
藏马山的山麓自然之门 | 青岛 融创·阿朵小镇 阿朵花街

ASPECT Studios 景观设计小学徒 2023-09-19

Nestled within a mountain range northwest of Qingdao, the Tour of Life is a launchpad for the exploration of nature. Sitting on the former site of a derelict commercial complex, the project acts as a restorative natural destination for people wanting to explore the surrounding mountains, river and lake. Comprising a commercial avenue and striking events space, surrounded by a thriving natural landscape, the Tour of Life is a place where people can come together and traverse an elegant sequence of outdoor spaces that each connect the visitor with nature in a unique and particular way.


Visitors arrive at a 400-metre commercial and lifestyle street, which wends its way through the mountain valley. The ground plane negotiates a number of complex level changes, threading together retail tenancies with an accessible and highly connective outdoor treatment. Most spaces are approachable from various directions, making for a more complex pedestrian experience than a linear shopping street might offer.



Care was taken to ensure that restaurants and cafes can extend their seating out into the streets, ensuring activation throughout the day and into the evenings. By creating a variety of distinct outdoor spaces, the visitor is reminded of the intimate scale of the area’s traditional streets, with sight lines out to the mountains and forests a constant reminder of the natural setting.


This corridor terminates at a major outdoor gathering & event place and exhibition park, which is the mountainside gateway to nature. Intended to host major events and home to several striking events buildings, the open space is animated by water features and trees that appear to erupt from the paving. Held in place by banks of vibrant native planting, the plaza manages the visitor’s experience by acting as a jumping-off point for the destinations and experiences surrounding it.



The project offers a wide range of opportunities for engaging with nature, from strolling through a stand of seasonally changing trees, to exploring a hedge maze, to soaring above the park on a zipline. 


For ASPECT Studios, the premise of the design was to root the new built elements in a robust and demurring landscape that directs attention at all times to plants and the mountain backdrop. 

ASPECTS Studios景观设计的初衷是依托于原始繁茂复杂的自然山体地形中融入新的活力元素,邀请人们走进自然,沉浸于层林尽染的远山和丰茂的绿植之中。

Stephen Buckle, Design Director of ASPECT Studios’ Shanghai, said, “The main driver of our response was to use native plants and the seasonal change of colour as a primary display element throughout the shopping street and around the plaza. 

ASPECT上海工作室的设计总监Stephen Buckle表示:“我们的景观设计解决方案的核心是借由当地植物和丰富的季相色彩变化作为整个阿朵花街和山麓之门广场的场景营造元素。”

“With our collaborators, we’ve managed to repurpose this derelict site into a unique, family- and community-oriented destination in the foothills of the mountains.”


Key Project Info
Projec Name: Sunac atour flower street Qingdao
项目名称:青岛融创·阿朵小镇 阿朵花街
Client: Sunac Qingdao 
Year: 2021
Landscape Architecture: ASPECT Studios
景观设计:ASPECT Studios
Design Director: Stephen Buckle
设计总监:Stephen Buckle
Team: Derek Chen, Sam Xu, Lemon Liao, Kevin Shi, Jay Yang
Architect: Oval, BUZZ Ziyu Zhuang, GN, ZNA
建筑方案设计: 欧华尔顾问有限公司、BUZZ庄子玉、栖城设计、泽碧克(北京)建筑设计咨询有限公司
Interior Designer:BUZZ Ziyu Zhuang, GN
Landscape LDI:Hebei Jingmei Garden Engineering Co., LTD.,  Guangzhou Yayue Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd., Sunac Qingdao Huifeng Garden Co., LTD
Photography: Lu Bing

-  感谢  ASPECT Studios  -

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