
How to Self-declare in Individual Tax APP in China

LegalTips Regionalupdate 2022-12-04
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Step 1: Download the Individual Income Tax APP.
Download the "Individual Income Tax" APP in your mobile phone as explained below:
# 1: Open the App Store/App Market in your mobile phone, enter "Individual Income Tax (个人所得税)" in the search bar, select the "Individual Income Tax APP (Released by the State Administration of Taxation国家税务总局发面的个人所得税APP )" , and click “Install”;
# 2: Open “Scan” in your WeChat to scan the QR code below, and follow the operation prompts to complete the download procedure.
Step 2: Operation process.
1. Log in the "Individual Income Tax" APP on your mobile phone
Open the "Individual Income Tax" APP, click "Personal Center" and then click "Login/Register".
Click "Register" if it’s the first time ever you log in; or enter the account number, password or fingerprint if you have logged in before.

After logging in, click on the homepage [I want to file my tax] - "Tax Declaration" [Comprehensive Income Annual Settlement], click "2021 Year".
2. Check previous income tax data before filing
Click "Review Income Tax Data": check all the declared income in China for your Individual income tax settlement in 2021. If you have any doubts about the data,and believe that you have never obtained one of the income records, you can initiate an appeal and make a commitment to the record through this APP. After the appeal, the income will not be included in your annual income.
3. Two ways to file the tax
This App provides two ways to declare the annual income ( pre-fill service and declare in blank form), it is recommended to select "pre-fill service". This option displays all your declared data related to income tax in 2021, which are automatically collected by the tax system and pre-filled into the corresponding declaration column, including wages and salaries, labor remuneration, authors remuneration, royalty, if you are sure that all these data are correct and there is no data to be modified, you may confirm it by click "Start Declaration".
In the "Standard Declaration Instructions" interface, review the instruction and click "I have read and understand".

4. Check the information

Enter the Income and Pre-tax Deduction page, check the deduction items such as comprehensive income, expenses, tax-free income and donations that have been filled in:

Once confirmed, click "Next".

Click Continue on the pop-up page

5. Calculation of taxes
On the tax calculation page, check the tax payable on comprehensive income, the amount of tax reduction, the amount of tax paid, if there are other supplementary items, you can fill in the remark column; if there are no supplementary items, check the "tax amount that should be made up (refunded)" at the bottom left of the page, and click "Submit Declaration".
Check "I have read and agree" on the page that pops up and click "Confirm".
6. Check declaration records
Check the status of the declaration, if it’s in “Completed” column, it means that the annual tax filing has been completed. Note: You won't be able to find your filing records in Completed until the filing is successful.
Click "2021 Annual Comprehensive Income Annual settlement" to review the details of the declaration record.

