

Deramer 唧唧堂 2022-07-11

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解析作者 | 心理学导读库写作小组: Deramer
审校 | 心理学导读库写作小组:小二潇

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大多数人设想,他们的生活在未来会变得更令人满意。借鉴反思和评价模型(REM;Markman&McMullen,2003),在三项预先登记的研究中,我们评估了使用反思和评价思维方式展望更令人满意的未来生活的情感和动机含义。在研究1(N = 456; Mage = 30.54;40.8%为女性)和研究2(N = 440; Mage = 30.29; 36.1%为女性),思维方式(反思性、评价性、控制性)的实验操作对情感或动机没有显著影响。然而,在研究2和研究3中(N = 442; Mage= 30.61; 55.4%为女性),个体思维方式的差异与个体的情感反应和动机有系统的关系。也就是说,更多的反思性(相对于评价性)思维与更多的积极和更少的负面影响有关,对实现未来目标的承诺和信心更强,以及更大的感知成功。因此,本研究提供了关于反思性思维与评价性思维的有价值的新见解,因为人们普遍认为“最好的还在后面”。

Most individuals envision that their lives will become more satisfying in the future. Drawing on the Reflection and Evaluation Model (REM; Markman & McMullen, 2003), in three pre-registered studies we evaluated the affective and motivational implications of envisioning a more satisfying future life using a reflective versus evaluative mode of thinking. In Study 1 (N =456; Mage=30.54; 40.8% female) and Study 2 (N = 440; M age = 30.29; 36.1% female), experimental manipulations of mode of thinking (reflective, evaluative, control) did not significantly impact affect or motivation. However, in Study 2 and Study 3 (N = 442; Mage = 30.61; 55.4% female), individual differences in mode of thinking were systematically related to individuals' affective reactions and motivation. That is, more reflective (vs. evaluative) thinking was associated with more positive and less negative affect, stronger commitment to and confidence in achieving one's goals for the future, and greater perceived success. Thus, the present work provides valuable new insights about reflective versus evaluative thinking with respect to the widespread belief that ‘the best is yet to come’.

参考文献:Kremble, L., & Busseri, M. A. (2022). ‘The best is yet to come’: Examining the affective and motivational implications of reflective and evaluative thinking about a brighter future life. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104249.



Previous research suggests that individuals who prefer deontological over utilitarian choices in moral dilemmas are perceived to have stronger moral character than individuals who show the reverse preference. To gain deeper insights into the link between moral choices and moral impressions, the current research used a formal modeling approach to examine whether morally exceptional figures are perceived to differ from others in their sensitivity to consequences, sensitivity to moral norms, or general action tendencies when resolving moral dilemmas. Findings from four studies (N = 980) suggest that perceived morality is associated with greater presumed adherence to moral norms in the resolution of moral dilemmas. For sensitivity to consequences and general action tendencies, findings were mixed and attributable to characteristics confounded with perceived morality. The findings suggest a hitherto unexplored mechanism underlying moral-dilemma judgments by which moral judgments are based on mental simulations of decisions by morally exceptional figures.

参考文献:Gawronski, B. (2022). Moral impressions and presumed moral choices: Perceptions of how moral exemplars resolve moral dilemmas. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104265.



Racial minorities will soon outnumber white Americans in the U.S. Prior research suggests that this demographic shift is likely to increase white peoples' feelings of threat and anti-minority discrimination. But might this demographic shift also alter who is considered a minority in the first place? We tested whether knowledge of an impending “majority-minority” shift in the U.S. would increase threat to white status, leading white perceivers to see mixed-race faces as minorities rather than white—a strategy historically used to preserve white status in the American racial hierarchy. In an initial correlational study, white participants who self-reported greater white status threat perceived mixed-race faces as more Latino than white (Study 1). As compared to those in a control condition, white participants in Studies 2–5 who read about the U.S. demographic shift reported greater white status threat and exhibited reduced perceptual thresholds for categorizing mixed-race faces as Latino, Black, and “not white.” A mediation analysis across studies suggests that the status threat white participants experienced from the demographic shift may have lowered their threshold for seeing mixed-race faces as minorities. Our results indicate that the threat of demographic change alters race perception in a manner that increases the number of people who are seen as minorities and who are, therefore, more vulnerable to discrimination.

