
开票 | 09/14 MONO - Pilgrimage of the Soul 2023 巡演深圳站

NewNoise 深圳B10现场 B10 Live 2024-04-08

日本乐队MONO于2021年9月发布的新专辑“Pilgrimage of the Soul”, 距离他们2019年售罄的巡演也已经过去了四年,现在New Noise终于能公布:MONO 2023年 Pilgrimage of the Soul 巡演,明天中午12:00 秀动APP开票,现场见!

 MONO - Pilgrimage Of The Soul -2023巡演 
9月01日 沈阳  原料库LiveHouse (红梅店)
9月02日 大连  赫兹空间(佳兆业店)
9月07日 北京  疆进酒 OMNI SPACE
9月08日 上海  万代南梦宫 梦想剧场 1F
9月09日 杭州 MAO LiveHouse
9月10日 南京 稻香音乐空间
9月12日 武汉 VOX LiveHouse 
9月13日 广州 声音共和 LiveHouse
9月14日 深圳 B10现场
9月15日 成都 正火艺术中心 1号馆
9月16日 西安 西演SPACE·塞斯拾陆

 唯一购票平台 秀动APP 


“Pilgrimage of the Soul”是MONO乐队职业生涯23年的第十一张录音室专辑,这张专辑可能是他们迄今为止最让听众出乎意料并且为之振奋的作品。在这张专辑中充斥着焦虑与审慎,但又怀抱乐观。它不仅代表MONO乐队即将迎来第三个十年的起起落落,也承载着他们为抵达现在所经历的漫长而坚实的旅程。

MONO 最初成立于 1999 年,其独特的方法将管弦乐编曲和 shoegaze 吉他噪音融合成令人难忘的情感史诗。他们的音乐一致受到同行的高度评价,也受到媒体的赞扬,包括被NME宣称“诸神的美乐”。在他们的歌迷中,他们被尊为摇滚乐中最好的现场体验之一。MONO也是这个星球上工作最努力的乐队之一——MONO每年的世界巡演包括 150多场演出,他们同时也是备受赞誉的After Hours室内音乐节的策划人。

《Pilgrimage of the Soul》作为MONO第十一张作品,录制于2020年夏天疫情肆虐的严峻时期,乐队飞往芝加哥的录音室Electrical Audio与制作人Steve Albini再度合作,八首新歌刻录一段MONO乐队当下自我与未来自我的灵魂对话,承载希望并坚定迈进下一个二十年职业生涯。

在主创Taka的深受古典乐影响的背景下,MONO常善于把故事通过丰厚编排的器乐转化为电影画面投射在听者脑海中想象的荧幕上,《Pilgrimage of the Soul》的每首歌也一样颇具电影感,例如第一首歌“Riptide”是比较厚重激进的歌曲之一,描述了组建乐队时的感受——被困在所谓社会的人为牢笼中,在它的所谓规则中冲突和逃避,并在这首歌的音乐视频中得到具像化的表达。

 MONO -《Riptide》官方MV 

作为MONO乐队亚洲经纪方和中国巡演主办方,New Noise与其十年的合作经历也正是通过每一张新专辑的发行得以推动,《Pilgrimage of the Soul》让我们又得以见证MONO音乐生涯新阶段起点,非常期待这一次MONO引领的灵魂朝圣之旅!

 MONO -《Innocent》官方MV 

Japanese instrumental rock group MONO are in the midst of a world tour celebrating their new album ‘Pilgrimage of the Soul’ and now have announced they will return to China in September 2023, four years since their last visit.

‘Pilgrimage of the Soul’ is the 11th studio album in the 23-year career of Japanese experimental rock legends. It has galvanized fans as perhaps the most unexpected MONO album to date – the well established interplay of whisper quiet and devastatingly loud is there, but crafted with new electronic textures and faster tempos notably influenced by techno. Of course, it is as awash in splendor as much as anything the band has ever done.

Originally formed in 1999, MONO’s unique approach blends orchestral arrangements and shoegaze guitar noise into memorable and emotional epics. Consistently held in high regard by their peers, their music has been praised by media, including NME proclaiming “This is music for the Gods.” Amongst their fans, they are revered as one of the best live experiences in rock.

They are also one of the hardest working bands on the planet – their annual world tours consist of over 150 shows and they have also established themselves as respected curators for the After Hours Festivals in China and Japan.

Having cemented their place amongst their post-rock and shoegaze contemporaries such as Explosions in the Sky, Sigur Ros, My Blood Valentine and Mogwai, MONO are nonetheless peerless in terms of their incendiary live performances.

MONO - Pilgrimage Of The Soul China Tour 2023
Sept 1   Shenyang Yuanliaoku Livehouse
Sept 2   Dalian Hertz Livehouse
Sept 7   Beijing OMNI SPACE
Sept 8   Shanghai Bandai Namco Dream Hall 1F
Sept 9   Hangzhou MAO Livehouse
Sept 10  Nanjing Daoxiang Space
Sept 12  Wuhan VOX Livehouse
Sept 13  Guangzhou Shengyin Gonghe Livehouse
Sept 14  Shenzhen B10 Live
Sept 15  Chengdu Zhenghuo Art Flame 1
Sept 16  Xian Xian Space 1935 - Saisiliusi

Tickets available through www.showstart.com on June 15 12:00PM.


 New Noise X NUSPACE设计公寓 

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