
亚洲展讯 | 隐蔽的物

展名/ Title:隐蔽的物 The Hidden Matter

艺术家/ Artist: 马树青 Ma Shuqing,沈克龙 Shen Kelong,姜吉安 Jiang Ji'an,杭春晖 Hang Chunhui

展览时间/ Date: 2018.09.22 - 12.02

开幕式/ Opening: 2018.09.22 (Sat) 3:00pm

展览地点/ Venue: 亚洲艺术中心(北京)A展厅

Asia Art Center (Beijing) Hall A


798 Art Dist., No.2, Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang Dist., Beijing




“物”的问题在海德格尔的思想中占有非常重要的位置,海德格尔认为世间有三种物:纯然之物(自然物)、器具(根据人的使用和需要制造出来的东西)和作品(艺术品)。物性即物的本质。而在古老的东方哲学家庄子的理解中, 是指物的自性, 即——物是其所是、自然而然地存在的本性。作为“物”的艺术因其自持的审美属性自成一体往往被我们忽视或隐藏……物质通过某种形式结构将其涵盖进去,使得人们对日常事物物性通过某种形式,来重新感受它。在现代艺术语境下通过视觉、哲学等方面对“物”的存在进行思考,而中国传统哲学中的“道”与西方哲学中的“世界”是互通的。


马树青 Ma Shuqing

《无题 2018-D1 Untitled 2018-D1》 

58.5x49cm 综合媒介 Mixed Media 2018



沈克龙 Shen Kelong

《晖 Shine》 99x59cm(L)+105x65cm(R) 


Lacquer,Fabric,Wahui,Gold and Silver Foil 




姜吉安 Jiang Ji'an


Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn-No.2》 

89x53cm 现成品绘画 Ready-made Painting 2018 



杭春晖 Hang Chunhui

《透明色-真相 Transparent Color-Truth》 

66x91cm 纸本绘画 Painting on Paper 2018 






重要个展:“叠加与重复 - 马树青2018作品展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2018)、“粉·尘 - 马树青”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2016)、“马树青的绘画”(璘宝轩画廊,上海,2015)、“劳作 - 马树青个展”(成艺术,北京,2015)、“如何画出一幅性感的画 - 马树青 2015”(中间美术馆,北京,2015)、“触摸 - 马树青个展”(奥沙画廊,香港,2014)、“进行时 - 马树青作品展”(元典美术馆,北京,2014)、“彩·絮 - 马树青绘画艺术展”(梅江国际艺术馆,天津,2013)、“自絮 - 2011 马树青作品展”(水木当代艺术空间,北京,2011)、“空间 - 绘画:马树青个展”(十方艺术空间,杜塞尔多夫,2011)、“马树青个展”(德国驻华大使馆,北京,2010)、“马树青个展”(KLAUS LEA 画廊,慕尼黑,1996)、“马树青个展”(FINKEL 画廊,慕尼黑,1995)、“马树青个展”(KLAUS LEA 画廊,慕尼黑,1993)。

重要群展:“隐蔽的物”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2018)、“中国抽象艺术研究展” (今日美术馆,北京,2016)、“超越形式 - 中国抽象艺术展”(年代美术馆,温州,2015)、“今日中国抽象绘画”(波鸿美术馆,波鸿,2015)、 “不是绘画:关于绘画边界的探索”(亚洲艺术中心,2015)、“形无形 III”(鸿坤美术馆,北京,2014)、“中国 - 德国:今日抽象绘画”(卡史巴-路德维希-宝兰德尔基金会,多特蒙德,2012)、“在当代 - 中国油画双年展”(中国美术馆,北京,2012)、“融汇‧拓新 - 海外归国艺术家绘画作品展”(中华世纪坛世界艺术馆,北京,2012)、 “中国当代艺术展”(现代美术馆,斯德哥尔摩,2010)、“无物之阵 - 当代抽象艺术学术邀请展”(湖北美术馆,武汉,2010)。

