


Theoretical Linguistics



0301-4428 (print)

1613-4060 (online)



De Gruyter 1974年至今

最新出版:Vol.45 (3-4),2019


《Theoretical Linguistics》是一本开放的同行评议期刊。每期都包含一篇有关通用语言主题的长篇目标文章,以及对它的一些简短评论,思考。


A developmental view on incrementation in language change

Ailís Cournane

Abstract: Acquisition is an intuitive place to look for explanation in language change. Each child must learn their individual grammar(s) via the indirect process of analyzing the output of others’ grammars, and the process necessarily involves social transmission over several years. On the basis of child language learning behaviors, I ask whether it is reasonable to expect the incrementation (advancement) of new variants to be kicked off by and sustained by the acquisition process. I discuss literature on how children respond to input variation, and a series of new studies experimentally testing incrementation, and argue that at least for some phenomena, young children overgeneralize innovative variants beyond their input. I sketch a model of incrementation based on initial overgeneralization, and offer further thoughts on next steps. Much collaborative work remains to precisely link analogous dynamic phenomena in learning and change.

Computational historical linguistics

Gerhard Jäger

Abstract: Computational approaches to historical linguistics have been proposed for half a century. Within the last decade, this line of research has received a major boost, owing both to the transfer of ideas and software from computational biology and to the release of several large electronic data resources suitable for systematic comparative work. In this article, some of the central research topics of this new wave of computational historical linguistics are introduced and discussed. These are automatic assessment of genetic relatedness, automatic cognate detection, phylogenetic inference and ancestral state reconstruction. They will be demonstrated by means of a case study of automatically reconstructing a Proto-Romance word list from lexical data of 50 modern Romance languages and dialects. The results illustrate both the strengths and the weaknesses of the current state of the art of automating the comparative method.

Journal of Second 

Language Writing



1060-3743 (print)

1873-1422 (online)



ScienceDirect 1995年至今



《Journal of Second Language Writing》致力于发表具有理论基础的研究和讨论报告,对第二语言和外语写作以及写作指导中的核心问题的理解做出了重大贡献。 


Multimodal assignments in higher education: Implications for multimodal writing tasks for L2 writers

Jungmin Lim, Charlene Polio

AbstractThis study investigated the types of multimodal writing tasks that undergraduate students in academic contexts   (i.e., degree-pursuing undergraduate students at a US university) are required to complete. With an assumption that undergraduate courses across disciplines are one target language use domain for international students in ESL courses in tertiary education, we interviewed seven professors in Humanities, Education, Business, and Engineering and analyzed 104 multimodal writing tasks we identified from 161 syllabi across the disciplines. We report parameters that can be used to develop multimodal writing tasks in EAP classes and for research on multimodal composing processes: 1) goals and instruction of multimodal writing: disciplinary versus creative expression; 2) linguistic mode in multimodal texts: written and spoken words; and 3) tasks of multimodal writing: individual versus collaborative work. Based on the results, we discuss pedagogical implications regarding the design of multimodal writing tasks for L2 academic writers.

Toward an integrative framework for understanding multimodal L2 writing in the content areas

Scott E. Grapin, Lorena Llosa

AbstractSecond language (L2) learners in content area classes are expected to perform a range of writing tasks that involve multiple modes beyond language. Traditionally, however, research on multimodality with L2 learners has been approached differently in content versus L2 teaching and learning contexts. In this issue statement, we propose the need for an integrative framework for understanding multimodal L2 writing in the content areas that capitalizes on the complementary nature of these two research areas. After situating this need within U.S. K-12 education policy, we provide a brief overview of theoretical perspectives that have informed research in each area. Then, we identify key differences between these research areas in terms of (a) what modes are considered (i.e., multiple modes vs. linguistic mode) and (b) how those modes are analyzed (i.e., meaning-focused vs. feature-focused). Using a writing sample from an English learner in an elementary science classroom, we illustrate the potential of an integrative framework for providing a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of multimodal L2 writing in the content areas. Implications of an integrative framework and promising directions for future research are also discussed.