参考文献:Krosch, A. R., Park, S. J., Walker, J., & Lisner, A. R. (2022). The threat of a majority-minority US alters white Americans' perception of race. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104266.



While social-cognitive views emphasize the social context in which learning occurs (e.g., Piaget), how incompetent individuals cooperate with their peers remains unclear. In this research, a new type of epistemic regulation, concurrence-seeking epistemic regulation, was proposed, which was hypothesized to be adopted more by low-competence individuals in cooperative contexts. This hypothesis was tested by examining the main effects of perceived competence (high versus low) and social interdependence (cooperation versus competition) on sociocognitive conflict regulation. We aimed to validate a new 2 × 2 model of sociocognitive conflict regulation with dimensions of perceived competence and social interdependence through a randomized experimental design (Study 1: n = 200; Study 2: n = 500) and a field study of undergraduates' small group experiences (Study 3: n = 230). The results generally supported this model with statistically significant main effects of perceived competence and social interdependence as well as construct validity for concurrence-seeking regulation. Specifically, compared to high-competence individuals, low-competence individuals were more likely to use concurrence-seeking regulation; concurrence-seeking regulation was also more used as individuals perceived the context as more cooperative. The results refine the conceptualization of sociocognitive conflict regulation and inform how to support more effective types of conflict regulation.

参考文献:Lee, Y. K., & Roseth, C. J. (2022). A 2× 2 model of sociocognitive conflict regulation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104269.



Evolution-based theorizing has suggested that it may be more mandatory to respond to threatening than rewarding stimuli and considerations of this type are likely to influence the shape and time course of positive versus negative emotional reactions. Hypotheses of this type were examined in four within-subject experiments (total N = 573 undergraduate participants) that assessed moment-by-moment changes in affective feelings in response to appetitive versus aversive emotional images. Algorithms designed to identify peaks and onsets tended to be more successful in identifying negative emotional reactions relative to positive ones. In addition, negative reactions had faster onsets (3 of 4 studies), higher peak amplitudes, and cross-temporal shapes that better approximated prototypes derived by averaging across participants. In the context of a close temporal analysis, negative emotional reactions displayed several features (e.g., faster onsets, higher peaks, and greater matches to prototypes) that suggest higher levels of obligatory responding.

参考文献:Irvin, R. L., Klein, R. J., & Robinson, M. D. (2022). Faster, stronger, and more obligatory? A temporal analysis of negative (versus positive) emotional reactions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104272.



How do group-based interaction tendencies form through encounters with individual group members? In four experiments, in which participants interacted with group members in a reinforcement learning task presented as a money sharing game, participants formed instrumental reward associations with individual group members through direct interaction and feedback. Results revealed that individual-level reward learning generalized to a group-based representation, as indicated in self-reported group attitudes, trait impressions, and the tendency to choose subsequent interactions with novel members of the group. Experiments 3 and 4 further demonstrated that group-based reward effects on interaction choices persisted even when past group reward value was no longer predicted of future positive outcomes, consistent with a habit-like expression of group bias. These results demonstrate a novel process of prejudice formation based on instrumental reward learning from direct interactions with individual group members. We discuss implications for existing theories of prejudice, the role of habit in intergroup bias, and intervention strategies to reduce prejudice.

参考文献:Hackel, L. M., Kogon, D., Amodio, D. M., & Wood, W. (2022). Group value learned through interactions with members: A reinforcement learning account. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104267.