获奖:“1987 油画《牧牛图》参加第一届中国油画展(获优秀奖),1987”、“第六届全国美展 油画《嫁女》入选并评为优秀作品,1985”、“获德国 KUNSTRAUM DAXER HEIMHAUSEN 奖学金,1992”。



重要个展:“沈克龙:气象”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2017)、“涉事·沉吟 - 沈克龙大漆作品展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2012)、“涉事·漆 - 沈克龙艺术展”(北京大学赛克勒考古与艺术博物馆,北京,2011)、“漆观 - 沈克龙大漆艺术展”(北京锦都艺术中心,北京,2010)。

重要群展:“隐蔽的物”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2018)、“大漆世界:时序- 2016湖北国际漆艺三年展”(湖北美术馆,武汉,2016)、“枕流漱石 - 当代文人艺术展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2015)、“第55 届威尼斯双年展平行展中国大型独立项目 - 文化·精神·生成”(全球艺术中心基金会,莫拉宫殿,威尼斯,2013)、“湖北国际漆艺三年展”(湖北美术馆,武汉,2010)、“升华 - 中国抽象艺术澳门邀请展”(北京锦都艺术中心,北京,2009)、“第三空间:重返现代 - 2009年中国抽象艺术展”(杭州西湖美术馆,杭州 / 北京锦都艺术中心,北京,2009)、“造物与空间 - 中国当代漆艺学术提名展”(湖北美术馆,武汉,2009)。




重要个展:“应物会影”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2016)、“两居室绘画装置”(望京北纬40°社区两居室内,北京,2009)、“姜吉安2007”(中央美术学院实验艺术系,北京,2007)、“姜吉安2007个展”(K艺术空间,北京,2007)、“林泉高致 - 姜吉安绘画展”(K艺术空间,北京 ,2006)、“平淡田园 - 姜吉安作品展”(K艺术空间,北京,2006)。

重要群展:“隐蔽的物”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2018)、“物质与制图”(南京艺术学院美术馆,南京,2018)、“记忆与当代-中国平行展-第57届威尼斯双年展”(威尼斯,意大利,2017)、“复相· 叠影 - 广州影像三年展2017”(广东美术馆,广州,2017)、“造化 - 中国当代艺术展”(萨拉曼卡艺术中心,霍巴特 / 204艺术空间, 墨尔本 / 悉视空间, 悉尼,2016)、“意文本 - 中国当代艺术展“(卡斯提格里亚艺术中心,萨卢佐,意大利 / 希腊雅典艺术中心,雅典,2016)、“枕流漱石 - 当代文人展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2015)、“传统的复活 - 中国当代艺术展”(贾维茨中心,纽约,2015)、“中国色”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2015)、“2013-2014 中国水墨双年展主题展·流动的水墨”(时代美术馆,北京,2013)、 “工·在当代 - 2013第九届中国工笔画大展”(中国美术馆,北京2013)、“时代观照 - 第七届AAC艺术中国年度影响力巡回展”(今日美术馆,北京 / 关山月美术馆,深圳 / 文轩美术馆, 成都 / 天朗美术馆,西安 / 恒源祥香山美术馆,上海 / 武汉美术馆,武汉,2013)、“三矾九染 - 2012中国当代工笔画提名展”(上海美术馆,上海,2012)、“首届中国工笔画学术联盟名家邀请展”(中国国家画院美术馆,北京,2011)、“《两居室》图片、绢本绘画展”(四号线美术馆,北京,2010)、“中华人民共和国60周年书画(当代)艺术成果展”(北京饭店国宴大厅,北京,2009)、“中国工笔画名家学术邀请展”(中国国家画院美术馆,北京,2009)。





重要个展:“不分明 - 杭春晖2017”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2017)、“绘事物语 - 日常”(大象艺术空间馆,台中,2016)、“绘事物语 - 杭春晖2015个展”(新绎空间,北京,2015)、“杭春晖个人作品展”(Hazlitt's画廊,纽约,2015)。


