
展讯 |「TOY STORY」黄一山个人项目 将于9月16日开幕

新氧艺O2art O2art Space

黄一山的最新个展“Toy Story”是极具趣味性的。这一系列作品都以玩具、玩偶化的形象为载体,将耳熟能详的童话、寓言,以及艺术家虚构的或荒诞或典型的生活场景作为题材。同时,明艳、光亮的色泽,画面中浮雕式凸起的人物形象和现成材料,使得画面令人异常愉悦,也通俗地近乎甜腻。这种在题材和视觉上的趣味性,是黄一山在近年所开启和着重的工作方向。但趣味何以入画,且不流俗于取悦?这是黄一山在观念、叙事和绘画语言之间所进行的持续探索:他将约定俗成的趣味前置,通过在绘画的空间和物质性上的推进,重构了一个在美丽表象下令人惊诧的黑色现实。

Huang Yishan's latest solo exhibition, "Toy Story," is quite tasteful. Using iconic toys and dolls as carriers, this series of works revolves around the subject matter of familiar fairy tales, fables, and fictionalized scenes of absurd or typical life by the artist. At the same time, the bright, glossy colors, the relief-like raised figures, and the readily available materials in the images make them exceptionally pleasurable and colloquiallyunctuous. Such subject matter and vision are what Huang Yishan set to focus on in recent years. How would one integrate taste into a painted image without falling into the trap of sheer visual pleasure? This quest drives Huang Yishan to continue exploring concepts, narrative, and the language of painting. He fronts a conventional taste, and by advancing in the space and materiality of his paintings, he reconstructs a surprising and macabre reality beneath the works’ beautiful appearance.

成就 Accomplishment

板上综合材料,油彩  Mixed media on board,oil‍

60x53cm  2023

在展览“Toy Story”中,黄一山以玩具的外壳、消费主义的视觉取向去构建多重叙事,抑或是在绘画物质性和空间性的持续探索,实质上它们依然包裹着一个现实主义的内核。黄一山以更为日常和普世的方式来呈现一种视觉经验在生产和消费之间的吊诡。就像迪士尼乐园是一个理想奇境,真善美的核心价值总能够轻易地触及每一个人,但总有离开乐园回到现实世界的时刻。这就像展览中的两幅作品,残酷地将这层美丽外壳剥下:《成就》里画家面对着画布/镜子画着自画像,他的形象在镜中层层显影、重叠。这是艺术家对于自我身份和创作欲望的竭力追问;还有那面位于《Mirror》中间的镜子,更是直接地照向了看向它的每一位观众。

In "Toy Story," Huang Yishan constructs multiple narratives with the shell of toys and the visual inclinations of consumerism, who continues to explore the materiality and spatiality of the paintings, which are still wrapped in a kernel of realism. Huang Yishan adopts an everyday and universal approach to present abizarre visual experience from production and consumption. Just as Disneyland is an idyllic wonderland, everyone would sympathize with its core values of truth, kindness, and beauty, yet there is always a moment when one has to leave the park and return to the real world. Like the two works in the exhibition, with their beautiful shells peeled off, in Accomplishment, the artist faces the canvas/mirror and paints a self-portrait, with his image appearing and overlapping in the mirror. This picture visualizes the artist's desperate quest to discover the self and desire to create and the reflexive surface at the center of the Mirror, which shines directly at every viewer who looks into it.

白雪公主-1 Snow White-1
板上综合材料,油彩  Mixed media on board,oil
90x72cm  2023

艺术家 黄一山


主要个展:迷津——黄一山个人项目,廿一当代艺术博览会,新氧艺O2art,上海(2021);黄一山,当代唐人艺术中心,北京(2019);干涉:黄一山个展,广东美术馆,广州(2019);miniQ——黄一山2108个人项目,新氧艺O2art ,北京(2018);维摹变,当代唐人艺术中心,香港(2017);蓝天,扉艺廊,广州(2015);非格物——形而下的空间叙事,新氧艺O2art,北京(2013)。主要群展:时间引力——2023成都双年展,成都市美术馆,成都(2023);化作通变——第七届广州三年展,广东美术馆,广州(2023);绘画的故事——以个人为叙事的中国绘画史,壹美美术馆,北京(2022);艺以通衢——2022武汉双年展,武汉美术馆,武汉(2022);别样的时间,华侨城盒子美术馆,佛山(2021);1荐1——广东省美术名家荐才行动],广东美术馆,广州(2020);策展课II:故事与结构],华·美术馆,深圳(2020)等。

