
唧唧堂:JOM 运营管理期刊 2022年1月论文摘要4篇

Janice 唧唧堂 2022-07-16

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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: Janice
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组:kalinda
编辑 | 小巴

  1. 思维相似与否:买方-供应商新产品开发项目中交易心理契约一致性的绩效影响

买方-供应商新产品开发(New Product Development, NPD)项目是一项模糊而复杂的交易,正式合同和合作关系都不足以确保其成功。由于项目成员的交易心理契约(Transactional Psychological Contracts, TPCs)具有很强的激励作用,项目绩效也会受到TPCs的直接影响。本文采用二元观点,使用来自279个NPD项目的二元匹配调查数据集来探索买方-供应商TPCs (不)一致性对绩效的影响。本文发现,一致性的水平(一致vs.不一致)、类型(高-高vs.低-低)和方向(买方更高vs.供应商更高)都会影响项目绩效。本文挑战了认为买方-供应商一致性通常富有成效的传统观点,发现,TPCs这种通常不理想的心理契约类型的一致性,降低了NPD项目的产品质量。这是因为TPCs一致性通过创造心理平衡和消除有益冲突使项目成员囿于现状,妨碍了团队在探索和利用(exploration and exploitation)间保持平衡。买方低-供应商高的TPCs不一致组合对于提高产品质量和开发效率是最有效的。上述结果提醒NPD项目经理,买方和供应商的TPC可以共同对项目结果产生交互影响,而非仅存在两方各自TPC的单独影响。

A buyer–supplier new product development (NPD) project is an ambiguous and complex transaction, making neither formal contracts nor a collaborative relationship sufficient to ensure project success. NPD project performance could also be directly influenced by the transactional psychological contracts (TPCs) of project members due to their strong motivational effect. Adopting a dyadic view, we explore the performance implications of buyer–supplier TPCs (in)congruence using a matched, dyadic survey dataset from 279 NPD projects. We find that levels of congruence (congruent vs. incongruent), types of congruence (high–high vs. low–low), and directions of incongruence (buyer-higher vs. supplier-higher) all affect project performance. Challenging the conventional wisdom that buyer–supplier congruence is generally productive, we find that congruence in TPCs, a generally undesirable type of PC, lowers product quality in NPD projects. This is because congruence in TPCs locks project members in the status quo by creating psychological balance and removing healthy conflicts, which prevents a team from balancing between exploration and exploitation. The combination of buyer-lower, supplier-higher TPCs incongruence is most effective for improving both product quality and development efficiency. These results remind NPD project managers that buyer and supplier TPCs can interact to jointly affect project outcomes beyond individual influences of each party's TPC.


Deng, C., Yan, T., Mao, J., & Yin, S. (2022). Thinking alike or not: Performance implications of transactional psychological contract congruence in buyer–supplier new product development projects. Journal of Operations Management, 68(1), 4-32. https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1163

2. 当地杂货店的产品种类: 最小存货单位销售的差异化效应

本文在最小存货单位(Stock-Keeping Unit, SKU)层面上实证检验了产品多样性对销售的影响。此前的运营管理实证研究通常将产品多样性作为单一维度的衡量标准(如商店、分销中心或公司的SKU量)研究其对(商店、分销中心或公司的)总销售额的影响。如此这般,不同品牌的SKU对总销售额的贡献是相等的,但事实并非总是如此。为解决上述问题,本文需将品牌的产品多样性概念化,并在更精细的层面上研究其对销售的影响。本文提出并从理论上阐明了两个产品多样性维度(即品牌内部多样性[Within-brand Variety, WV]和其他品牌的平均品牌内部多样性[Average WV of Other brands, AWVO]),以研究产品多样性与SKU销售间的关系机制。运用当地杂货零售商的详细交易数据集,首先,正如文献所示,本文表明概念化的品牌内部产品多样性(即WVs的平均值[MWV])的确对子类别(产品的)总销售额有影响。在SKU层面,本文发现WV提升了同品牌的SKU销售额,而AWVO则相反。本文为文献中观察到的产品种类和总销售额之间的倒U形关系提供了另一种解释:增加产品种类只会增加属于已增加产品种类的品牌的SKU销售额,同时会减少其他品牌的SKU销售额。本文还发现,差异化效应在不同的盈利水平和产品类别之间存在显著差异。产品多样性对高利润产品产生的积极影响最大。产品种类对特定产品类别销售额的影响从高达11%到可忽略不计不等。本文进一步讨论了以上发现的实践价值,通过多重测试展示了以上结果的稳健性,并使用控制函数法(Control Function Approach)处理了内生性问题。