重要群展:“隐蔽的物”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2018)、“第四届苏州·金鸡湖双年展“自-沧浪亭”当代艺术邀请展”(金鸡湖美术馆,苏州,2018)、“中国当代水墨·柒舍精粹展”(南海亚洲艺术空间,悉尼,澳大利亚,2017)、“工·在当代 - 2016·第十届中国工笔画作品展”(中国美术馆,北京,2016)、“第三届当代水墨空间 变相- 水墨的维度”(广东美术馆,广州,2016)、“绘事后素 - 中国当代艺术展”(英国皇家美术学院美术馆,肯辛顿,2016)、“世间 - 中国当代艺术展”(阿德莱德艺术节中心,阿德莱德,2016)、“新工笔:中国当代水墨预告展”(丹佛美术馆,丹佛,2015)、“第五届J.C雅各布森肖像艺术展”(腓特烈堡国家历史博物馆,哥本哈根,2015)、“水墨SHUIMO - 世纪变革与艺术新路”(民生现代美术馆,北京,2015)、“工笔新语 - 2014新工笔画邀请展”(江苏省美术馆,南京,2014)、“新水活墨 - 现代水墨展”(香港海事博物馆,香港,2014)、“艺术家的理想 - 柒舍雅集水墨群展”(今日美术馆,北京,2014)、“格物致知 - 中国工笔画当代表述2013”(中国美术馆,北京,2013)、“三矾九染 - 新工笔艺术提名展”(上海美术馆,上海,2012)。




Asia Art Center is pleased to announce the opening of The Hidden Matter on September 22nd, 2018. The exhibition is on view through December 2nd, 2018. This will be a group exhibition of artists Ma Shuqing, Shen Kelong, Jiang Ji’an, and Hang Chunhui. The exhibition aims to present an investigation into the notion of “matter” within the realm of painting in both the East and the West, as well as explorations into the aesthetics of “matter” as painting (art) and its significance in understanding the intrinsic nature of art.


The Hidden Matter

The study of “matter” is paramount in Heidegger’s philosophy. Heidegger proposes that there are three modes of being: substance (naturally-derived), utility (a manmade object created for specific needs), and existence (art). Materiality is the intrinsic nature of matter. In the understanding of anancient Chinese philosopher named Zhuangzi, it is believed that it refers to the self-being of matter, which is the intrinsic nature of a matter as it isnaturally. Art as “matter” is often overlooked or concealed because of its unique aesthetics quality… matter has included it through a certain approach orconstruct to allow the materiality of everyday matter to be felt again via acertain way. While the visual and philosophical discourses on the existence of “matter” in the context of modern art ensue, “Tao” (the way) in traditional Chinese philosophy is connected to the “World” in Western philosophy.


马树青 Ma Shuqing

《无题2018系列 Untitled 2018 Series》 

综合媒介 Mixed Media 2018

Artist Ma Shuqing believes artworks are matter first, and matter is tangible. The message that matter conveys is sensible; it exists within the senses of sight, hearing, and touch, as well as color, sound, roughness, and hardness.Through repeated alterations in the process of painting, the painter has allowed it to become a unique “matter” of art. Ma Shuqing attempts to reset his artwork to its original state to become a tangible, touchable matter, to bringthe artwork closer yet distance its meaning.


沈克龙 Shen Kelong

《出岫 Over the Cave》 72x58cm 


Lacquer,Fabric,Wahui,Gold and silver foil


“Lacquer” is a material rich in cultural uniqueness and historical significance, evoking a feeling of density and strength. As the materiality oflacquer transforms to attach itself to literariness and spirituality, every creative process becomes a magical experience, as if embarking on a spiritual pilgrimage, again and again. Artist Shen Kelong attempts to transform the tradition and the unique materiality of lacquer as well as its embedded cultural significance, envisioning in a contemporary form.