Journal of Memory and Language



0749-596X (print)

1096-0821 (online)



ScienceDirect 1995年至今

最新出版:Vol.111, 2020


Journal of Memory and Language》上的文章对记忆,语言理解和产生以及认知过程领域中的科学问题和理论的形成做出了贡献。该期刊是认知科学家的宝贵工具,其中包括心理学家,语言学家以及其他对记忆和学习,语言,阅读和言语感兴趣的人。


Maze Made Easy: Better and easier measurement of incremental processing difficulty

Veronica Boyce, Richard Futrell, Roger P. Levy

AbstractBehavioral measures of incremental language comprehension difficulty form a crucial part of the empirical basis of psycholinguistics. The two most common methods for obtaining these measures have significant limitations: eye tracking studies are resource-intensive, and self-paced reading can yield noisy data with poor localization. These limitations are even more severe for web-based crowdsourcing studies, where eye tracking is infeasible and self-paced reading is vulnerable to inattentive participants. Here we make a case for broader adoption of the Maze task, involving sequential forced choice between each successive word in a sentence and a contextually inappropriate distractor. 

Are graphemic effects real in skilled visual word recognition?

Fabienne Chetail

AbstractIn the last decades, repeated evidence for graphemic effects has been reported in skilled readers. For example, a letter is more easily detected in a word when it corresponds to a simple grapheme (e.g., A in PLACE) than when it is embedded in a complex one (e.g., A in BEACH). Such effects have been taken as a demonstration that graphemes are processed as perceptual units by the reading system. However, this conclusion has been recently challenged by studies using different experimental designs. In the present study, we used four experimental situations to get a clearer picture of the reliability of graphemic effects. We used four types of tasks: letter detection (Experiment 1), length estimation (Experiment 2), mixing case lexical decision (Experiment 3), and primed lexical decision (Experiments 4 and 5). In each task, the processing of words with complex graphemes (e.g., BEACH) was compared to the processing of words with simple graphemes (e.g., PLACE). 

The Modern 

Language Journal



0026-7902 (print)

1540-4781 (online)



Wiley Online Library 1999年至今

最新出版:Vol.104 (1),2020


《Modern Language Journal》的编辑任务是发表“关于外语和第二语言的学与教的研究和讨论。” MLJ是一本国际参考期刊,致力于促进研究人员和教师之间使用所有现代外语和英语作为第二语言进行学术交流。该期刊特别致力于以非英语语言发表高质量的著作。


Translanguaging in L2 Arabic Study Abroad: Beyond Monolingual Practices in Institutional Talk


AbstractAdopting a translanguaging perspective, this article examines interlocutors’ orientations to, and use of, multidialectal and multilingual practices during second language (L2) Arabic conversations‐for‐learning beyond the classroom in a study abroad program. The study argues that participants’ translanguaging practices challenge monolingual ideologies and the program's monodialectal policy of using only Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) in institutional talk beyond the classroom. Audio‐recorded dyadic interactions between L2 Arabic learners and their native speaker conversation partners show how multidialectal and multilingual practices can work as a valuable interactional resource that multilinguals draw upon for productive interactions to enhance meaning‐making, identity negotiation, and knowledge construction. In addition, participants seem to give precedence to intersubjectivity over monodialectal and monolingual language policies through their use of these translanguaging practices.

Foreign Language Learning Characteristics of Deaf and Severely Hard‐of‐Hearing Students


AbstractThe aim of this study was to investigate deaf and severely hard‐of‐hearing students’ foreign language learning characteristics. In order to provide a better understanding of the challenges this group of learners face, a mixed methods study was designed including a questionnaire survey to provide generalizable results for our context and an interview study to get a deeper understanding of the issue from the insiders’ perspective as well. Data was collected in three European countries with piloted and barrier‐free instruments. In order to investigate their foreign language learning processes, deaf and severely hard‐of‐hearing students’ motivation, beliefs, and strategies were measured and analyzed. Our results indicate that deaf and severely hard‐of‐hearing students’ foreign language learning experiences are fraught with challenges and setbacks despite their motivation and eagerness to learn foreign languages. To overcome these difficulties motivating and effective learning environments have to be created where the use of the national sign language contributes to the efficiency of teaching. Furthermore, teaching should include the presentation of effective learning strategies as well as the introduction of autonomous ways of learning.

