
Another year of outstanding IGCSE scores!

W​CIS WellingtonCollegeSH 2023-10-19

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As we look forward to the 2023-24 academic year, we have some wonderful news to share. The results from the 2023 IGCSE examinations are in, and we are delighted to announce that our year 11 pupils have earned some truly outstanding marks.

“Our IGCSE pupils should be delighted with their exceptional results, which exceed even our highest hopes. These well-earned grades reflect their diligent efforts and dedication and will serve as a strong foundation as they embark on the rigours of Sixth Form studies.”

"These top results are a true reflection of the perseverance and strength of character our pupils exhibited for the past two years. I have no doubt they will readily embrace new opportunities and adventures that await them as they embark on the IB programme this year."

“As we celebrate the successes of our former year 11 pupils, we look forward to continuing to support them as they progress to the next stage of their academic journey. We are confident that their experiences at Wellington will serve them well in the future and that they will continue to exhibit the Wellington Value of Courage as they face new challenges and exciting opportunities.”

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our new Sixth Form cohort for this outstanding accomplishment. We look forward to seeing all that they will achieve during their final two years at Wellington!

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