In this article, we extend theorizing on how actors in individual decision-making situations deal with multiple choices (choice bracketing) in an important joint, interdependent decision-making context—that is, negotiations. Based on the insights on choice bracketing, we posit that parties handle the complexity of multi-issue decision-making by cognitively grouping issues into separate subsets (issue bracketing). To systematically investigate this issue-bracketing process and elucidate its effects on interdependent parties' perceptions, behavior, and the quality of their agreements, we made competing propositions as to how parties would deal with varying numbers of negotiation issues: When facing a higher number of issues, parties may (1) bracket few(er) issues into more subsets, thereby resulting in (a) inadvertent scattering of integrative issues across issue subsets, (b) impaired exploration of integrative potential, and (c) a lower quality of joint decision outcomes. In stark contrast, parties could (2) bracket more issues into few(er) subsets, thereby resulting in (a) pooling of integrative issues within issue subsets, (b) facilitated exploration of integrative potential, and (c) higher-quality outcomes. We tested these predictions in one non-interactive and three interactive experiments (Ntotal = 815) using statistical and experimental mediation analyses. Results consistently revealed that negotiators facing more issues bracketed few issues into more subsets rather than more issues into fewer subsets. In turn, this narrow issue bracketing resulted in a scattering effect of the integrative issues and ultimately a lower integrative quality of decision outcomes. Findings are corroborated via an internal meta-analysis, and their theoretical and applied implications are discussed.

参考文献:Warsitzka, M., Zhang, H., Loschelder, D. D., Majer, J. M., & Trötschel, R. (2022). How cognitive issue bracketing affects interdependent decision-making in negotiations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104268.



Persistent social exclusion can detrimentally impact marginalized individuals' psychological well-being. However, little is known about the social factors that could moderate the psychological cost of social exclusion in persistently excluded social groups. Focusing on asylum-seekers, refugees, and voluntary economic immigrants, we tested if intergroup social connections with the majority national group (i.e., the host population) and other immigrants moderated the short- and long-term social exclusion impact. In Study 1 (N = 277), we found that the quantity and quality of connections with the national people reduced the immediate emotional burden of experimental exposure to social exclusion, whereas connections with other immigrants aggravated it. Study 2 (N = 112) consisted in a six-month longitudinal study investigating the influence of intergroup social relationships on the long-term psychological harm of social exclusion in asylum-seekers and refugees. Results showed that in participants who developed more frequent and close connections with people from the national group over time, social exclusion yielded a less detrimental long-term psychological impact. Oppositely, for immigrants who established increasing connections with other migrants, social exclusion led to more adverse psychological repercussions over time. The research provided replicated and complementary evidence highlighting that immigrants' intergroup connections can influence the short and long-term consequences of persistent exclusion, emphasizing the benefits of bridging connections with the national group and the risks of segregation within immigrants' niches.

参考文献:Marinucci, M., Mazzoni, D., Pancani, L., & Riva, P. (2022). To whom should I turn? Intergroup social connections moderate social exclusion's short-and long-term psychological impact on immigrants. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104275.



This registered study aimed at testing the role of emotion in the intervention effect of an experimental intervention study in academic settings. Previous analyses of the National Study of the Learning Mindset (Yeager et al., 2019) showed that in a randomized controlled trial, high school students who were given the growth mindset intervention had, on average higher GPA than did students in the control condition. Previous analyses also showed that school achievement levels moderated the intervention effect. This study applied a sentence-level text analysis strategy to detect participants' attentional focus in five emotional dimensions (valence, arousal, dominance/control, approach-avoidant, and uncertainty) across three writing prompts students wrote during the intervention. Linear mixed models were conducted to test if emotional dimension scores computed using the text analysis predicted a higher intervention effect (i.e., higher post-intervention GPA given pre-intervention GPA). The moderating role of school achievement levels was also examined. The results of this study have implications on the possibility of applying text analysis strategies on open-ended questions in interventions or experimental studies to examine the role of the emotion-attentional focus of participants during intervention or experimental studies on the intervention or experimental outcomes, especially those that are conducted in academic settings.

