

CUHK-Shenzhen has appointed 169 professoriate staff on full time basis from January 2020 to September 2022 (listed in alphabetical order of the family name as below).

AI, Chunrong 艾春荣

Ph.D., MIT


Econometrics, Empirical industrial 

organization, Empirical finance,

Chinese economy

Presidential Chair Professor in School of Management and Economics


Ph.D., National University of Malaysia


Cell-Based Therapy, Cartilage Regeneration, Knee Joint Osteoarthritis, Medicinal Herbs and Vital Organs

Associate Professor (Teaching) in School of Medicine

BAI, Chen 白晨

Ph.D., Brandeis University


Computational biology, Computational biology, Computer/artificial intelligence aided drug design

Assistant Professor in School of Medicine

CAO, Hongjian 曹洪健

Ph.D., University of North Carolina


Maternal Adaptation During the Transition to Parenthood; Early Adversities and Later Psychopathology; Couple Relationship Well-being and Its Determinants; Family Processes Within Households Headed By LGBT* Parents and Households with Young Special Children

Assistant Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

CHAN, David 陈卫

Ph.D., Monash University


Tumor microenvironment, Epigenetics and human cancer, Cancer cell metabolism, Lipid metabolism, Tumor immunology, Cancer chemoresistance

Associate Professor (Teaching) in School of Medicine

CHAN, Eunice 陈予思

Ph.D., The University of Western Ontario


Evidence-Based Clinical Decision-Making, Health Technology Assessment, Health Policy, Global Surgery and Anesthesia, Biomedical Text Mining

Assistant Professor in School of Medicine

CHAN, Wing Wah 陈永华

Doctor of Music, University of Toronto



Professor and Associate Dean (Education) in School of Music

CHEN, Chen 陈琛

Ph.D., Boston University


Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

CHEN, Chun 陈纯

Ph.D., University of California Santa Barbara


Youth Risk and Resilience; School-Wide Prevention and Intervention

Assistant Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

CHEN, Gang 陈刚

Ph.D., University of Rochester


Biophysical chemistry, Chemical biology, RNA folding and molecular recognition, Developing chemical probes and therapeutic drugs targeting RNA structures

Associate Professor in School of Medicine

CHEN, Guanying 陈冠英

Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong


 Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Computer Graphics

Research Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

CHEN, Jihang 陈吉航

Ph.D., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activity of Herbal Medicine and Natural Products

Assistant Professor in School of Medicine

CHEN, Yilun 陈逸伦

Ph.D., Cornell University


Applied Probability, Sequential Decision-making, Stochastic Control, Optimal Stopping and Option Pricing, Multi-armed Bandits, Inventory Control

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

CHEN, Yuan 陈元

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Partial differential equations and its applications

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

CHEN, Zitan 陈梓坍

Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park


Coding Theory, Information Theory

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

CHENG, Davy 郑仲煊

M.D., University of Toronto


Evidence-based clinical decision-making, Health Technology Assessment, Health Policy, Perioperative surgical, Anesthesia care, Cardiac surgery, and Critical care medicine

Dean and Presidential Chair Professor in School of Medicine

CHIANG, Ying-Chih 江瑛芝

Ph.D., University of Heidelberg


Computational biology, Theoretical chemistry, Non-equilibrium physics

Assistant Professor in School of Medicine

COURCOUBETIS, Konstantinos

Ph.D.University of California, Berkeley


Economics and Performance Analysis of Networks and Internet Technologies, Sharing Economy and Mobility, Regulation Policy, Smart Grids and Energy Systems, Resource Sharing and Auctions

Presidential Chair Professor in School of Data Science

CUI, Steven 崔小林

Ph.D., The University of Adelaide


Biofabrication, Stem cell and acellular therapy, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, cartilage and bone tissue repair, cardiac tissue engineering

Assistant Professor in School of Medicine

DENG, Qiyuan 邓淇元

Ph.D., Singapore Management University


E-commerce and Marketplace Analytics, Online Platforms, Information Disclosure, Social Networks

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

DI, Chenchen 狄晨晨

Ph.D.,University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


Marketing-finance Interface,

 Distribution Channels, Pricing, FinTech

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

DU, Juan 杜鹃

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Calcium Signal and Cell Function, Mechanism of Tumor Exosome Secretion, Exosomes and Early Diagnosis of Tumor and Targeted Delivery of Exosomes

Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean (Medical Education) in School of Medicine