姜吉安 jiang Ji'an

《应物游心·之一 In-between Object and Meditation No.1》 

39x201cm 现成品绘画 Ready-made Painting 2018

“To view matters through matters, to create matters by matters, and to perceive matters with meditation” is the way in which artist Jiang Ji’an views art and the fundamentals of philosophical concepts. In regards to the construct of traditional painting, what remains after stripping away the image is “matter”. The qualities of “matter” and“readymade” become the ontology of painting today. As a manifestation ofmatter, painting emphasizes on the sense of touch to become matter.Painting is no longer a two-dimensional substantive which exist externally from matters, but the various notes of the matter thing-in-itself. Painting unites with matters and result intheir great spiritual joy.


杭春晖 Hang Chunhui

《被形式遮蔽的信息-No.8 Message Obscured by Form-No.8》 

37x117cm   综合材料 Mixed Media 2018

For artist Hang Chunhui, the question lies in how to re-examine the relationship between materiality and its form through an Eastern approach. Brush and ink, xuan paper, bas-reliefand other traditional materials are used to discuss how materiality creates anew, undefined boundary within form and structure. In other words, the connoted relationship of the form and matter of later Modernism is examined through the crafts of Chinese painting. Just as the existence of light and shadow, matteris matter, and this form of existence seems detached from the usual understanding of object. The moment of realizing the existence of matter is obscured by the illusions of vision as it is implied in visual form.


About Artists

Ma Shuqing

Born in Tianjin in 1956,Graduated from Tianjin Academy of Arts and Crafts in 1985,Major in free painting at Munich Fine Arts Academy in 1989. Currently living and working in Beijing.

Selected Solo Exhibitions: "Overlaying and Repeating - Ma Shuqing 2018" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2018),"Powder-Dust - Ma Shuqing" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2016), "Ma Shuqing Solo Exhibition" (LinBART, Shanghai, 2015), "Work - Ma Shuqing Solo Exhibition" (Cheng ART,Beijing, 2015), "How to Make a Sexy Painting- Ma Shuqing 2015" (Inside- Out Art Museum, Beijing, 2015), "Touch" (Osage Gallery, Hong Kong, 2014), "Making- The Solo Exhibition of Ma Shuqing" (Yuan Art Museum, Beijing, 2014), "Whisper of Color Ma Shuqing Painting Exhibition" (Meijiang International ArtExhibition Gallery, Tianjin, 2013),"Whispering to Myself - 2011 Ma Shuqing" (Shuimu Art Space, Beijing, 2011), "Space- Painting:Ma Shuqing Solo Exhibition" (Shi Fang Fine Art, Dusseldorf, 2011), "Ma Shuqing Solo Exhibition" (German Embassy China,Beijing, 2010), "Ma Shuqing Solo Exhibition" (Klaus Lea Gallery, Munich, 1996), "Ma Shuqing Solo Exhibition" (Finkel Gallery, Munich, 1995), "Ma Shuqing Solo Exhibition" (Klaus Lea Gallery, Munich, 1993).

Selected Group Exhibitions: "The Hidden Matter" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2018),"The Research Exhibitionof Abstract Art in China" (Today Art Museum, Beijing, 2016), "Beyond Form - An Exhibition of Abstract Art in China" (Epoch Art Museum, Wenzhou,2015), "Today's Chinese Abstract Paintings" (Bochum Museum, Bochum, 2015), "This is Not Painting: Exploring the Boundary of Painting" (Asia Art Center, Taipei, 2015), "VISIBLEINVISIBLE III" ( Hongkun Museum of Fine Art, Beijing, 2014), "China -Germany: Abstract Painting Today" ( The Gasper Ludwig Oplander Foundation,Dortmund, 2012), "In Time - 2012 Chinese Oil Painting Biennale" (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2012), "Integratethe New Extension - Returned Overseas Artists Painting Exhibition" (World Art Museum, Beijing, 2012), "Chinese Contemporary Art"(Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm, 2010), "Array With No Objects - Academic Invting Exhibition of Contemparay Abstract Art" (Hubei Art Museum, Wuhan, 2010).

Awards: "Work of Excellence, the 1st National Oil Painting Exhibition of China, 1987"; "Works of Excellence, the 6th National Art Exhibition of China, 1985"; "Kunst Raum Daxer Heimhausen Scholarships, 1992".