参考文献:Li, M. (2022). Application of sentence-level text analysis: The role of emotion in an experimental learning intervention. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104278.



 Simply as a function of being there to witness an anger-inducing event, hearing about it afterwards, or being on the receiving end of a text, email, or online post about it, can another person change individuals' affective and behavioral reactions to what happened? The present research tested the hypothesis that whereas perceiving a psychologically close other as witness to what happened intensifies individuals' angry reactions, perceiving a psychologically distant other such as an outgroup member as witness instead has an attenuating effect. We further tested a purely intrapersonal pathway through which these effects might arise, one that centers on the distinct levels of empathy that individuals imagine that close versus distant others feel for them. Results of five experiments were broadly consistent with predictions. These results were obtained across operationalizations of psychological closeness in terms of personality and values similarity (Experiments 1 and 2), demographic similarity (Experiments 3 and 4), and type of relationship (Experiment 5), across highly impactful recalled anger-inducing experiences (Experiments 1 to 4) and a minor event staged in the lab (Experiment 5), and across ostensible witnesses encountered in online exchanges (Experiments 1 to 4) and real witnesses who were physically present as observers (Experiment 5). Taken together, the findings point to the possibility of individuals creating “echo chambers” all by themselves that do not depend on any actual external validation or support and also suggest that outgroup audiences may sometimes have affective implications that parallel those stimulated by adopting a distanced perspective on the self.

参考文献:Vorauer, J. D., & Petsnik, C. (2022). Imagined empathy and anger intensity: Distinct emotional implications of perceiving that a close versus distant other is privy to an anger-inducing experience. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104276.



 Black men are generally stereotyped as physically formidable and threatening. Across 3 studies, we investigate whether this threat stereotyping is diluted when Black men are obese. We competitively tested two hypotheses investigating whether obese Black men are seen as less racially stereotypical overall, or as uniquely less threatening (but still racially stereotypic more broadly). In Study 1, perceivers were less likely to list threat as a stereotype of obese Black men than weight-unspecified Black men. In Study 2, obese Black men were subject to reduced threat stereotypes, but were still subject to other stereotypes about Black men. Finally, in Study 3 this threat-specific dilution led perceivers to anticipate feeling less threatened by obese Black men, and believe police use-of-force is less justified toward obese Black men, relative to average-weight Black men (Study 3). Taken together, these findings demonstrate that the well-established stereotype of Black men as threatening is not applied equally across weight. Instead, contradicting stereotypes of obese individuals as physically and psychologically incapable of threat dilutes the Black-threat stereotype. However, obese Black men are still subject to harmful race-based stereotypes unrelated to threat.

参考文献:Sim, M., Almaraz, S. M., & Hugenberg, K. (2022). Stereotyping at the intersection of race and weight: Diluted threat stereotyping of obese Black men. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104274.



 People prefer linguistic stimuli with an inward-wandering consonant sequence (e.g., PATIKO) over those with an outward-wandering consonant sequence (e.g., KATIPO), a preference referred to as articulatory in-out effect. Previous research has proposed that this effect is based on a higher fluency of inward versus outward articulation. Recently, however, several keystones of this articulation fluency account have been called into question. In the present research, we provide a straightforward test for this account by extending the traditional in-out effect research design to include other sequences as well. This allowed comparing liking and articulation fluency judgments over a range of stimuli beyond merely inward vs. outward stimuli. The results of two highly powered experiments (N = 531, one preregistered) show that even though inward stimuli are more fluent and better liked than outward stimuli, over all stimulus types articulation fluency and liking judgments diverge. These findings imply that articulation fluency alone cannot account for differences in liking such as the in-out effect. We discuss further directions for future in-out effect research.

参考文献:Ingendahl, M., Vogel, T., & Wänke, M. (2022). The articulatory in-out effect: Driven by articulation fluency?. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104273.





