
东莞中心城区立体慢行系统 | eLandscript译地设计

译地设计 景观设计小学徒 2024-01-10

东莞中心城区立体慢行系统的方案设计联合体为:译地事务所有限公司 & 施莱希工程设计咨询(上海)有限公司 & 奥雅纳工程咨询(上海)有限公司。

- 项目背景 Project Background


With the upgrade of Dongguan's manufacturing industry, an increasing number of talents are attracted here resulting in more construction of subways and intercity railways. Given the 8 km’s Slow-Traffic Green Axis from Regional master plan, the team proposed a master plan of Dongguan Slow-Traffic System with a total length of 3 km in the central zone of Dongguan.
▲ 东莞中心城区立体慢行系统框架平面图
Framework Masterplan of Dongguan Slow-Traffic System

- 设计愿景 Vision
立体慢行系统以 “中心城环,智享绿链” 为设计愿景,从断点重连、场域激活、绿廊贯通等三个方面梳理了东莞中心城区的慢行需求与功能布局,并增加与零售结合的垂直电梯厅,打造一个更加开放和更好服务市民的东莞中心城区。

With envisioning of  "Social Loop & Green Necklace" , the team analyzed the site surroundings’ demands in three aspects: disconnected points, urban parcels with potential to increase value, green corridors that are discontinued. It also add several vertical lift cores integrate with retails. The proposed plan invigorates the urban zone and shapes a better-serviced Dongguan.

▲ 设计愿景 “中心城环,智享绿链”

Vision: Social Loop & Green Necklace

▲ 设计框
Diagram of Dongguan Slow-Traffic System

- 中心城环 Social Loop

The 1.5-kilometer-long Social Loop connects the most popular and high density places in Dongguan City core areas, including Central Park, Civic Center Phase I and Phase III, Minying IFC, Dongguan Rural Commercial Bank, Tai-Shang Building, Jia-Hong Building, and First international block.

▲ 中心城环的选线
The Route of the Social Loop

▲ 中心城环二号桥是东莞中心城区的门户 ©曾天培

The Social Loop Bridge #2 as the Gateway of Dongguan

▲ 中心城环的二号桥连接了民营国贸、市民中心和中心绿地 ©曾天培
The Social Loop Bridge #2 connects Minying IFC, Civic Center and Central Park


Considering site limitations, the Bridge no.2 cites a maximum span of 103.5 meters crossing the boulevard. The design adopted the continuous steel beam structure and a 10-meter arch with 54 cables. Additionally, there’re are flower boxes and viewing platforms for people to stay and linger at the center of the deck beam.

▲ 中心城环二号桥的车行视角 ©曾天培
The Social Loop Bridge #2

▲ 中心城环二号桥的车行视角夜景 ©曾天培
The Night-view of the Social Loop Bridge #2

▲ 中心城环二号桥的桥墩与桥体采用铰接连接 ©曾天培
The Joint between the V-Column and the Beam of The Social Loop Bridge #2

▲ 中心城环二号桥的桥墩与桥体采用铰接连接 ©曾天培
The Joint between the V-Column and the Beam of The Social Loop Bridge #2
▲ 中心城环二号桥的断面图
The Section of the Social Loop Bridge #2

▲ 中心城环二号桥漫步 ©曾天培
The Social Loop Bridge #2

▲ 中心城环二号桥夜景 ©曾天培
The Night-view of the Social Loop Bridge #2

▲ 中心城环二号桥的平面图
The Plan of the Social Loop Bridge #2


The Bridge No.1 (park section) integrates the elevated bridge, the park, the subway entrances and the sunken plazas to create a dynamic shared public space in central Dongguan. The Bridge No.1 (park section) will be constructed after the subway construction is completed.

▲ 中心城环一号桥的平面图
The Plan of the Social Loop Bridge #1

▲ 中心城环一号桥公园的愿景效果图
The Envisioning Perspective of the Social Loop Bridge #1

- 智享绿链 Green Necklace


The 1.5-kilometer-long Green Necklace connects Central Park, Xigualing area, the Planning & Exhibition Hall, Huangqi Plaza, qifeng Park and Huangqi Mountain Hiking trails. This tree canopy bridge ties the city core and the nature mountain together.

▲ 享绿的选线
The Route of the Green Necklace

▲ 智享绿链的愿景效果图

The Envisioning Perspective of the Green Necklace

▲ 智享绿链的平面图

The Plan of the Green Necklace


All entrances in the Xigualing area of the Green Necklace are designed to disadvantage friendly. The proposed routes avoided original trees on site, and integrated with a tree-canopy stage, several pergola trellis, platform connected with subway lifts. It aims to provide convenience and functional spaces for local citizens. The Qifeng Park section will be constructed in conjunction with the development of the Huangqi Plaza.

▲ 智享绿链与地铁垂直电梯的贯通平台 ©曾天培

View Platform Connected with Subway Lifts

▲ 智享绿链西瓜岭段的无障碍入口设计,在选线上避让场地原有的乔木 ©曾天培

The disadvantage friendly entrance of Xigualing area, the proposed routes avoided original trees on site

▲ 智享绿链的西瓜岭入口 ©曾天培
The entrance of Green Necklace in Xigualing area

▲ 供市民活动的林冠舞台 ©曾天培

Tree Canopy Platform

▲ 林冠步道漫步 ©曾天培

Tree Canopy Walk

▲ 林冠步道漫步的夜景 ©袁军
Tree Canopy Walk

The Typical Section of Tree Canopy Walk with Trellis

项目地址:中国 东莞 中心城区

Location: Dongguan, P.R.China


Programmes: Slow-Traffic Master Planning, Pedestrian Bridge, Infrastructure

设计联合体:译地事务所有限公司 & 施莱希工程设计咨询(上海)有限公司 & 奥雅纳工程咨询(上海)有限公司

Design Collaboration: eLandscript Studio & Schlaich Bergermann Partner & Arup


Research Area:2,480,000㎡


Slow-Traffic System Length: 3km


Design Period: 2019-2021


Status:Built, 2021-2023


Client of Chief Planning & Coordination: Dongguan Central Area Management Department


Client of Construction: Dongguan Guancheng Construction Company


Client of Construction Excusive: CR Land Dongguan


Lead Landscape Architect: eLandscript Studio


Bridge Schematic design and Structure Design:Schlaich Bergermann Partner


Master Plan Frameworks: Arup


Construction Drawing: China Northeast Architectural Design & Research Institute


Bridge #2 Consultant: Shenzhen Hope Design

灯光顾问:深圳市大晟环境艺术有限公司 & 深圳市火石环境艺术有限公司

Lighting Consultant: Shenzhen Dasheng & Shenzhen Huoshi


Construction: China Railway no.4 Engineering Group


Supervisory: Shenzhen Chengjian

-  感谢 eLandscript译地设计  -

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