Huang Yishan, was born in Shantou, Guangdong Province in 1983. He graduated with a Masters degree from the Oil Painting Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 2009, where he now works as a lecturer. Huang Yishan’s creation is rooted in a spontaneous study of visual language, and the space in his works is mostly lead by parallel perspective to present a regulated world. Extremely fine making of materials presents the flat works with a particular physical property. Through years of exploration, Huang Yishan keeps promoting the relationship between the visual presentation and the conceptual logic of his works to form a unique look.

Major solo exhibition: Painting-within-A-Painting, Art021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, Shanghai (2021); Huang Yishan Solo Exhibition, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing (2019); Interference:Artworks of Huang Yishan, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou (2019);MiniQ, O2art SPACE, Beijing (2018); Dimension Imitation Transformation,Tang Contemporary Art, Hong Kong (2017); Blue Sky, Fei Gallery, Guangzhou (2015);  Major group exhibition: Time Gravity - 2023 Chengdu Biennale, Chengdu Art Museum, Chengdu (2023); Symphony of All the Changes - The 7th Guangzhou Triennial, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou (2023); The Story of Painting:the History of Chinese Painting with Personal Narratives, One Art Museum, Beijing (2022); Into the Wilderness, O2art SPACE, Beijing (2022); Communication Through Art - Wuhan Biennale 2022, Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan (2022); Und Anderes Denk in Anderer Zeit, OCT Boxes Art Museum, Shenzhen (2021); One-Nominate-One, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou (2020); The Curation Workshop II-Story and Structure,OCT Art and Design Gallery, Shenzhen (2020) etc. 

策展人 陈立

独立策展人和研究者,现生活并工作在中国北京。他曾于魔金石空间担任研究主管,并在中国香港与内地从事独立策展。他的研究主要关注于地缘政治、表演性及流动影像,探索身份与主体的复杂性,及其如何超越地理的界限。陈立曾策划“琢面”(画廊周北京公共单元,北京,2023)、“比赛继续、舞台留下”(广东时代美术馆,广州,2019)、“今天应该很高兴”(泰康空间,北京,2019)、“世变”(Para Site,香港,2016)、“他/她从海上来”(OCAT,深圳,2016)等展览。陈立参与了多个国际驻留项目:2016年亚洲艺术文献库研究者驻留;2019年韩国国立现代美术馆国际研究者项目驻留;2019年获得亚洲文化协会纽约策展驻留奖助金。

Leo Li Chen is a curator and researcher based in Beijing, China. Hewas the Director of Research in Magician Space, Beijing, and a curator in Hong Kong and mainland China. His main research focuses on geopolitics, performativity and moving images, to explore the complexity of identity and subjectivity that transcends geographical barriers. He has curated the exhibitions, Facets (Gallery Weekend Beijing Public Sector, 2023), The Racing Will Continue, The Dancing Will Stay (Guangdong Times Museum, Guangzhou, 2019); Today Could Have Been a Happy Day (Taikang Space, Beijing, 2018); That Has Been and Maybe Again (Para Site, Hong Kong, 2016); Adrift (OCAT, Shenzhen, 2016), and so on. He was a resident researcher at Asia Art Archive in 2016, and at MMCA Korea in 2019. He gained the New York curator residency fellowship by Asian Cultural Council in 2019. 


O2art was founded in 2011. It's an organisation that focuses on promoting and managingcontemporary professional artists. It has independently curated many group exhibitions as well as solo exhibitions, with artworks in various media including paintings, sculptures, installations, photography and so on. Now O2art has two spaces located in 798 Art Zone and O2art Online Project Studio in Shunyi central villa area. O2art will continue to follow up artists' career and creation development, and become a strong part of China's contemporary art community.



O2art Space