FANG, Yixiang 方一向

Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong


Data Management, Data Mining, 

and Artificial Intelligence over Big Data

Associate Professor in School of Data Science

GALLEGO, Guillermo

Ph.D.Cornell University


Dynamic Pricing, Discrete Choice Models, 

Assortment Optimization, Pricing Analytics, Dynamic Programming

Presidential Chair Professor in School of Data Science

GAO, Pin 高品

Ph.D., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Revenue Management, Recommendation System, Algorithm Design, Mechanism Design

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

GONG, Shihua 龚世华

Ph.D., Peking University


Scientific computing and numerical analysis, finite element, domain decomposition, and preconditioning techniques

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

GONG, Zheng 宫郑

Ph.D., University of Toronto


Quantitative Marketing, Social Media,

Economics of Digitization, Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomic Theory

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

HAN, Jun 韩俊

 Ph.D., University of Notre Dame


Visualization, User Interface and Interaction, 

Human-computer Interaction, Deep Learning

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

HAVIV, Moshe

Ph.D., Yale University


Operations Research, Queueing Models, 

Decision Making and Strategic Behavior in Queues, Markov Decision Processes

Professor in School of Data Science

HE, Pinjia 贺品嘉

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Software Engineering, System Reliability, 

Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

HE, Yisheng 贺益盛

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Pharmacology, Analytical chemistry

Assistant Professor in School of Medicine

HIRAO, Hajime

Ph.D., The University of Tokyo


Computational Chemistry, Computational Biology

Associate Professor in School of Medicine

HONG,  Iris W.  洪伟萍

Ph.D., Hong Kong University 

of Science and Technology


Consumer Judgment and Decision

Prosocial Behavior,

Professor in School of Management and Economics

HOU, Chenyu 侯宸羽

Ph.D.,University of British Columbia


Macroeconomics,Monetary Economics,

Bounded Rationality,Applied Econometrics

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

HOU, Yong 侯勇

Ph.D., Univeristy of Illinois at Chicago


Geometric Topology & Geometric Theory

Associate Professor in School of Science and Engineering

HU, Shengqing 胡盛清

Ph.D., Peking University


Differential equations and dynamical systems, KAM theory, Hamilton-Jacobi equation, Variational method

Research Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering


Master Degree, The Juilliard School


Orchestra Conducting &

Orchestra Academy Study

Professor , Academic Leader and Head of Conducting in School of Music

HU, Zhongchen 胡中琛

Ph.D., London School of

 Economics and Political Science


Household Finance, Climate Finance,Venture Capital,Entrepreneurship,Labor Economics

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

HUANG, Chuan 黄川

Ph.D., Texas A&M University


 Wireless communications and signal processing, including data/AI driven wireless networks and spectrum sensing/management

Associate Professor in School of Science and Engineering

HUANG, Jianhua 黄建华

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley


Computational and Bayesian Statistics, 

Functional and Longitudinal Data Analysis, 

Nonparametric Statistics, 

Semi-parametric Inference, 

Statistical Machine Learning, Statistical Methods for Big Data Sets, Spatial Statistics, Statistics Applications in Business, 

Social and Natural Sciences, and Engineering

Presidential Chair Professor,

Associate Dean (Faculty Affairs and Strategic Operations) in School of Data Science

HUANG, Jingsong 黄劲松

Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


Representation Theory, Lie Groups and Harmonic Analysis

 Presidential Chair Professor in School of Science and Engineering

 HUANG, Kanyuan 黄侃元

Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles


Information Disclosure, Equity Analysts,

Debt Contracting and Entrepreneurship

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

HUANG, Rihuan 黄日环

Ph.D., Cornell University


Behavioral Operations Management, 

Supply Chain Contracting, Social Responsibility

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

JABLONSKI, Krzysztof 

Doctorate in Music Arts, Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music, Katowice, Poland


Piano & Keyboard

Professor, Academic Leader and Head of Piano & Keyboard in School of Music

JENTZEN, Arnulf Meinhard

Ph.D., Goethe University Frankfurt


Machine Learning Approximation Algorithms, Computational Stochastics, Numerical Analysis for High Dimensional Partial Differential equations (PDEs), Stochastic Analysis, Computational Finance

Presidential Chair Professor in School of Data Science

JI, Dong 冀东

Ph.D., University of California, Davis 


Wide bandgap Semiconductors, Power Devices, Optoelectronics

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

JI, Xiaoqiang 冀晓强

Ph.D., Columbia University


 Control & Stability Analysis, Robotics & Mechatronics, Intelligent & Complex Systems

