
MVRDV 成都交子公园金融总部产业园动工,CBD内打造活力商业村落

MVRDV 景观设计小学徒 2023-09-19

图片 Image: © MVRDV

Construction work has begun on the Chengdu Jiaozi Courtyard Towers, the MVRDV-designed mixed-use complex that will complete the last empty site in Chengdu’s Jiaozi Park Financial and Business District, located right next to the district’s central building complex, the Tianfu International Finance Centre. Comprising three office towers and a conference centre atop a ring-shaped plinth, the building is informed by its context in a multitude of ways – most notably in the retail village that recalls the traditional structures once located on the site.

概念解析 Diagrams: © MVRDV


The conference centre and the three office towers – which stand 80, 100, and 130 metres in height – are arranged at each corner of the roughly square site. With a dramatic cantilever and façade details inspired by the bamboo-weaving traditions of the region, the conference centre serves as an eye-catching addition to the site’s most prominent corner, facing the Tianfu International Finance Centre.

图片 Image: © MVRDV


This square arrangement of the towers and the conference centre is contrasted at the base by a ring-shaped connecting plinth, creating a round courtyard. Next to the conference centre, this plinth steps down to street level to create a visual connection and to welcome people into the centre of the site. Additional access to the courtyard is provided by three passages cut through the plinth at other locations.

图片 Image: © MVRDV

Inside the circular courtyard, visitors encounter a modern interpretation of an assortment of one- and two-storey buildings, which recall a historic feature of the site: until the mid-2000s, this was the location of a small traditional village, but all trace of these structures has now been erased. These demolished buildings are recreated in their original sizes and positions to serve as a retail village mixing shopping with cafés, bars, and restaurants to create a charming and vibrant atmosphere within the bounds of the circular plinth. Where possible, these small structures are proposed to be constructed from wood and recycled materials, reducing the embodied carbon in their construction.

图片 Image: © MVRDV
图片 Image: © MVRDV
“交子公园金融总部产业园是一个非常难得的项目,它为寸土寸金的成都交子商圈添加了最后一块拼图。”MVRDV创始合伙人Jacob Van Rijs说,“很难想象,这里在20年前还是一片乡村,我们在疫情期间参加了这个项目的设计竞赛,从地图上发现了这里曾经还是一座村庄。于是我们决定在历史与当下之间创造一个新的村落,在三栋全新的塔楼之间,人们可以感受到这片土地经历的飞速变迁。”

“With the Jiaozi Courtyard Towers, we were given an opportunity that is rare in China: a design project that adds the final puzzle piece to a new district”, says MVRDV founding partner Jacob van Rijs. “It is hard to imagine that this entire district was still rural 20 years ago. We entered this competition during the pandemic and discovered the village via Google Earth. With that in mind, we decided to create within the stake and historic world. Seeing this while surrounded by three new towers, you become aware of the rapid transition that this place has gone through.”
图片 Image: © MVRDV

The three office towers of the design blend in with the modest towers surrounding them thanks to subtle yet elegant details that are also key to the towers’ sustainability. With the surrounding buildings already constructed, a shadow study for the site was able to identify exactly when the sun would strike each part of the design’s surfaces. This allowed the team to fine-tune the façade design with fins at three different angles to limit solar gain. On the back of these fins, openable panels in the office interiors allow for user-controlled natural ventilation, reducing the need for mechanical cooling and therefore the operational energy required by the offices.

图片 Image: © MVRDV
塔楼的屋顶空间主要用于再生能源的收集与利用,建筑群的屋顶和局部的塔楼立面加起来一共设置了约 3,600 平方米的光伏板。通过利用各种方法减少建筑的隐含碳和运营碳,以及其他的可持续发展策略,比如裙楼上的绿色屋顶、原生植被以及雨水的收集和再利用,交子庭院大厦目标获得 LEED金级认证和中国绿色建筑认证三星评级。
On the roofs of the towers, large areas are dedicated to generating renewable energy, with a total of 3,600 square metres of photovoltaic panels across all of the complex’s roofs and part of the towers' facade. The various approaches to reducing both the building’s embodied and operational carbon, along with other sustainability strategies such as green roofs on the plinth, native vegetation, and water retention and reuse, will allow the building to achieve LEED-Gold certification and a three-star rating in the Chinese “three-star” sustainability system.

图片 Image: © MVRDV

The client of this project is Chengdu Jiaozi Park Financial and Business Zone Investment & Development Co., Ltd.


-  感谢  MVRDV  -

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