
唧唧堂:JMIS 管理信息系统期刊2022年第1刊论文摘要10篇

Jessica 唧唧堂 2022-06-30

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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: Jessica
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组:Evelyn
编辑 | 小巴



Organizations usually have difficulty adjusting to technology-enabled changes. Recent research has examined the interaction between technology and the key job outcomes of employees. But this research stream has done so using a linear lens even though this interplay has been recognized to be dynamic and complex. We challenge here this linearity assumption. We theorized that enterprise system (ES) use influences post-implementation job scope, and the change from pre- to post-implementation job scope perceptions will have a complex effect on job outcomes that are best captured by a polynomial model. Drawing on the anchoring-and-adjustment perspective in decision-making research, our polynomial model highlights the dynamic nature of employee reactions to changes in job scope brought about by an ES implementation that cannot be captured by traditional linear models. We found support for our model using data collected in a longitudinal field study from 2,794 employees at a telecommunications firm over a period of 12 months. Our findings highlight the key role an ES implementation can have in changing the nature of jobs and how those changes can, in turn, drive job performance and job satisfaction. This research also extends classical job characteristics research by arguing for a more complex relationship between the scope and outcomes of technology-supported jobs.

论文原文:Venkatesh, V., & Goyal, S. (2022). Impact of an Enterprise System Implementation on Job Outcomes: Challenging the Linearity Assumption. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(1), 6-40.



Worker persistence—the ability to focus on a task for long periods of time—is often highlighted as essential to success. However, computers are extraordinarily persistent, particularly for routine, repetitive work. This potentially reduces the value of human persistence in occupations that are computerized. Using a well-defined measure of worker persistence across a nationally-representative 16-year sample of 4,239 individuals, we investigate the extent to which occupations value worker persistence in the presence of computers. We find that the labor market does indeed value persistence. Nonetheless, we find that in routine jobs, the wage premium of human persistence diminishes with the degree of workplace computerization. Yet, this substitution does not occur in non-routine jobs. These findings deepen our understanding of the effect of workplace computerization on the future of work and workers, and they also warrant imlications on government job training programs, organizational talent management, as well as the redesign of the K-12 curriculum.

论文原文:Brynjolfsson, E., Liu, M., & Westerman, G. (2022). Do Computers Reduce the Value of Worker Persistence?. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(1), 41-67.

3、基于位置的移动游戏和本地抑郁趋势:一项针对Pokémon Go的研究

新兴文献已经开始研究技术在公共卫生中的作用。然而,对于数字游戏(尤其是手机游戏),是否会影响心理健康,特别是抑郁症,以及为什么会影响心理健康,人们知之甚少。在这项工作中,研究者本文探究了基于位置的移动游戏对当地抑郁症趋势的影响。本文使用医学和公共卫生文献中完善的机制,通过网络搜索抑郁症相关术语来衡量人口水平的抑郁症。本文认为,Pokémon Go这种鼓励户外体育活动,面对面社交和接触大自然的手机游戏的推出,可能会减轻游戏玩家的非临床形式的轻度抑郁症。为了确定这种影响,本文采用DID方法,利用Pokémon Go在12个英语国家的166个地区的交错发布,本文证明了在那些可以玩Pokémon Go的地区,与抑郁症相关的搜索出现了非平衡的下降。这一发现证实了一些轶事,即基于位置的手机游戏可以缓解用户的抑郁症状,强调了基于地理位置的移动游戏的心理健康机会,并为信息系统研究创造了新的机会。

Emerging literature has begun to investigate the role of technology in public health. Yet, a minimal amount is understood about whether, how, and why digital games, notably mobile games, might affect mental health, particularly depression. In this work, we examine the effect of location-based mobile gaming on local depression trends. We measure population-level depression using a well-established mechanism from the medical and public health literature, internet search of depression-related terms. We argue that the introduction of Pokémon Go, a mobile game that encourages outdoor physical activity, face-to-face socialization, and exposure to nature, may alleviate non-clinical forms of mild depression for users playing the game. To identify the effect, we employ a difference-in-differences approach to exploit the staggered release of Pokémon Go into 166 regions in 12 English-speaking countries. We empirically document a disproportionate decrease in depression-related search in those regions where users are able to play Pokémon Go. This finding lends credence to anecdotal claims that location-based mobile games may alleviate symptoms of depression of their users, underscoring the mental health opportunities of location-based mobile gaming and creating new opportunities for information systems research.