Research Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

JIANG, Cheng 蒋成

Ph.D., University of New Souths Wales


Extracellular Vesicles, Neurodegenerative Disease, Liquid Biopsy, Biosensing Device, Biomarker Discovery Pipeline

Assistant Professor in School of Medicine

JIANG, Yangzi  江洋子

Ph.D.,Northwestern University


Data-Driven Analytics in Operations

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

JIANG, Zhaoli 蒋招立

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Portfolio Selection, Corporate Finance, Stochastic Control, Game Theory, Asset Pricing

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

JIN, Ping 金平

Doctor of Musical Arts, University of Cincinnati



Professor, Academic Leader and Head of Composition in School of Music

JIN, Yoonho  晋润晧



Art and Aesthetics,Sensory Marketing, 

Emotion and Affect, Social Media Marketing, 

Creativity,Embodied Cognition, Artificial Intelligence

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

JIN, Zhenhong 金朕纮

Master Degree, The Ohio State University and UCSI


Viola Performance

Chamber Music

Orchestra Performance

Professor, Associate Dean (Admissions & Logistic Support), Academic Leader and Head of Chamber Music in School of Music

JIN, Zhuosheng 金卓晟

Doctor of Music, McGill University



Assistant Professor in School of Music

KE, Zhihai 柯志海

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Synthetic Organic Chemistry; Methodologies; Organocatalysis; Green Chemistry

 Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

LAM, Hing Chau 林庆舟

Juris Doctor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 


Legal Systems; Constitutional Law (including the Hong Kong Basic Law); Human Rights and Public International Law

Associate Professor (Teaching) in School of Humanities and Social Science

LEE, Sung Kwan  李诚官

Ph.D., New York University


Household Finance,

Behavioral Finance, Corporate Finance, Fintech

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

LEI, Shunbo 雷顺波

Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong 


Power & energy systems, grid-interactive efficient buildings, infrastructure resilience, optimization, machine/reinforcement learning

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

LEI, Yong 雷湧

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Epigenome editing, Epigenetics

Assistant Professor in School of Medicine

LI, Conglei 李丛磊

Ph.D., University of Toronto


Antibody production by B cells,Host-microbiome interaction, Intestinal immunology,DNA damage and repair

Assistant Professor in School of Medicine

LI, Haizhou 李海洲

Ph.D., South China University of Technology


Speech Information Processing, Natural Language Processing, Neuromorphic Computing, Human-Computer Interface

Presidential Chair Professor,

Associate Dean (Research) in School of Data Science

LI, Huaiguang 李怀光

Ph.D., Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Biocatalyst, fuel cells, CO2 adsorption

 Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

LI , Ming 李明 

PhD., University of Pennsylvania


Empirical Microeconomics,

Political economy, The Chinese Economy

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

LI, Qi  李琦

Ph.D., Cornell University 



 Strategy and Commercialization of High Technology

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

LI, Shuang 李爽

Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology


Machine Learning for Sequential Data Analysis and Decision-making, Applications to Healthcare, Smart Cities, and Social Media

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

LI, Tianyuan 李田园

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


The Intersection of Life-span Development and Interpersonal Relationships

Associate Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

LI, Tongxin 李彤欣

 Ph.D., California Institute of Technology


Trustworthy Machine Learning, Online Learning, Power Systems, Smart Grid and Control

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

LI, Xiao 李肖

 Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Data Science, Computational Imaging, 

Machine Learning, Mathematical Optimization

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

LI, Zehao 李泽昊

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison


Business Cycle Theory, 

Financial Frictions, Monetary Policy

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

LIANG, Gaoqi 梁高琪

Ph.D., The University of Newcastle


Cyber physical security of the smart grid, electricity market, carbon market

Research Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

LIANG, Jiaming 梁家铭

Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology


Continuous Optimization, 

High-dimensional Sampling

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

LIN, Wei  林炜

Ph.D.,University of California, Berkeley


Development Economics,Applied Microeconomics,Behavioral Economics,Environmental Economics,Experimental Economics

