
Interactive Fiction, VR and Self-managing Tools | Meetup No.19

2016-12-08 小Yi 一起开工社区

Christmas Special on Wednesday 14th December with three short talks about virtual reality, interactive fiction and efficient tools for self-management. Exclusive secret gifts are on the way. First come, first served! Let’s spend the leisure time together! Refreshments will be specially prepared by the Yi-Gather Café as usual.



Tommie Varekamp, Product Designer, Orange Creatives

"The World of Virtual Reality "


  • Tommie Varekamp is a Product Designer who works at Orange Creatives in Guangzhou. Having a background in Interaction Design and Engineering, he loves to work and plays with new technologies. Especially to design (virtual or real) products for people to use and experience.

  • Virtual Reality is coming out of the geek corner into the real world. And not only for cool (and sometimes super scary) games. But it is starting to impact other things than software, like how we work or spend our free time. And it is getting relevant for designers like him who used to focus on physical products. As a product designer, he used to focus on how people use physical things. For him, Virtual Reality is like a blank sheet with very little existing rules. How do you interact with things in a virtual world? How do you turn something on, pick something up? And how can you do things together? What about social interactions when everybody is sitting in its own virtual world? Come to Meetup, Tommie will introduce to you how they started with VR as a design company. What Virtual Reality can do at the moment and where it might go. Don’t forget to bring your smart phone to try their VR demo and experience it yourself!

Sanny Li, Clinical Psychotherapist, Guangzhou Brain Hospital

"Efficient Tools Make My Multiple Identities Possible "

  • Sanny is a psychotherapist and a career planner. She has lots of hobbies, like self-management, sand play therapy and public speaking. Now, she is also working on designing training courses for young adults in leisure time, which brings her lots of fun. Usually, she likes using efficient tools to manage her multiple identities so as to live a colorful lifein a limited time.

  • One year ago, Sanny was just a single-line girl, who could only handle one thing at a time. Since her daily work contained multiple tasks like doing scientific research, doing psychological counseling and other trivia, she was often trapped in those daily routines and could not balance work and leisure well. There were no clear boundaries among her different roles. One day, she realized that she had lost control of her life, because she was pushed by her daily routines and no time for her to explore new and interesting things. Then, she began to search for the cure. Luckily, she met someone who was good at self-management and started to learn from him…

  • Now, Sannyis a multiple-lines girl, she can control her life and integrate her multiple roles well. Also she has enough time to try something new in leisure time which comforts her a lot. What makes things different? Come to Meetup, Sanny will share her story about how efficient tools make her multiple identities possible.

John Knauss,Drama Teacher, Alcanta International College

"A Word is Worth A Thousand Pictures "

  • John Knauss holds a BFA in Visual Arts and an MFA in Acting. He was the artistic director of The Space Theatre & Studio in NYC before leaving in 2008, where he directed, designed, performed and wrote for the theatre. He continues to work as a freelance writer, director, and illustrator in various capacities and has been teaching both Art and Drama full-time for the past seven years in Australia and China.

  • If you were born before 1980, you might have witnessed the evolution of video games from basic text adventures into the photo realistic and virtual reality narratives of today. Come to Meetup, John will share about the birth, death, and resurrection of Interactive Fiction and what words themselves have to offer us in a visually oversaturated world.




19:30 - 21:30


30 RMB

Pay when you arrive.

( Includes snacks and drinks)





Yi-Gather Community, No. 68, Zhongshan 7th Street, LiwanDistrict, Guangzhou


Exit D, Metro Line1, Xi Men Kou station, Guangzhou

Attend the Event

As seating will be limited and refreshments are prepared especially for the event, it is highly recommended that you register to attend.To do this, click "Read More" at the left bottom of this article and enter your details on the form and pay when you arrive.





Yi-Gather Community



If you want to be the future meetup speaker, please contact our community manager Lance Yip through lanceyip@yi-gather.com.


The Yi-Gather Meetup is a monthly event where people give short talks about the personal narratives behind the things that they do: occupations, projects, creative work, academic, hobbies and interests. 

It offers an opportunity to learn something new, make friends and network, within the inspiring location of the Yi-Gather Spacein Ximenkou. Presented in English and open to everyone. 

We believe that sharing makes you bigger than you are.



