

上财期刊社 上海财经大学学报 2021-09-20

《上海财经大学学报》 2021年23卷第1期 页码:3 - 14  online:2021年1月23日


Changes of World Economic Pattern and New Development Opportunities for China in the Post Epidemic Period: From the Perspective of Marx’s Economic Crisis Theory

作者(中):杨小勇, 吴宇轩

作者(英):Yang Xiaoyong, Wu Yuxuan

作者单位:1.同济大学 马克思主义学院,上海 200092


关键词:后疫情时期; 世界经济格局; 马克思经济危机理论; 机遇

Summary: The global economic recession caused by the new epidemic situation will lead to great changes in the world economic pattern in the post epidemic period: The economy of Western developed capitalist countries has been severely damaged, and the long-term economic trend of major developing countries is uncertain. China has basically entered the track of economic recovery. The huge blow to the world economic system caused by this epidemic is closely related to the endogenous contradiction of capitalist economy. In the perspective of Marx’s political economy, economic crisis is an inherent phenomenon that capitalism cannot overcome. After the 1970s, under the baptism of new liberalism, economic globalization, financialization and other economic development trends, the inherent contradictions of capitalism were further intensified. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, which was a devastating exogenous impact, the major Western capitalist countries quickly fell into economic recession. In order to deal with the epidemic crisis, most Western developed capitalist countries have adopted expansionary fiscal and monetary policies, trying to restore market confidence and revive the economy through economic stimulus policies. This will have the following impact on the capitalist economy in the post epidemic period: The transition from Neo liberalism to regulatory capitalism, and the reshaping of the traditional pattern of economic globalization. The impact of the epidemic will not disappear in a short period, and countries that are not in a good position to deal with the epidemic situation may fall into a long-term economic recession. The epidemic is directly related to the economic recession, but not necessarily. Under the same impact of the epidemic, China can quickly control the epidemic by virtue of the superiority of the socialist system, and become the only major economy recovering at present. Marx’s theory of economic crisis can give a scientific explanation. In the post epidemic period, with the further exertion of the advantages of China’s socialist system, the recovery of the world economy will depend on China’s economy, which will bring new development opportunities to China: The continuously optimized business environment is conducive to absorbing more international risk aversion funds, the increasing economic anti-risk ability in the post epidemic period will boost China’s industrial upgrading, domestic consumption recovery ushers in bright development prospects, and digital economy will become a new economic growth point. In order to grasp these opportunities, China should take the following measures: Build a stable and orderly new financial format, ensure the stability of the industrial chain, strengthen the key technologies related to digital economy, stimulate supply side and demand side jointly to help the recovery of consumption, take multiple measures to maintain the stability of employment, and actively participate in the construction of a more effective global governance system.

Key words: post epidemic period; world economy situation; Marx’s theory of economic crisis; opportunity



基金项目:国家社科基金年度项目 “全面建成小康社会目标下劳动收入应有份额及实现机制研究”(17BKS053)


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