Applied Linguistics



0142-6001 (print)
1477-450X (online)



Oxford Journals 1996年至今

最新出版:Vol.41 (1),2020


Applied Linguistics》出版与现实世界相关的语言研究。该期刊热衷于帮助在语言学和其他相关研究领域的学术论述,理论和研究方法之间建立联系。该期刊欢迎能对当前应用语言学的前沿理论和实践进行批判性思考的贡献。


Translation as a Prime Player in Intercultural Communication

Juliane House

Abstract:This article is in three parts. Part 1 describes translation in relation to intercultural communication. Part 2 characterizes translation as intercultural communication designed to achieve intercultural understanding, which can be reached along two different paths: overt and covert translation (House 1977). These translation types and the notion of a ‘cultural filter’ are characterized. Part 3 addresses the impact globalization and global English is having on translation today. Today, we know little about how massive unidirectional translations from English into other languages influence discourse norms in these languages. The paper discusses relevant research into this important issue. While there are some signs that a new kind of overt translation is gaining ground, suppressing cultural filtering and causing Anglophone norms to ‘shine through’ in translation, other studies show that indigenous discourse norms remain intact.

Translating Experience in Language Teaching Research and Practice

Claire Kramsch

AbstractThis article explores the way native language teachers translate their linguistic and cultural experience in order to make it understandable to their students in the classroom. It examines how they report on this translation to researchers in two research projects conducted with two Chinese teachers (Kramsch and Zhang 2018) and one Japanese teacher/researcher (Shibahara and Kramsch forthcoming). Drawing on House (2017) and Pym (2010), it shows how the translation of experience takes place on three levels: the overt level of linguistic equivalence; the covert level of functional equivalence through a cultural filter; and the level of a cultural translation that has to be negotiated according to the subjective needs of the participants. These studies reveal that native language teachers tend to prefer overt over covert translations and that they engage in cultural translation not in order to explore but in order to overcome cultural difference. Such findings confront the field of applied linguistics with its age-old challenge as a field called to translate real-world problems of the practice into the language of research and vice-versa. 

TESOL Quarterly



0039-8322 (print)
1545-7249 (online)



Wiley Online Library 1997年至今

最新出版:Vol.54 (1),2020


TESOL Quarterly》是一本专业的参考期刊,于1967年首次出版。该期刊鼓励与英语教学有关的个人和标准英语作为第二方言的个人提交以前未发表的有关重要主题的文章。


Global Englishes Language Teaching: Bottom‐up Curriculum Implementation

Nicola Galloway,Takuya Numajiri

AbstractIn today's globalised world, the needs of English language learners have changed, particularly those learning to use the English language as a lingua franca. Growing research showcasing the global use of English as a lingua franca (ELF), the creativity of ELF users, and the diverse ways in which they negotiate successful communication in multilingual encounters has numerous implications for the field of TESOL. This article reports on a study with preservice and in‐service TESOL practitioners taking a Global Englishes for Language Teaching (GELT) option course in a 1‐year Master's in TESOL programme at a Russell Group university in the United Kingdom. The study explores attitudes towards GELT but also towards the proposals for, and barriers to, curriculum innovation as well as factors influencing such attitudes. Interviews (n = 21) and questionnaires (n = 47) revealed that attitudes remain norm bound, yet the study revealed a positive orientation towards GELT and provided insights into the feasibility of GELT‐related curriculum innovation and teacher education syllabus design. The study calls for more research with preservice and in‐service TESOL practitioners at different stages of the innovation process to ensure successful and sustainable GELT curricular innovation.

