
唧唧堂:JOM 运营管理期刊 2023年1月刊论文摘要6篇

Lucas 唧唧堂 2023-04-08
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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组:Lucas
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组:YiYi
编辑 | 巴斯少年

1. 亚马逊整合后最后一公里配送的运营效率和政策影响分析


We examine how Amazon’s decision to vertically integrate its retail platform and last-mile delivery operations can lead to anti-competitive outcomes as a result of a deterioration in the operating efficiency in the routes served by a last-mile transportation firm. Based on an operational analysis of the last-mile transportation firm, we find that Amazon's decision to vertically integrate increases significantly the mileage necessary to deliver parcels in the ZIP code areas where this integration occurs. Moreover, this increase is significantly amplified by the remoteness and proportion of fast deliveries in these areas. These effects translate, on average, into $1.36 in additional costs necessary to cover extra vehicular and labor expenditures per parcel delivered. Because at the root of these outcomes are interactions among multiple organizations with significant market power asymmetries, we expand on a variety of potential anti-competitive service and pricing outcomes stemming from the impact of Amazon’s vertical integration on the last-mile delivery firm's costs. We then put forth different public policy remedies that could be implemented to address these potential sources of anti-competitiveness in the last-mile delivery industry.

论文原文:Wang, L., Rabinovich, E., & Guda, H. (2023). An analysis of operating efficiency and policy implications in last-mile transportation following Amazon's integration. Journal of Operations Management, 69(1), 9-35. https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1172

2. “以旧换新”政策如何实现交通部门的减排目标


Achieving societal climate goals requires rapid reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transportation. Recent efforts by policymakers have focused on increasing consumer adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). Nevertheless, EV sales remain low. Worse, even if EV market share jumped dramatically, it would take decades to replace the existing vehicle fleet, during which time vehicle GHG emissions would continue, worsening climate change. Consequently, some argue for policies to accelerate the retirement of inefficient fossil-powered vehicles through “cash-for-clunkers” (C4C) programs. We examine C4C policies through a behavioral model of vehicle fleet turnover and EV market development in the United States. We find C4C policies can substantially reduce vehicle fleet emissions at reasonable cost per tonne of CO2. To meet emissions reductions goals, C4C policies should apply only when consumers replace their fossil-powered vehicles with EVs. C4C policies incentivizing EVs accelerate cost reductions through scale economies, charging infrastructure deployment, model variety, and consumer awareness, boosting EV adoption beyond the direct effect of vehicle replacement. The result is a substantial synergy amplifying the impact of C4C and lowering unit cost of emissions reductions. C4C is further amplified when deployed together with complementary policies promoting renewable electricity production and a gas tax or carbon price.

论文原文:Naumov, S., Keith, D. R., & Sterman, J. D. (2023). Accelerating vehicle fleet turnover to achieve sustainable mobility goals. Journal of Operations Management, 69(1), 36-66. https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1173

3. 人员、绩效和转型:丰田澳大利亚工厂关闭过程中的心理契约和利益相关者导向的案例研究


Operations managers often manage in times of change that exert pressure on values and methods usually developed during more stable eras. With increasing global volatility, companies open and close plants because of demand shifts, cost and reshoring considerations, and government-induced and market forces. Impacts of plant closures on local communities, employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders have been documented, but plant closure processes have not been extensively studied. This paper describes an engaged research study of Toyota Australia's manufacturing closure processes. We apply psychological contract theory, particularly of contract breach, to examine the “respectful” approach Toyota used to close its assembly operation in Melbourne. We examined the role that stakeholder theory plays in describing managerial motivations. Toyota allocated resources beyond typical expectations to prepare its workforce for their post-Toyota careers and lives. During the 4-year transition process, employee performance, and engagement improved, supporting propositions that reserves of employee goodwill can come into play when a psychological contract breach occurs. Further, leadership actions can moderate the negative impacts predicted by that theory, beyond outcomes that more transactional views would predict. Our study offers an elaborated model of psychological contract breach that future researchers can apply to plant closures and related operational contexts.

论文原文:Samson, D., & Swink, M. (2023). People, performance and transition: A case study of psychological contract and stakeholder orientation in the Toyota Australia plant closure. Journal of Operations Management, 69(1), 67-101. https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1218

4. 比特币交易中费用与速度的关系分析

基于区块链的加密货币的日益流行是由交易费用提供的灵活性推动的。为了在用户之间实现服务水平差异化,许多加密货币允许用户 “自我定价”,从而导致费用产品的巨大差异,并因此导致确认时间的差异。然而,在区块链中确认加密货币交易所需的时间不仅受所提供费用的影响,还受同期拥堵程度和验证过程中固有的随机性的影响。尽管普遍认为更高的费用会导致更快的确认,但加密货币设置的独特性为“费用-速度”关系增加了重要的细微差别。