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

LIN ,Yufei 林雨菲

Ph.D., Duke University


Theories of Information Economics, 

Information Acquisition and Dissemination

 in Capital Markets,Real Effects of Accounting 

on Macroeconomics,Corporate Finance

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

LIU, Guozhen 刘国珍

Ph.D., University of New South Wales


Biomedical Engineering, Biosensors, Microfluidic paper-based biochips, Flexible wearables, 3D printing, In vitro point-of-care diagnostics, Intelligent nanoparticles and medical devices

Associate Professor and Assistant Dean (Postgraduate Affairs) in School of Medicine

Presidential Fellow

LIU, Songhu 刘嵩虎

Hochschule für Musik Nuremberg-Augsburg (doctoral equivalent)



Opera & Voice

Professor in School of Music

LIU, Xun 刘寻

Ph.D., The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


 Power Management Integrated Circuits Design

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

LU, Guangli  路广利

Ph.D.,The University of British Columbia


FinTech,Corporate Finance, 

Real Estate Finance, Household Finance

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

LU, Jiaqi  鲁家琦

Ph.D., Columbia University


Market Design, Supply Chain Management,

Customer Relationship Management

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science (Home School)

LUO, Yuan 罗元

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong 


Artificial Intelligence, Computational Game Theory, Mechanism Design, Machine Learning, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

MA, Chenhao 马晨昊

Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong


Large-scale Data Management and Data Mining

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science 


Ph.D., Wilfrid Laurier University


International Political Economy

Assistant Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

MIAO, Bin  苗斌

Ph.D., Nanyang Technological University


Corporate Disclosure, Market Microstructure, 

Empirical Asset Pricing, 

Accounting Information and Stock Prices

Associate Professor in School of Management and Economics

NELSON, Edmund Anthony Severn

M.D., University of Otago


Rotavirus, influenza and other vaccines; Diarrhoeal and respiratory disease surveillance; Obesity and child growth; Breastfeeding promotion; Sudden infant death syndrome

Professor in School of Medicine

PAN, Xingzimin 潘行紫旻

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Utah



Assistant Professor in School of Music

PAN, Qi 潘祺

Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania


Dynamic Pricing, Sharing Economy,

Quantitative Marketing,Econometric Modeling,

Empirical Industrial Organization

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

PAN, Xingbin 潘兴斌

Ph.D., Shandong University


Partial differential equations, calculus of variations, mathematical theory of superconductivity, liquid crystals and electromagnetism, nonlinear Maxwell equations and Maxwell-Stokes equations

Professor in School of Science and Engineering

PENG, Xiaoshui 彭小水

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


 Novel “bio-inspired” strategies and methodologies for the total synthesis of structurally complex and biologically significant natural products; Natural product enabled discovery and application

Associate Professor in School of Science and Engineering

QIN, Hua 秦华

Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Population (Migration) and the Environment; Community, Natural Resources, and Sustainability; Urban Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate-related Hazards; Applied Research Methods and Data Practices

Associate Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

QIU, Zijie 丘子杰

Ph.D., The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Organic Functional Materials; Polymer Synthesis; Organic Chemistry

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

REN, Xiao  任逍

Ph.D., University of Georgia


Labor and Finance,Politics and Finance, IPO,

Entrepreneurial Finance,Corporate Innovation

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

ROBINSON, Douglas Jack

Ph.D., University of Washington


Translation Studies; Comparative and World Literature; Literary Theory; Language Theory; Rhetorical Theory

Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

SALTER, Michael Geoffrey

Ph.D., University of Sheffield


Merits of Alternative Approaches to ESL Teaching and Learning; Semiotics (Legal and Philosophical); Law and Literature in Relation to Hamlet; Regionalism Within International Law and Relations Aspects of Discourse

Associate Professor (Teaching) in School of Humanities and Social Science

SHEN, Kaiming 沈闓明

Ph.D., University of Toronto


Optimization, multi-user information theory, wireless communications, data science, machine learning

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

SHU, Shi Yuen (Martin) 许士元

Ph.D., Boston University


Macroeconomics, Development Economics,

Labor Economics

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

SHUAI, Zhigang 帅志刚

Ph.D., Fudan University


Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Computational Materials Science

Professor in School of Science and Engineering

SONG, Xinning 宋新宁 

Ph.D., Renmin University of China


International Relations; International Political Economy; China’s Foreign Policy and External Relations; European Politics and Diplomacy; American Politics and Diplomacy

Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

SUN, Qilin 孙启霖

 Ph.D.King Abdullah University of Science and Technology


Computational Photography, Optics, Depth/Transient Imaging, Physical Based Rendering and Simulation, 

