

2017-09-06 上海外语教育出版社





Waves upon waves the Yangtze River rushes on its eastbound way,

Its white crests wash away all the heroes, valiant and brave.

Right or wrong, triumph or defeat, all is forgotten in the blink of an eye.

What remains only are the hills, so green

And the glow of the sunset, so red.


To the river banks come the white-haired fisherman and woodsman,

Enough have they seen of spring wind and autumn moon.

Over a jar of wine, they rejoice at their happy meeting.

Alas, so many great events of past and present,

Serve but as food for their talk and laughter. 

        千呼万唤,虞苏美教授翻译的《三国演义The Three Kingdoms》总算赶在新学期伊始上市,为莘莘学子们献上重重厚礼。精彩的译文和文化注释带我们重新认识文化经典。汉英人名表,明清白描图,手绘地图,带我们重回硝烟四起的古战场。至此,凝聚了国际知名译者毕生精力的汉英对照版四大名著全部出齐,重现了中国古典名著的神韵。最好最新译本,最用心审校,最美装帧设计,值得典藏。

        最新出版的《三国演义The Three Kingdoms》(汉英对照版)由虞苏美教授翻译,Ronald C. Iverson审订。这是第一个由中国人翻译的一百二十回《三国演义》全本,除少量的诗歌和情节稍有省略,译文几乎做到了一一对应。译文流畅、直白、准确,还附有必要的文化注释,能够为翻译学习提供典范,也为世界了解中国的传统文化提供了一个重要途径。




罗纳德·艾维生(Ronald C. Iverson):1984年跟随芝加哥市长团友好城市项目第一次造访中国。随后30年间,他多次来访,与中国合作方共同从事商务活动,并在上海的同济大学教授商业战略。曾策划名为“紫禁城珍宝”的美国首次故宫巡展。来华期间,他了解了《三国演义》对于中国人的深刻文化影响,认识到在中国无论从商还是从政都必须熟知书中揭示的原则。

         The Three Kingdoms, which manifests the highest accomplishment of classical Chinese historical novel, is the most vivid literary representation of ancient Chinese politics and culture. The story encodes the ebb and flow of empires, the calculations and strategies of politics, the maneuver and logistics of military science, the legends and sagas of heroes, the opaqueness and ambiguousness of events, the unpredictability and uncertainty of fate, the complexity and complication of humanity into the intensive, tortuous, exciting and attractive war narration. The story is an encyclopedia of Chinese wisdom as well as the collective cultural memory of the Chinese-speaking world. It has proved itself as timeless and inspirational. Prof. Yu Sumei’s translation is both faithful to the original text and readable to English readers. In loyal but flexible, natural yet lifelike language, the translator brings to the readers of the English world the weight and brilliance of Chinese Homeric epics and War and Peace. 



        The Three Kingdoms, a household classic novel in China, poses a tremendous challenge to any aspiring translators, as it contains a huge number of personages against complicated historical and social backgrounds, amid shifting battle situations with different local colors. And one thing that would frequently tax the translators’ wisdom throughout the gigantic story is that numerous connotations are hidden in the sea of Chinese metaphors and classic idioms. Despite all this, Professor Yu Sumei offers a noble and idiomatic English version of the great novel through ingenious strategies and tactics. This wonderful translation, with its lucid and succinct style, would, I believe, win the hearts of the English readers.



        四大名著双语版出版的消息2017年9月6日作为《文汇报》文化版头条、《新闻晨报》A06上海新闻版头条刊登,并受到《中国日报》、光明网、央广网、腾讯新闻、澎湃网、《解放日报》上观新闻、《中国新闻出版广电报》、Shanghai Daily 等中央及地方媒体的关注,新浪、搜狐、网易、凤凰网、中国文化传媒网、中国广播网等众多媒体转载。


        那么,关键来了,如何购买最新出版的《三国演义The Three Kingdoms》(汉英对照版)?用手机扫描下方二维码,即刻前往尚外网购买吧!四大名著双语版均已上架。