Shen Kelong

Bornin Nanjing, Jiangsu, China in 1964, Graduated from Mural Department of University of the Arts, Nanjing in 1989. Currently working and living inFuzhou, China.

Selected Solo Exhibitions: "Shen Kelong: Magnificent and Changeful" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2017), "Contemplation on History - Shen Kelong Lacquer Art Exhibition" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2012), "She-Shi with Lacquer - Shen Kelong Art Exhibition" (Arthur M. Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology at Peking University, Beijing, 2011), "The Text of Lacquer Paintings - Shen Kelong Lacquer Painting Exhibition" (Beijing Jindu Art Center, Beijing, 2010).

Selected Group Exhibitions: "The Hidden Matter" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2018),"World of Lacquer: Cycle of Time - 2016 Hubei International Triennial of Lacquer Art" (Hubei Museum of Art, Wuhan, 2016), "Rest on Water and Gargle with Stone - Chinese Contemporary Literati Art" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2015), "Culture·Mind·Becoming - the 55th Venice Biennale Collateral Event" (Global Art Center Foundation, Palazzo Mora, Venice,2013), Hubei International Lacquer Triennial (Hubei Museum of Art, Wuhan, 2010), "Exulting - Chinese Abstract Art Macao Invitation Exhibition"(Beijing Jindu Art Center, Beijing, 2009), "The Third Space: Backto Modern Times - 09 Chinese Abstract Art Exhibition" (Hangzhou West LakeMuseum, Hangzhou / Beijing Jindu Art Center, Beijing, China, 2009), "Creationand Space - Chinese Contemporary Lacquer Academic Nomination Exhibition" (Hubei Museum of Art, Wuhan, 2009)

Awards: Lacquer painting “Allthe Millennium” was awarded silver award in the Twelfth National ArtExhibition, 2014; Lacquer painting “Whose Courtyard” was awarded nominations prize in The Eleventh National Art Exhibition, 2010;  Oil painting “Jiangnan in March” wasparticipated in the Tenth National Art Exhibition, 2006; Granted BBKscholarship and invited for art exchange in Germany, paper painting “Origin,True Feeling series” was exhibited, 2005; Lacquer painting “Vanity” was awardedexcellence prize in the 1st National Lacquer Painting Exhibition, Xiamen, 2002.

Jiang Ji'an

Born in Yantai, Shandong Province in 1967;Got his bachelor degree in Art School of Shandong Normal University, major in chinese painting in 1987;Got master degree in China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1992. Now living in Beijing.

Selected Solo Exhibitions: “In-between Object and Shadow - Jiang Ji'an Solo Exhibition”(Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2016),“Two-bedroom Apartment”(North Latitude 40 °Community in Wangjing, Beijing, 2009),“Jiang Ji'an Solo Exhibition”(Experimental Art School of CAFA, Beijing, 2007),“Jiang Ji'an Solo Exhibition”(K Space,Beijing, 2009),“Sweet Home stead - Jiang Ji'an Solo Exhibition”(K Space,Beijing, 2006),“Calm -Jiang Ji'an Solo Exhibition”(K Space, Beijing, 2006).