The growing popularity of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies is driven by the flexibility in transaction fee offerings, among other factors. To achieve service-level differentiation among their users, many cryptocurrencies allow users to “name your own price,” giving rise to a large variation in fee offerings and hence, variation in confirmation times. Yet, the time it takes a cryptocurrency transaction to be confirmed in the blockchain is not only affected by the fee offered, but also by the contemporaneous congestion level and the inherent randomness in the verification process. Although it is generally expected that higher fees lead to quicker confirmation, the uniqueness of the cryptocurrency setting adds important nuances to the fee-speed relationship. Using Bitcoin—the original and most heavily used cryptocurrency by far—as our empirical context, we stylize the transaction confirmation processes, propose a theoretical framework that maps the causal path from fee to speed, and estimate this framework using Bitcoin transaction data under periods of high volatility. Our results show strong evidence for two characteristics of fee's impact: congestion dependence and tail shrinkage. Our finding that the speed acceleration effect of fee is particularly strong on the tail of the confirmation time distribution motivates a target service level approach to fee recommendation. To put this finding into practice, we develop an efficient computational procedure that helps Bitcoin users accurately estimate fees based on their confirmation delay preferences. We discuss the implications of our analyses on future cryptocurrency development and the long-term adoption of this revolutionary technology.

论文原文:Shang, G., Ilk, N., & Fan, S. (2023). Need for speed, but how much does it cost? Unpacking the fee-speed relationship in Bitcoin transactions. Journal of Operations Management, 69(1), 102-126. https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1202

5. 企业如何管理环境项目组合以改善环境

本文研究了企业的环境项目组合对其有效改善环境结果的能力的影响。所采用的数据来自西方制造商的中国汽车供应商,由154个环境项目组合组成,其中包含614个环境改善项目,以及来自Dun & Bradstreet的企业级数据。采用数据包络分析(DEA)来估计企业将资源转化为环境成果的效率。然后,使用计量经济学评估组合效应(即环境项目组合构成)对企业改善环境效率的影响。实证结果表明,当企业减少其投资组合中环境项目类型的异质性(即更集中的投资组合)时,它们可以更有效地改善环境成果。然而,企业可能希望在其投资组合中引入环境项目类型的多样性。分析表明,更具环保能力的企业可以增加其投资组合中项目的多样性,而不会对结果产生负面影响。此外,当企业平衡面向社会的项目和面向技术的项目时,他们可以更好地管理其投资组合中的多样性。本研究为项目组合在改善环境方面的作用理论做出了贡献,并为致力于利用有限资源改善环境的项目组合经理提供了一些新颖的管理启示。

This research examines the influence of a firm's portfolio of environmental projects on its ability to efficiently improve environmental outcomes. The data comes from Chinese automotive suppliers of a western manufacturer and consists of 154 environmental project portfolios that contain 614 environmental improvement projects as well as firm-level data from Dun & Bradstreet. A data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to estimate the firms' efficiency in transforming resources into environmental outcomes. Then an econometric analysis evaluates the impact of the portfolio effect (i.e., environmental project portfolio composition) on the firm's efficiency in improving the environment. The empirical results show that when firms reduce the heterogeneity in the types of environmental projects in their portfolios (i.e., a more focused portfolio), they can more efficiently improve environmental outcomes. However, firms may want to introduce diversity in the types of environmental projects in their portfolio (i.e., reducing the focus).The analysis shows that more environmentally capable firms can increase the diversity of the projects in their portfolios without negatively impacting outcomes. In addition, firms can better manage diversity in their portfolios when they balance socially oriented projects with technically oriented projects. This study contributes to the theory of project portfolio roles in improving environmental outcomes and offers several novel insights for project portfolio managers working to improve environmental outcomes with limited resources.

论文原文:Tong, X., Linderman, K., & Zhu, Q. (2023). Managing a portfolio of environmental projects: Focus, balance, and environmental management capabilities. Journal of Operations Management, 69(1), 127-158. https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1201

6. 政治关系是否有助于提高运营效率? 


Although the significance of relational ties with supply chain partners to firms' operations management has been frequently studied, it is unclear how political ties, which represent another form of relational ties that is especially important in emerging economies, relate to operational efficiency. Drawing on the political embeddedness perspective, we propose a negative association between political ties and operational efficiency and examine how this association is moderated by environmental and firm-level factors. Using panel data of listed private firms in China, we show that political ties are negatively correlated with operational efficiency. In addition, this negative relationship is stronger when firms operate in regions with less developed factor markets and in highly competitive industries. However, the negative relationship is weaker for firms with high levels of foreign shareholding and customer concentration. These findings caution against the downsides of political ties for operations management and highlight strategies for reducing their negative effect.

论文原文:Shen, L., Zhou, K. Z., Wang, K., & Zhang, C. (2023). Do political ties facilitate operational efficiency? A contingent political embeddedness perspective. Journal of Operations Management, 69(1), 159-184. https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1203

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