The Role of Pedagogical Mentoring in Virtual Exchange

Robert O'Dowd ,Shannon Sauro ,

Elana Spector‐Cohen

AbstractVirtual exchange, or telecollaboration, is a well‐known pedagogical approach in foreign language education that involves engaging classes in online intercultural collaboration projects with international partners as an integrated part of their educational programmes. This article focuses on the role of the teacher as pedagogical mentor in virtual exchange and examines the impact of the strategies and techniques that teachers use in their classes to support students’ learning during their online intercultural projects. The article begins with a proposed categorization of pedagogical mentoring reported in the literature to date. It then reports on the outcomes of a virtual exchange project carried out by three classes of initial English teacher education in Israel, Spain, and Sweden that involved two types of pedagogical mentoring. Qualitative content analysis enabled the identification of the impact of mentoring that took place before the exchange and also revealed insights into what students learned when their own online interactions were integrated into class work. The article concludes by discussing the limitations and challenges of different types of pedagogical mentoring in virtual exchange and by outlining a list of recommendations for carrying out pedagogical mentoring in such projects.


Language and Cognition



1366-7289 (print)

1469-1841 (online)



Cambridge Journals 1998年至今

最新出版:Vol.23 (2),2020


《Bilingualism: Language and Cognition是一本国际同行评审的期刊,从语言,心理语言和神经科学的角度着眼于双语。该期刊的目的是促进对双语和多语种人的研究,并鼓励该领域的辩论。涵盖的领域包括:双语能力,双语处理,儿童和成人双语学习,正常人和大脑受损者的双语神经语言学,双语能力和表现的计算模型以及对认知功能的研究双语者。


“I'm gonna Spanglish it on you”: Self-reported vs. oral production of Spanish–English codeswitching

Jessica G. Cox, Ashley LaBoda, Najee Mendes

AbstractMuch bilingualism research includes some consideration of codeswitching, which may be measured via self-report, an experimental task, or sociolinguistic interview; however, there is little triangulation across measures in either psycholinguistic or sociolinguistic approaches. To consider possible differences between self-report and oral production of codeswitching, Spanish–English bilinguals completed a codeswitching questionnaire and oral production in an autobiographical memory task. They also completed proficiency and executive function tests. We found that broad measures of self-reported and orally produced codeswitches were positively correlated, although relationships with proficiency and executive function were more complex. These findings may direct future studies’ operationalization of codeswitching.

The processing of input with differential object marking by heritage Spanish speakers

Jill Jegerski, Irina A. Sekerina

AbstractHeritage Spanish speakers and adult immigrant bilinguals listened to wh-questions with the differential object marker a (quién/a quién ‘who/whoACC’) while their eye movements across four referent pictures were tracked. The heritage speakers were less accurate than the adult immigrants in their verbal responses to the questions, leaving objects unmarked for case at a rate of 18%, but eye movement data suggested that the two groups were similar in their comprehension, with both starting to look at the target picture at the same point in the question and identifying the target sooner with a quién ‘whoACC’ than with quién ‘who’ questions.

Brain and Language



0093-934X (print)
1090-2155 (online)



ScienceDirect 1995年至今



跨学科期刊《Brain and Language》发表阐明语言,大脑和行为之间的复杂关系的文章。该期刊涵盖了认知神经科学领域的各种现代技术,包括功能性和结构性脑成像,电生理学,细胞和分子神经生物学,遗传学,基于病变的方法以及计算模型。


Co-activation of the L2 during L1 auditory processing: An ERP cross-modal priming study

Susan C. Bobb, Katie Von Holzen, Julien Mayor 

.et al.