Selected group exhibitions: "The Hidden Matter" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2018),"Material and Charting"(Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Art, Nanjing, 2018),"Memory and Contemporaneity"(Venetian Arsenale, Venice, 2017),"Simul-taneous Eidos- Guangzhou Image Triennial 2017"(Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2017),"Zao Hua - Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition"(Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart / 204 Art Space, Melbourne / C’s Gallery, Sydney, 2016),"Cultural Context - Chinese Contemporary art Exhibition"(Coopculture, Saluzzo, Italy/ Athens Cultural Center, Athens, 2016), "Rest on Water and Garglewith Stone - Chinese Contemporary Literati Art"(Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2015),"The Revival of Tradition - Another Approach to Contemporary Chinese Art", (Javits Center, New York, 2015),"Colors of China"(Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2015),"2013-2014 Chinese Ink Art Painting Biennale - Flowing Ink Art"(Times Art Museum, Beijing, 2013),"Hue Art in the Contemporary Era - The 9th National Exhibition of Chinese Hue Art Paintings"(National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2013),"The Wisdom of The Era - Exhibition Tour of AAC"(Today Art Museum, Beijing /Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shengzheng / Winshare Art Museum, Chengdu / TITAN Art Museum, Xi'an / Heng Yuan Xiang Xiang Shan Art Museum, Shanghai / Wuhan ArtMuseum, Wuhan, 2013),"2012 Contemporary Traditional Chinese Elaborate-Style Painting Nomination Exhibition"(Shanghai Museum of Art,Shanghai, 2012), "Academic Painting - The First Academic Exhibitionof well-known Artists of Chinese Gongbi Art Painting"(Art Gallery of China National Academy of Painting, Beijing, 2011),"Two-bedroom Apartmentand Paintings on Silk"(Beijing Metro Line No.4 Art Gallery, Beijing, 2010),"Art Exhibition for celebrating 60 years anniversary of PRC foundation"(Beijing Hotel, Beijing,  2009),"The Academic Exhibition of Chinese Fine Artists painting"(Art Gallery of China National Academy of Painting,Beijing, 2009).

Awards: "DanQing Award, the 4th Chinese Painting Exhibition,1998","Merit Award, China International Annual Youth Art Exhibition,1997".

Hang Chunhui

Born in Anhui province in 1976, Graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing with a Master’s degree in 2005, Ph. D. in contemporary ink and water figure painting at Chinese National Academy of Artsin 2010. Currently working and living in Beijing.


Selected Solo Exhibitions:"Ambiguity- Hang Chunhui 2017 " (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2017), "Material and Style - Daily Life " (Da Xiang Art Space, Taichung, 2016),"Material and Style - Hang Chunhui2015 " (Ovation Art Space,Beijing, 2015),"Hang Chunhui Solo Exhibition " (Hazlitt’s Gallery, New York, 2015).


Selected group exhibitions:"The Hidden Matter" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2018)","SuzhouJinji Lake Biennale"(Jinji Lake Art Museum, Suzhou, 2018)Chinese Contemporary Ink·Masterpieces of Qishe Ya·Ji "(541 Art Space, Sydney, 2017),"Hue Art Paintings at Contemporary Era - The 10th National Exhibition of Chinese Hue Art Paintings"(National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2016),"The Third Exhibition of Contemporary Ink Works Disguised Form-Ink Paintings’Dimension"(Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2016),"In Ink - Contemporary Chinese Ink Art"(Royal College of Art Gallery, Kensington, 2016)"Storiesof the Life: Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition" (Adelaide Festival Centre, Adelaide, 2016),"A New Fine Line: Contemporary Ink Painting From China"(Metropolitan StateUniversity Center for the Visual Arts, Denver, 2015),"The 5th Brewer J.C. Jacobsen s Portrait Award Exhibition"(Frederiksborg Castle The Museum of National History, Copenhagen, 2015),"Shuimo - Meet Revolution, The New Silk Road"(Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, 2015),"A New Account of Meticulous Paintings - 2014 New Meticulous Painting Invitation Exhibition"(Jiangsu Art Museum, Nan Jing, 2014),"Devotion To Ink - Contemporary Ink Exhibition"(Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Hong Kong, 2014),"Investigate Things to Extend Knowledge - Contemporary Statements of Chinese" (National Museum of China, Beijing, 2013),"Multi - layered: 2012 Contemporary Traditional Chinese Elaborate - Style Painting Nomination Exhibition"(Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, 2012).


Awards:"The 11th Art Power 100·Annual Growth Period of Art,2018","The 5th Brewer J.C. Jacobsen’s Portrait Award International Assessment Award,2015","Times Art Museum Annual Artist Award,2015","The Second National Exhibition of Claborate-Style Gorgeous-Color Paintings Painters Award,2009".