Deep Learning, Optimization

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

SUN, Ruoyu 孙若愚

Ph.D., University of Minnesota


Deep Learning Theory, Generative Models, Large-scale Optimization, Learning to Optimize, Graph Neural Nets, AI for Communication, Information Theory, Wireless Communications

Associate Professor in School of Data Science

TANG, Benzhong 唐本忠

Ph.D., Kyoto University


Materials science, macromolecular chemistry, and biomedical theranostics. His lab is spearheading the scientific research on aggregation-induced emission

Dean and Presidential Chair Professor in School of Science and Engineering

TANG, Wenfang 唐文方 

Ph.D., The University of Chicago


Public Opinion; Political Culture; Mass Politics

Dean and Presidential Chair Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

TANG, Xiaoying 唐晓莹

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


 Online scheduling and distributed algorithm design and optimizations for smart grid, edge computing and other cyber-physical systems; Fundamental research in machine learning algorithm and artificial intelligence

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

TAO, Ran 陶然

Ph.D., The University of Chicago


Urbanizaton and Urban Development; Land System; Migration; Political Economy of China’s Transition and Development; Local Governance and Public Finance

Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

TEH, Tat-How  郑达豪

Ph.D.,National University of Singapore


Applied Microeconomic Theory,Industrial Organization Theory,Digital Platform Strategy

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

TEIXEIRA, Alessandro Golombiewski  福鑫

Ph.D.,University of Sussex


Industrial and Innovation Policy, International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), 

Entrepreneurship, Economic Development

Visiting Professor in School of Management and Economics

TSALKA, Michael 

Doctor of Musical Arts, Temple University


Piano & Keyboard

Assistant Professor in School of Music

TSU, Wei Ling Vera 徐惟聆

Master Degree, Manhattan School of Music


Violin Performance

Chamber Music

Orchestra Performance

Professor, Academic Leader and Head of Orchestra Studies in School of Music

TU, Wenguang 涂文广

Ph.D., Nanjing University


 Synthesis of Low dimensional semiconductor material, solar energy driven small molecule conversion

Research Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

WANG, Baoxiang 王趵翔

Ph.D.The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Reinforcement Learning, Online Learning, 

and Learning Theory

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

WANG, Benyou 王本友

Ph.D.University of Padua


Natural Language Processing (NLP), 

Information Retrieval, Applied Machine Learning, Quantum Machine Learning

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

WANG, Dong 王东

Ph.D., The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


 Computational fluid dynamics, computational material science, image processing, optimization, machine learning

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

WANG, Fangxin 王方鑫

Ph.D., Simon Fraser University


Computer Networking, Multimedia Systems and Applications, Cloud and Edge Computing, Machine Learning, and Internet-of-Things

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

WANG, Guanyu 王冠宇

Ph.D., University of Cologne


Biomedical Engineering, Physical and Quantitative Biology, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Biocomplexity and Theoretical Biology

Associate Professor in School of Medicine

WANG, Jingqi  王竞奇

Ph.D., Northwestern University


Supply Chain Management,

Innovation and Technology Management 

in Supply Chains,Business Analysis,

Empirical Studies in Operations Management

Associate Professor in School of Management and Economics

WANG, Lu 王璐

Ph.D., Nanyang Technological University


Photothermal catalysis and electrocatalysis

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

WANG, Mingfeng 王明锋

Ph.D., University of Toronto


Polymer chemistry and materials, organic optoelectronics, nanomedicine, biomedical engineering

Associate Professor in School of Science and Engineering

WANG, Renzhi 王任直

M.D., Kitasato University


Diagnosis and surgical treatment of various common and difficult diseases of the nervous system

Professor in School of Medicine

WANG, Wanxin  王晚新

Ph.D.,Imperial College London


Entrepreneurial Financing,

Innovation Management,

Marketing / Entrepreneurship Interface

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

WANG, Weiping 王卫平

Ph.D., Fudan University


Child Nutrition and Children’s Growth and Development; Pediatric Nutrition; The Impact of Child Nutrition on Immune Function

Professor in School of Medicine

WANG, Xiaoping 王筱平

Ph.D., Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University


 Modeling and simulation of interface problems and multiphase flow, Image Processing, Topology optimization problem in intelligent manufacturing and numerical method of micro-magnetic calculation

 Presidential Chair Professor in School of Science and Engineering

WANG, Yongfei 王勇斐

Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong


Bioinformatics & Population genetics, Autoimmune diseases, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Omics data analysis, Drug discovery and repositioning, Genetic screening