We empirically examine the effect of product variety on sales at the stock-keeping unit (SKU) level. Prior empirical operations management studies generally treat product variety as a single-dimensional measure (e.g., the number of SKUs carried by the store, distribution center, or firm) and study its impact on aggregate sales (e.g., sales at the store, distribution center, or firm). As such, SKUs from different brands are assumed to contribute equally to total sales, which is not always the case. To address this, we need to conceptualize product variety within brands and investigate its impact on sales at a more granular level. In this study, we propose and theoretically articulate two product variety dimensions (within-brand variety [WV] and average WV of other brands [AWVO]) to investigate the mechanisms that connect product variety to SKU-level sales. Using a detailed transaction dataset from a local grocery retailer, we first show that product variety conceptualized within brands (i.e., the mean of WVs [MWV]) does have an impact on aggregate subcategory sales, as the literature suggests. At the SKU level, we find WV increases same-brand SKU sales, while AWVO reduces it. Our work provides an alternative explanation to the inverted U-shaped relationship between product variety and aggregate sales observed in the literature: Increasing variety only increases sales of SKUs belonging to the brand whose variety has increased, while it decreases sales of the other SKUs. We also find that variety effects vary significantly across different profitability levels and product categories. Product variety appears to have the strongest positive effect on high-margin products. The impact of product variety on specific product category sales varies from as high as 11% to negligible. We further discuss the practical value of our findings and show the robustness of our results through multiple tests while addressing endogeneity using the control function approach.

参考文献:Lu, G., Lee, H., & Son, J. (2022). Product variety in local grocery stores: Differential effects on stock-keeping unit level sales. Journal of Operations Management, 68(1), 33-54. https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1158.

3. 因果关系和买方归因在解决供应商引起的经常性供应中断中的作用


While the literature tends to take a dichotomous view of supplier-induced disruptions, we take a continuum perspective: a buyer perceives a disruption induced by the supplier to varying degrees (i.e., attributing varying levels of responsibility to the supplier), thus affecting the buyer's decisions in switching suppliers. By focusing on the recurrent disruptions, we argue that imputed buyers' attributions of responsibility are characterized by disruptions' recurrent nature and locus of causality—whether the disruptions were repeatedly triggered by recurrent events internal or external to the supplier. Furthermore, while previous studies have identified either buyers' attributions of disruptions or suppliers' justice approaches (to resolve disruptions) as independent factors driving buyers' decisions, we integrate attribution and justice theories and investigate their combined effect—how responsibility attributions affect buyers' switching intentions given suppliers' justice approaches. Using three vignette-based studies of 705 purchasing managers (supplemented by three robustness check studies), we show that distributive justice attenuates the damaging impact of disruptions triggered by suppliers' internal incidents (internal locus) on buyers' switching intentions, whereas procedural and interactional justice are more instrumental in disruptions triggered by external events (external locus). We conclude by offering substantive guidance for suppliers regarding appropriate actions in preserving the relationship.

参考文献:Wang, Q., Cheng, L., Craighead, C. W., & Li, J. J. (2022). The roles of locus of causality and buyer attribution in resolution of recurrent supplier-induced disruptions. Journal of Operations Management, 68(1), 55-93. https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1165

4. 公司应该使用数字化工作指令吗?—敏捷制造环境中的个人学习


New technological innovations in robotics, automation, and digitization enable agile manufacturing, smaller lot sizes, and quicker changes to the product and the production process. In such environments, learning is important, since workers must learn new tasks and adapt to frequent changes quickly. In an experimental study, we compare digital work instructions with traditional paper-based ones, the latter still being common in today's quality management systems. Our analysis is based on subjects working in the demonstration factory of a large German university in a realistic work environment; it, therefore, guarantees high internal and external validity. We show that digitally animated, interactive work instructions are an effective way to foster faster learning and enhanced performance when new manufacturing tasks are being carried out. Our results indicate that a combination of digital and traditional paper-based instructions does not yield any advantages over a sole reliance on digital learning.

参考文献:Letmathe, P., & Rößler, M. (2022). Should firms use digital work instructions? —Individual learning in an agile manufacturing setting. Journal of Operations Management, 68(1), 94-109. https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1159