论文原文:Cheng, Z., Greenwood, B. N., & Pavlou, P. A. (2022). Location-based mobile gaming and local depression trends: a study of Pokémon Go. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(1), 68-101.



Teams have increasingly turned to computer-mediated communication (CMC) to work when team members cannot all be in the same physical space at the same time, leading to the need to better understand what influences group performance in these settings. We know that team member intelligence and personality affect team performance when teams work face-to-face, but their effects are not yet clear when teams use text-based CMC, which has different characteristics than face-to-face communication. We conducted a laboratory study of 61 teams working on a decision-making task using text-based CMC. We found that team mean extraversion had a large negative effect, and team mean neuroticism had a medium-sized negative effect on team performance. Team mean intelligence had no effect. We recommend that managers consider the effects of extraversion when selecting team members and focus on selecting more introverted team members if the team is likely to extensively use text-based CMC. Likewise, managers should consider extraversion when designing teamwork processes for virtual teams; if a team has many members who are high in extraversion, the team should use text-based CMC sparingly. We also recommend that researchers use extraversion as a control factor in future research studying text-based CMC because extraversion has a large effect on team outcomes and, left uncontrolled, could increase unexplained error variance and overshadow the focus of the research study.

论文原文:Dennis, A. S., Barlow, J. B., & Dennis, A. R. (2022). The Power of Introverts: Personality and Intelligence in Virtual Teams. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(1), 102-129.



We develop a dynamic model to examine how information nudges influence digital services’ consumer usage behavior and welfare under a three-part tariff structure. We study two types of information nudging: nudging through full and nudging through partial information provision. In the former, information nudges are provided to inform consumers of their usage status at every decision point in a billing cycle. In contrast, in the latter, consumers are nudged at one or more decision points within a billing cycle but not throughout the billing cycle. Our model considers two dimensions of consumer heterogeneity: inattentiveness and preference. Furthermore, our model investigates an important but under-investigated design element of information nudges, namely, the timing of the information nudges. We find that (1) nudging through information provision influences inattentive consumers’ usage decisions and improves consumption efficiency, (2) consumers’ welfare gains from full information nudging depict an inverted-U shape contingent on consumers’ preference heterogeneity, and (3) the timing of nudging matters. Our findings provide managerial implications for the design of information nudging strategies and procedures. Finally, we empirically illustrate the analytical results in the context of consumers’ mobile data usage behavior.

论文原文:Xiao, P., Chen, Y., Bharadwaj, A., & Bao, W. (2022). The Effects of Information Nudges on Consumer Usage of Digital Services under Three-Part Tariffs. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(1), 130-158.



On e-commerce platforms, consumers rely heavily on online reviews, sales volume, and social media discussions to infer product quality. As a result, the past decade has witnessed an explosive growth of seller-initiated misrepresentation of quality through fake reviews, fake sales, and fake posts. We develop an analytical model to investigate sellers’ competition in quality misrepresentation in agency pricing and the platform’s policies. The platform can discourage sellers’ quality misrepresentations by increasing the cost of misrepresentation or implementing a more lenient product return policy. We find that while a stricter anti-misrepresentation policy deters the misrepresentation of the high-quality seller, such a strategy may unintendedly incentivize the low-quality seller to misrepresent the quality more. Furthermore, increasing return leniency deters low-quality seller’s misrepresentation in a wider range of market conditions than increasing the misrepresentation cost. We show sellers’ online quality misrepresentation behaviors in a competitive setting, and our results have practical implications for platform policies.

论文原文:Pu, J., Nian, T., Qiu, L., & Cheng, H. K. (2022). Platform policies and sellers’ competition in agency selling in the presence of online quality misrepresentation. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(1), 159-186.



Information technology (IT) interruptions are IT-based events that capture users’ attention and interfere with other activities. This study focuses on repeated IT interruption and task performance. We draw on dual-process theory and suggest that users may get used to repeated IT interruption, known as habituation, or may become hypersensitive, known as sensitization. We validate the research model based on data from a laboratory experiment with 100 subjects by using a multivariate latent growth model (LGM). With subjective and objective measurement techniques, we show how users respond to repeated IT interruption with physiological arousal, psychological exhaustion, and behavioral task performance. Our results indicate that user responses follow different patterns over time, revealing time-dependent effects of arousal and exhaustion on task performance. We contribute to literature by providing evidence that repeated IT interruption results in unique habituation and sensitization user response patterns compared to a single IT interruption.