Assistant Professor in School of Medicine

WANG, Zhaorui 王兆瑞

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Communications, Massive Machine Type Communications, Physical-Layer Network Coding

Research Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

WONG, Nai Ching 黄乃正

Ph.D., University College London


Syntheses of natural and non-natural molecules 

Presidential Chair Professor in School of Science and Engineering

WU, Baoyuan 吴保元

Ph.D.Chinese Academy of Sciences


AI Security and Privacy, Machine Learning, 

Computer Vision and Optimization

Associate Professor in School of Data Science

WU, Chenye 吴辰晔

Ph.D., Tsinghua University


Smart Energy Systems

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

 WU, Junfeng 吴均峰

Ph.D., The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Distributed Systems, Control Network Systems, Kalman Filtering, Signal Processing, Cyber Security and Privacy

Associate Professor in School of Data Science

WU, Shijia  吴诗佳

Ph.D.,University of California at Irvine


Financial Accounting,

Information Disclosure,Limited Attention,

Visual Presentation, Textual Analysis

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

WU, Tao  吴涛

Ph.D., National University of Singapore


Emerging Markets, 

Global Strategy, Nonmarket Forces

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

WU, Zhizheng 武执政

Ph.D., Nanyang Technological University


Speech Processing, Speech Synthesis, DeepFake Detection

Associate Professor in School of Data Science

XIAO, Bowen 肖博文

Ph.D., Columbia University


Theoretical Physics, High Energy Nuclear Physics Theory

Associate Professor in School of Science and Engineering

XIE, Biye 解碧野

Ph.D., University of Hong Kong


Topological physics, artificial condensed phase materials, photonic and acoustic functional devices

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

XIE, Liyan 谢李岩

Ph.D.Georgia Institute of Technology


Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Data Science Inspired by Important Applications (Sensor Networks and Health Care), with a particular interest in Sequential Change Detection and Robust Hypothesis Test through the Lens of Robust Optimization

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

 XING, Wen 邢文

Ph.D., Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts; Chinese Excavated Classics

Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

XU, Jie 许杰

Ph.D., University of Science and Technology of China


Wireless Communications, wireless power transfer, UAV communications, and mobile edge computing and machine learning

Associate Professor in School of Science and Engineering

XU, Xiaomin 许晓敏

Ph.D., The University of Edinburgh


Full Cover for Health Insurance, Pension, and Relocation

Assistant Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

YAN, Ming 严明

Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles


Distributed Optimization, Sparse Optimization, Machine Learning, Large-scale Optimization

Associate Professor in School of Data Science

YAN, Shu Liang 阎述良

Ph.D., University of Toronto


International Relations; International Political Economy; Comparative Politics; Comparative Political Economy

Assistant Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

YANG, Haoxiang 杨浩翔

Ph.D.Northwestern University


Optimization under Uncertainty, 

Integer Programming, Energy Systems

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

YANG, Li  杨黎

Ph.D., Rice University


Analytical Modeling (Pricing, Marketing Strategy)

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

 YAO, Jianfeng Jeff 姚建峰

Ph.D., Université Paris-Saclay


Random Matrix Theory and 

High-dimensional Statistics,

High-dimensional Econometrics Models, 

Markov Chains and Markov Processes, 

Time Series Analysis, 

Network Data Analysis, Digital Image Analysis

Presidential Chair Professor in School of Data Science

YE, Xiaogang 叶小钢

Master of Music, Eastman School of Music



Dean and Professor in School of Music

YOO, Sunny (Seung Yeon)  柳承妍

Ph.D.,University of Southern California


Corporate Culture,Shareholder Activism,

Debt Contracting,Information Environment

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

YU, Guangjun 于广军

Ph.D., Fudan University


Child health care and digital medicine

Professor(Clinical) and Associate Dean  (Hospital affairs) in School of Medicine

YU, Jiangfan 俞江帆

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Micro/nanorobotics, medical robotics, biomedicine

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

Yu, Le 余乐

International Artist Diploma in Percussion/ Master of Music (Distinction) in Percussion