Abstract: Several studies have shown that unbalanced bilinguals activate both of their languages simultaneously during L2 processing; however, evidence for L2 activation while participants are tested exclusively in their L1 has been more tenuous. Here, we investigate whether bilingual participants implicitly activate the label for a picture in their two languages, and whether labels activated in L2 can prime activation of cross-linguistically related L1 lexical targets. We tested highly proficient early Spanish-Basque bilinguals on an ERP cross-modal priming task conducted only in their L1, Spanish. Participants activated prime picture labels in both Spanish and Basque. More importantly, participants activated Basque translations of Spanish auditory targets, even in a Spanish experimental environment with no reference to Basque. Results provide strong evidence for non-selective bilingual lexical access, showing co-activation extending to lexical levels beyond phonological overlap. Our results add to the growing body of evidence for the interconnective nature of bilingual language activation.

Neural dynamics of speech and non-speech motor planning

M. Lancheros, A-L. Jouen, M. Laganaro

AbstractAs the speech apparatus is also involved in producing non-speech movements, understanding whether speech and non-speech planning are controlled by the same brain mechanisms is central to the comprehension of motor speech planning. A crucial issue is whether a specialized motor planning/control system is dedicated to speech or if the motor planning/control system is shared across oromotor behaviors. We investigated the EEG/ERP spatio-temporal dynamics of the motor planning processes preceding articulation by comparing the production of non-speech gestures matched to monosyllabic words and non-words. To isolate motor from pre-motor planning, we used a delayed production task combined with an articulatory suppression task. Results suggest that the planning processes preceding articulation for non-speech, words and non-words recruit the same neural networks but with different involvement for non-speech and speech. The results support the idea of shared motor planning/control systems for speech and non-speech but with different dynamics for each oromotor behavior.

International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism



1367-0050 (print)

1747-7522 (online)



Taylor & Francis Online 1998年至今

最新出版:Vol.23(3), 2020


《International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism》是多学科的,侧重于全球双语和双语教育的各个方面。


Exploring the role of language in English medium instruction

Ernesto Macaro

Abstract: English Medium Instruction (EMI) in universities continues to grow as an educational phenomenon and increasingly is attracting the attention of researchers, particularly researchers who are applied linguists. Starting with a definition of EMI and with the challenges that any working definition poses in the many contexts in which EMI is said to be operating, this paper explores the extent to which some of the theories prevalent in the field of second language acquisition can be transferred to the kinds of content classrooms which are labelled EMI. Examples of language used in content classrooms are provided and analysed with two specific foci: what and how vocabulary is used by teachers; the use of the learners’ first language by the teacher. Some recommendations for taking a more nuanced perspective towards EMI research by applied linguists are suggested.

EMI, internationalisation, and the digital

Francesca Helm

AbstractTechnologies are seen to have made a strong contribution to the global spread of the English, yet their role in relation to EMI contexts has been little explored. This paper seeks to address this gap by looking at some of the ways in which EMI, internationalisation and the use of technologies are intertwined. Two specific approaches to the use of technology in education are presented and explored, MOOCs (massive open online courses) and virtual exchange, that is sustained interaction and/or collaboration between students located in geographically distant contexts. Specific examples of how these applications of technology can and have been used for teaching and professional development in EMI contexts are provided. The paper seeks to take a critical stance, unpicking some of the assumptions and ideologies in the discourses surrounding educational technologies and exploring how different models of use contribute to the ‘ecology of knowledges’.

Studies in Second Language Acquisition



0272-2631 (print)

1470-1545 (online)



Cambridge Journals 1978年至今

最新出版:Vol.42 (1),2020


Studies in Second Language Acquisition》是一本国际范围的参考期刊,致力于对非母语和传承语言的习得或使用进行科学讨论。除了关于当前理论问题的论文外,每卷(五期)都包含定量,定性或混合方法性质的研究文章。



Junmin Li, Marcus Taft

AbstractThe present study examined whether Chinese-English bilinguals showed morphological sensitivity toward prefixed words. In the experiment, English monolinguals showed masked priming effects in a Transparent condition (disagree-AGREE) and an Opaque condition (mischief-CHIEF), but not in a Form condition (stranger-ANGER). In contrast, bilinguals showed equivalent priming effects across the three conditions. Indeed, the difference between the magnitude of priming in the Form condition relative to that in the other two conditions was statistically smaller for the bilinguals than for the monolinguals. These findings suggest Chinese-English bilinguals are less sensitive to the morphological status of prefixes, compared with monolinguals.


Xian Zhang

AbstractThis study used the bibliometric method to examine the field of second language acquisition (SLA) between 1997 and 2018 to provide a systematic overview of the field and to discover major trends in SLA. Based on citation/cocitation information and keywords retrieved from Web of Science, this study performed three types of bibliometric analyses to identify the prominent scholarly documents, authors, research institutions, geographic regions, and research topics that have been highly influential in the field of SLA over the last two decades. The scientific network maps and the keyword analysis revealed a number of significant changes as well as new trends in the field.

Language Learning & Technology



1094-3501 (online)



DOAJ 1997年至今

EBSCO Open Access Journals 1998年至今

Journals for Free 1997年至今

最新出版:Vol.24 (1),2020


《Language Learning & Technology》是一本备受参考的开放期刊,自1997年7月起在网上独家发行。该期刊旨在将与技术和语言教育有关问题的研究传播给国外和第二语言教育者。


Pronunciation development and instruction in distance language learning

Ines A. Martin

Abstract: The goal of this study was to explore how distance language learners’ pronunciation skills develop with and without targeted pronunciation training during their first semester of university language instruction. To this end, a new computer-assisted method of pronunciation instruction was designed, and its effectiveness, as well as learners’ experiences with the method, were assessed. The study was conducted over the course of one semester with 67 distance learners of German. Perception and oral production skills on the word and sentence level were assessed at the beginning and end of the semester for a treatment group that received targeted pronunciation instruction and a control group that did not receive pronunciation instruction, but otherwise followed the same curriculum. 

A mixed-methods study of feedback modes in EFL writing

Arif Bakla

AbstractAs digital technologies have become ubiquitous thanks to the Internet, new modes of feedback in L2 writing have emerged, yet what remains unclear is how feedback given through alternative modes helps improve writing quality and how new feedback tools fit in the overall context of writing instruction. Therefore, the purpose of this embedded mixed-methods study is to assess how three online feedback modes help improve student writing. Thirty-three intermediate Turkish-L1 learners of English received written, audio and screencast feedback in Google Drive to improve their writing in a multi-draft essay-writing task and an essay-revision task with three parallel essays. 

Annual Review of 

Applied Linguistics



0267-1905 (print)
1471-6356 (online)



Cambridge Journals 1999年至今



《Annual Review of Applied Linguistics》发表有关应用语言学广泛领域中关键主题的研究。 通过研究摘要,重要概述,立场文件和实证研究提供关于该主题的各种观点。


Reframing Technology's Role in Language Teaching: A Retrospective Report

Lara Lomicka, Gillian Lord

AbstractAs the field of applied linguistics ponders and even embraces the myriad roles technology affords language education, we frame this critical report within the context of the Modern Language Association's 2007 report, along with earlier state-of-the-field Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (ARAL) pieces to consider not only where we've come from but also, crucially, where the field is headed. This article begins with an overview of the field, examining the role of technology and how it has been leveraged over decades of language teaching. We also explore issues such as the goals established by the Modern Language Association (MLA) with respect to shaping technological vision and the role of technology in enhancing the field of language education. 

Multilingualism and Technology: A Review of Developments in Digital Communication from Monolingualism to Idiolingualism

Helen Kelly-Holmes

AbstractThe focus in this article is on the evolution of language and technology in relation to multilingualism, in particular on how multilingual provision has developed in tandem with the development of the internet and the World Wide Web (WWW). In trying to understand how multilingualism has evolved, it is also necessary to understand how the technical aspects of digital technology as well as the politico-economic dimensions to that technology have changed. Four distinct periods emerge in the development: monolingualism, multilingualism, hyperlingualism, and idiolingualism. Monolingualism covers the origins of the internet and later the WWW as monolingual spaces.









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