 

197x197cm 水印版画 Woodblock Print 2017




个展:“印痕与复数– 陈琦个展” (亚洲艺术中心,北京,2018)、“陈琦的时间—1983-2016”(半岛美术馆,上海,2016)、“时间简谱—陈琦艺术作品展”(中国国家博物馆,北京,2013)、“陈琦木刻”(杜伦大学东方博物馆,杜伦,英国,2008)、“陈琦水印版画第一回展”(中国美术馆,北京,1993)


群展:第四届苏州·金鸡湖双年展“自 - 沧浪亭”当代艺术邀请展”(金鸡湖美术馆,苏州,2018)、“我在  - 2017中国版画艺术工作室联盟作品展”(广东美术馆,广州,2017)、“2017上海国际版画展”(上海中华艺术宫,上海,2017)、“沈勤、陈琦:零度”(亚洲艺术中心,台北,2016)、“中国当代版画名家文献展”(中国版画博物馆,深圳,2016)、“沈勤&陈琦作品展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2015)、“后印刷—第一届CAA国际版画双年展”(中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,2015)、“第十二届全国美术作品展”(中国美术馆,北京,2014)、“我在-中国版画艺术工作室联盟展”(江苏省美术馆,南京,2013)、“水·印·象—第十一届『姑苏之秋』当代水印版画邀请展”(苏州美术馆,苏州,2012)、“观城—国际版画邀请展”(上海美术馆,上海,2011)、“传统的复活—中国当代艺术展”(法兰克福当代艺术馆,法兰克福,2009)、“神奈川国际版画艺术节-日本当代版画和战后50年世界脚步”(横滨美术馆,横滨,1995)



《欲念之海 The Sea of Desire》 

    画心 85x45cm   画纸 98x62cm 水印版画 Woodblock Print 2017

Asia Art Center is proud to announce the opening of “Imprint · Plurality” of the artist Chen Qi on August 25th, 2018. This exhibition will be on view through September 16th, 2018. Born in Nanjing in 1963, Chen Qi is currently working as a professor and the Deputy Dean of Graduate School of CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), the associate director of Printmaking Art Committee of China Artists Association, and the secretary general of Printmaking Department of China National Academy of Painting. The exhibition will feature a series of experimental solo prints created by Chen Qi since 2015. Chen Qi connects the tradition with the contemporary through his works, earning an iconic status in the history of Chinese contemporary woodblock printmaking. Through randomized digital process and improvisational inspiration, he aims to break through the simple repetitive nature of printmaking and extract artistry from prints, the production process, and the printing materials. Thus, in his artistic language, in order to realize the inheritance and the innovation of traditional art form, he explores and discovers the significance of woodblock printmaking in the context of contemporary art and Chinese culture.

《不确定的真实No.3 Uncertain Truth No.3》

画心 73.5x119.5cm   画纸 78.5x124cm 水印版画 Woodblock Print 2017


Imprint ˑ Plurality

“Since 2015, I have made a series of independent experimental works works by reusing the used woodblock that I made 20 years ago, such as “Ancient Stringed Instruments,” “Ming Furniture,” “Lotus,” and “Interpretation.” The sole purpose is seeking to break through and to transcend the two basic concepts of print and plurality. The experimental method is to break the original overprint order of the printing plate. The printing plate is no longer in accordance with the original design order. It does not follow the overprint procedure of the standard register. Instead, it is spontaneously generated according to the graphic structure of the printing plate and is improvised and freely printed. Thus, the printing plate is liberated from the previous simple function of image reproduction to demonstrate the value and significance of its existence. At the same time, such experimental works also eliminate the mechanical plurality of prints, making each print a unique imprint of spirituality.”

Chen Qi

《心象-No.2 Mental Imagery-No.2》

70x97.5cm 水印版画 Woodblock Print 2015


《无题-No.8 Untitled-No.8》 

画心 64.5x85cm    画纸 78x98cm 水印版画 Woodblock Print 2017



Chen Qi was born in Nanjing in 1963. He graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Art Institute in 1987 with a bachelor's degree. He graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Art Institute in 2006 with a doctorate degree. Born in Nanjing in 1963, Chen Qi is currently working as a professor and the Deputy Dean of Graduate School of CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), the associate director of Printmaking Art Committee of China Artists Association, and the secretary general of Printmaking Department of China National Academy of Painting. 


Solo Exhibitions: Imprint·Plurality-Solo Exhibition of Chen Qi (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2018), The Time of Chen Qi–1983-2016 (Shanghai Peninsula Art Museum, Shanghai, 2016), The Notation of Time–Exhibition of Chen Qi’s Art (National Museum of China, Beijing, 2013), Chen Qi Woodcuts (Oriental Museum, Durham University, Durham, UK, 2008), Woodblock Prints by Chen Qi (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 1993)


Group Exhibitions: Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2017 (China Art Museum, Shanghai, 2017), Shen Qin & Chen Qi: Zero Degree (Asia Art Center, Taipei, 2016), Chinese Modern Watermark Print Document Exhibition (China Printmaking Museum, Shenzhen, 2016), Artworks by Shen Qin & Chen Qi (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2015), Print in the Post-Print—The 1st CAA (China Academy of Art) Printmaking Biennial (CAA Art Museums, Hangzhou, 2015), The Twelfth National Exhibition of Fine Arts (National Art Museum Of China, Beijing, 2014), Being Here-2013 Prints by the League of Chinese Printmaking Studios (Jiangsu Art Museum, Nanjing, 2013), Water · Print · Impression–International Woodblock Print Invitation Exhibition (Suzhou Art Museum, Suzhou, 2012), View of the City–International Print Invitation Exhibition (Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, 2011), Revival of Tradition–Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition (Museum of Contemporary Art in Frankfurt, Frankfurt, 2009), Kanagawa International Print Festival–The Contemporary Prints of Japan and the World-Steps in Post War-50 years (Yokohama Museum of Art, Yokohama, 1995)



British Museum, UK / Victoria and Albert Museum, UK / Ashmolean Museum, UK / Sotheby's Institute of Art, UK / The Muban Foundation, UK / New York Public Library, USA / Fukuoka Art Museum, Japan / Museum of Young Art (MOYA), Austria / National Art Museum of China, China / Shanghai Art Museum, China / Guangdong Museum of Art, China / Jiangsu Art Museum, China / Zhejiang Art Museum, China / Guan Shanyue Art Museum, China / Shenzhen Art Museum, China / Qingdao Art Museum, China / Suzhou Art Museum, China