 Royal Northern College of Music



Professor and Programme Director of Percussion in School of Music

YU, Tianshu 于天舒

Ph.D., Arizona State University


Machine Learning, 

Optimization of Combinatorial Problems, 

Optimization and Learning of Graph, 

RNNs and Determinantal Point Process

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

YU, Tianwei 于天维

Ph.D.University of California, Los Angeles


Bioinformatics, Statistics,

Machine Learning

Professor, Associate Dean (Student Affairs) in School of Data Science

Yuan, Fang 袁芳

Meisterklassendiplom in major Piano (doctoral equivalent)

Meisterklassendiplom in major Chamber Music (doctoral equivalent)

Hochschule für Musik und Theater München

(University of Music and Performing Arts Munich)


Piano & Keyboard

Professor, Associate Head of Piano & Keyboard in School of Music

ZHANG, Bo 张波

Ph.D., Peking Union Medical College



Professor in School of Medicine

 ZHANG, Chenglong 张成龙

Ph.D.,The University of Texas at Dallas


Platform Economics,

Commercial Artificial Intelligence

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

ZHANG, Haozhao  张皓昭

Ph.D.,The University of Texas at Dallas


Sharing Economy, 

Blockchain, Platform Economics

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

ZHANG, Jianhui 张建辉

Ph.D., Technical University of Munich


Theoretical physics, High-energy physics/nuclear physics

Associate Professor in School of Science and Engineering

ZHANG, Jingwei 张经纬

Ph.D., Duke University


Approximate Dynamic Programming, Stochastic Modeling

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

ZHANG, Liping 张立萍

Master of Music, Vancouver Academy of Music



Opera & Voice

Professor in School of Music

ZHANG, Mingjian 张明建

Ph.D., CAS


 Energy conversion and storage, Li/Na-ion battery, cathode materials, structure-performance relationship, in situ/operando characterization techniques

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

ZHANG, Peng  张鹏

Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara


Environmental Economics,Development Economics,Labor Economics, Health Economics,

Applied Micro-econometrics

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

 ZHANG, Rongrong 张容榕

Ph.D.,University of Alberta


Organization Theory,Strategic Management,

Social Evaluations (Legitimacy, 

Reputation, and Stigma), Emotions

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

ZHANG, Rui 张瑞

Ph.D., Stanford University


 Wireless Communications

 Presidential Chair Professor in School of Science and Engineering

ZHANG, Tianyu  张田余

Ph.D., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Institutions and China Capital Market,Corporate Governance,Media and Social Media

Presidential Chair Professor in School of Management and Economics

ZHANG, Yiming  张一鸣

Ph.D., University of Washington


Data-driven Service Operations,

Behavioral Operations Management

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

ZHANG, Yunyi 张云翼

 Ph.D.University of California, San Diego


Time Series Analysis, 

Resampling and Bootstrap Method, 

High-dimensional Data Analysis and Nonparametric Statistics

Assistant Professor in School of Data Science

ZHANG, Zhuoran 张焯然

Ph.D., University of Toronto


Medical robotics, Automaton at micro/nano scales, Computer vision, Machine learning, Assisted reproductive technology

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

ZHAO, J. Leon  赵建良

Ph.D., UC Berkeley


FinTech, Blockchain Technology and Business Applications,Big Data Applications in Business,Workflow Technology and Management

Presidential Chair Professor in School of Management and Economics

ZHAO, Yabo  赵雅博

Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas


Empirical Corporate Finance, Innovation,Labor and Finance, Institutional Investors

Assistant Professor in School of Management and Economics

ZHAO, Yongjuan 赵永娟

Ph.D., Peking Union Medical College


NAD signaling in cancer immunology and neurodegeneration

Assistant Professor in School of Medicine

ZHAO, Zheng 赵征

Ph.D., Chinese Academy of Sciences


Aggregation-induced emission, Stimuli-responsive materials, Biomedical imaging

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering

ZHENG, Yongnian 郑永年 

Ph.D., Princeton University


Nationalism and International Relations; International and Regional Security in East Asia; China’s Foreign Policy; Globalization; State Transformation and Social Justice; Chinese Politics

Presidential Chair Professor in School of Humanities and Social Science

ZHU, Huiling 朱慧玲

Soloist (Doctor) degrees of Lieder and Opera, Musikhochschule Stuttgart (Germany)



Opera & Voice

Professor in School of Music

ZHU, Jian 朱建

Ph.D., University of Alberta


 Intelligent soft robots, Bioinspired robots, Smart materials and structures

Associate Professor in School of Science and Engineering

ZHUO, Xiaolu 卓晓璐

Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Plasmonics, nanophotonics, bio-nanotechnology

Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering






