
好好酿酒,天天向上/Brewing Onwards and Upwards


When we brewed the first batch of Jing-A back in 2012, we had a couple 20 liter buckets, a handful of ingredients and a dream to brew the best possible beer in China.



It’s been an incredible journey since then, and we’re proud of the small part we’ve played in helping to kick off the craft beer movement here. We had no idea that over the next six years we’d open two award-winning bars, travel to share our favorite creations at beer festivals, and bring home over a dozen medals from international beer competitions in Asia and Europe. We’re overwhelmed by the friendships we’ve built with brewers and other creative folks in the industry, the amazing energy and passion of our own small team, and the feedback we’ve received from beer lovers in Beijing, across China, and around the world.


京A始于并始终保持对优质啤酒的热爱--我们为自己能够一直致力于此而感到激动,在啤酒中倾注我们所有的精力与创造力。然而行内有一句话:“如果你希望成为一名酿酒师,不要开始经营酿酒厂。” --这其中有一定道理。在过去一年里,我们愈发地埋头于各种行政工作里,而无法专心于酿酒工作。因此,我们开始探索一些资金选择机会以支持京A的进一步发展,同时允许我们把重心带回真正喜爱的事情上--酿中国好酒。今天,我们激动地宣布为坚守此目的,我们已经接获来自嘉士伯作为少数合伙人的投资,以推动京A进入下一篇章。

Jing-A started with, and has always been driven by a deep love for good beer – it’s been a thrill for us to devote ourselves, our energy and our creativity to it. However, there’s a saying in this business that if you want to be a brewer, don’t start a brewery – and that definitely has some truth to it. Over the past year, we've found ourselves increasingly pulled out of the brewery and into the back office. As a result we’ve been exploring funding options that would support Jing-A's future development, while at the same time allow us to bring focus back to what we love most – brewing craft beer in China. Today we’re excited to announce that to that end, we’ve received investment from Carlsberg as a minority partner to fuel Jing-A's next chapter.


In addition to a deep relationship with China, Carlsberg also has a storied commitment to the art and science of brewing, innovating in their research lab since 1876. That translates into a respect for what we’re doing, and great technical resources that will be at our disposal.

通过这段全新的合作伙伴关系,我们将继续保持对京A的完整控制权,同时所接获的投资将支持在我们最需要的部分--打造最先进的酿酒/ 实验室硬件设施及构建稳固的分销网络。从而我们能够将啤酒无论在质量、创意都提升到一个更高的水平,这也将包括我们擅长的季节性和小批量酿造,并使它们更广泛更直接地供给北京甚至全中国的啤酒爱好者手中。在这共同目标推动下,我们的团队将保持不变,现在在质量、创新、及分销上得到了更多的支持。

With this new partnership, we continue to retain full control of Jing-A while receiving support where we most want it – state of the art brewing/ lab facilities and a solid distribution network. We'll be able to take the quality of our beers to the next level – including popular seasonal and small-batch beers from our brewpub – and make them more widely available to beer lovers in Beijing and throughout China. It will be the same people doing it, driven by the same passion and creativity – now with more support for quality, innovation, and distribution.


We’re very excited for this next step in our journey, and look forward to sharing more beer with you along the way!

Kris & Alex