论文原文:Weinert, C., Maier, C., Laumer, S., & Weitzel, T. (2022). Repeated IT Interruption: Habituation and Sensitization of User Responses. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(1), 187-217.



In online environments (i.e., product review sites in our case), consumers are increasingly interacting and socializing with many “strangers” (i.e., online crowds) as well as sharing personal and product information. Drawing from social norms theory, we examine how the multiple aspects of online crowds affect their self-disclosure behaviors as they provide online reviews and investigate the extent to which prior experience moderates this relationship. Our analysis of data from a leading apparel rental site in the United States uncovers that individuals are inclined to conform to the self-disclosure behaviors of a crowd and divulge more personal information as self-disclosure variance within the group increases. Conversely, individuals are more likely to conceal personal information as a review page becomes crowded. The findings reveal that a reviewer’s prior experience of writing a review on the website weakens conformity behavior and reduces the effects of crowdedness. The prior experience also positively interacts with self-disclosure variance in a crowd. Based on these results, we present theoretical implications to literature on social norms and privacy, prior experience, and online reviews. This study also has managerial implications for firms interested in content generation by online reviewers and in review systems where user-generated content is essential

论文原文:Choi, H. S., Oh, W., Kwak, C., Lee, J., & Lee, H. (2022). Effects of Online Crowds on Self-Disclosure Behaviors in Online Reviews: A Multidimensional Examination. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(1), 218-246.



Firms organize tournaments on online crowdsourcing platforms to outsource complex business problems to external solvers. Participants on these platforms often self-organize into ad-hoc virtual teams to compete in such tournaments. Social dominance-based faultlines, which originate from the alignment of members based on IT-enabled social dominance attributes (e.g., rank and tier), have emerged as a novel type of faultline in crowdsourcing teams. Building on the Categorization-Elaboration Model (CEM), we investigate the contingent effects of team ability and team effort on the relationship between social dominance-based faultlines and team performance in crowdsourcing tournaments. We collected data of 265 virtual teams from Kaggle.com. We discovered that IT-enabled social dominance-based faultlines positively influence the performance of teams with low ability and high effort, whereas the effect becomes negative for teams with high ability and low effort. Our study yields theoretical implications by advancing a novel type of social dominance-based faultline and extending the CEM with two contingent factors (i.e., team effort and team ability) pertinent to team performance on crowdsourcing tournaments. We also offer practical guidelines for team formation in crowdsourcing tournaments and for the design of crowdsourcing platforms.

论文原文:Cao, F., Wang, W., Lim, E., Liu, X., & Tan, C. W. (2022). Do Social Dominance-Based Faultlines Help or Hurt Team Performance in Crowdsourcing Tournaments?. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(1), 247-275.


基于奖励的众筹已经成为企业家的一个流行的筹款市场。然而,很少有研究从过程的角度来考察募捐者网络对众筹项目执行效率的影响。通过收集2017年 Kickstarter网站上所有筹资者的筹资活动,本文构建了一个筹资人网络以考察筹资网络结构特征对项目执行效率的影响。运用内生随机前沿分析方法,本文发现筹资网络中的互惠性和可达性提高了项目执行效率。本文还证明,通过成为筹款人网络中的权威人物而获得网络地位可以提高项目执行的有效性。总之,本文的研究明确了募捐者网络特征对项目执行效率的影响,并引入了一个评估众筹活动的过程视角。

Reward-based crowdfunding has become a popular fundraising marketspace for entrepreneurs. However, few studies take a process perspective and examine how fundraiser network influences the execution effectiveness of crowdfunding projects. Collecting the funding activities of all fundraisers on Kickstarter in 2017, we construct a fundraiser network and examine the effects of fundraiser network structural characteristics on project execution effectiveness. Employing endogenous stochastic frontier analysis, we show that reciprocity and accessibility in the fundraiser network increase project execution effectiveness. We also demonstrate that gaining network status by virtue of being an authoritative figure in the fundraiser network increases project execution effectiveness. In sum, our study identifies the effects of the fundraiser network characteristics on project execution effectiveness and introduces a process perspective for evaluating crowdfunding campaigns.

论文原文:Kao, T. W., Hsiao, S. H., Su, H. C., & Ku, C. H. (2022). Deriving Execution Effectiveness of Crowdfunding Projects from the Fundraiser Network. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(1), 276-301.





