

2016-05-18 LearnAndRecord

2016年5月15日,Facebook首席运营官桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)在加州伯克利分校毕业典礼上发表致辞演讲。





The third P is permanence — the belief that the sorrow will last forever. For months, no matter what I did, it felt like the crushing[非常严重的] grief would always be there. 


We often project our current feelings out indefinitely — and experience what I think of as the second derivative[衍生/派生] of those feelings. We feel anxious — and then we feel anxious that we're anxious. We feel sad — and then we feel sad that we're sad. Instead, we should accept our feelings — but recognize that they will not last forever. My rabbi told me that time would heal but for now I should "lean in to the suck." It was good advice, but not really what I meant by "lean in[向前一步]." 


[注释]rabbi:拉比 (犹太宗教领袖,尤指有资格传授犹太教义,或精于犹太法典之犹太教堂主管)(犹太人的学者);法师;犹太教律法专家;先生

None of you need me to explain the fourth P … which is, of course, pizza from Cheese Board

第四P就不需要我来解释了……当然是奶酪板上的“披萨(Pizza )”。

But I wish I had known about the three P's when I was your age. There were so many times these lessons would have helped. 


Day one of my first job out of college, my boss found out that I didn't know how to enter data into Lotus 1-2-3[软件名]. That's a spreadsheet — ask your parents. His mouth dropped open and he said, 'I can't believe you got this job without knowing that" — and then walked out of the room. I went home convinced that I was going to be fired. I thought I was terrible at everything … but it turns out I was only terrible at spreadsheets. Understanding pervasiveness would have saved me a lot of anxiety that week.

当我从事大学毕业后的第一份工作时,我的老板发现我不会在Lotus 1-2-3中输入数据。这是一个电子表格——去问你的父母。他张大着嘴说:“我不相信,你连这个都不知道,却能找到这份工作。” 然后他走出了房间。我回到家之后觉得我一定会被解雇。我认为我什么都做不好......但事实证明,我只是做不好电子表格。了解普遍性陷阱的话我那一周可能不会那么焦虑。

I wish I had known about permanence when I broke up with boyfriends. It would've been a comfort to know that feeling was not going to last forever, and if I was being honest with myself … neither were any of those relationships. 


And I wish I had understood personalization when boyfriends broke up with me. Sometimes it's not you — it really is them. I mean, that dude[男人;小伙子] never showered.


And all three P's ganged up on[联合对付;联合反对] me in my 20s after my first marriage ended in divorce. I thought at the time that no matter what I accomplished, I was a massive failure


The three P's are common emotional reactions to so many things that happen to us — in our careers, our personal lives, and our relationships. You're probably feeling one of them right now about something in your life. But if you can recognize you are falling into these traps, you can catch yourself. Just as our bodies have a physiological immune system[身体免疫系统], our brains have a psychological immune system — and there are steps you can take to help kick it into gear[开始运作;适应;gets going or started]


One day, my friend, Adam Grant, a psychologist, suggested that I think about how much worse things could be. This was completely counterintuitive[反直觉的;与预期相反的]; it seemed like the way to recover was to try to find positive thoughts. "Worse?" I said. "Are you kidding me? How could things be worse?" His answer cut straight through me: "Dave could have had that same cardiac arrhythmia[心律失常;心律不整;心律紊乱] while he was driving your children." Wow. The moment he said it, I was overwhelmingly[压倒性地;不可抵抗地] grateful that the rest of my family was alive and healthy. That gratitude overtook some of the grief.


Finding gratitude and appreciation is key to resilience[恢复力;弹力;顺应力]. People who take the time to list things they are grateful for are happier and healthier. It turns out that counting your blessings can actually increase your blessings. My New Year's resolution this year is to write down three moments of joy before I go to bed each night. This simple practice has changed my life. 


Because no matter what happens each day, I go to sleep thinking of something cheerful. Try it. Start tonight when you have so many fun moments to list — although maybe before you go to kips[睡觉] and don't remember what they are.


Last month, 11 days before the anniversary of Dave's death, I broke down crying to a friend of mine. We were sitting — of all places — on a bathroom floor. I said: "Eleven days. One year ago, he had 11 days left. And we had no idea." We looked at each other through tears, and asked how we would live if we knew we had 11 days left.


As you graduate, can you ask yourselves to live as if you had 11 days left? I don't mean blow everything off and party all the time — although tonight is an exception. I mean live with the understanding of how precious every single day would be. How precious every day actually is.


[注释]blow off:to treat something or someone as if they are not important 不认真对待

If you blow something off, you ignore it or choose not to deal with it. 不理会

A few years ago, my mom had to have her hip[臀部] replaced. When she was younger, she always walked without pain. But as her hip disintegrated[瓦解;碎裂], each step became painful. Now, even years after her operation, she is grateful for every step she takes without pain — something that never would have occurred to her before


As I stand here today, a year after the worst day of my life, two things are true. I have a huge reservoir[水库;蓄水池] of sadness that is with me always — right here where I can touch it. I never knew I could cry so often — or so much. 


But I am also aware that I am walking without pain. For the first time, I am grateful for each breath in and out — grateful for the gift of life itself. I used to celebrate my birthday every five years and friends' birthdays sometimes. Now I celebrate always. I used to go to sleep worrying about all the things I messed up that day — and trust me that list was often quite long. Now I try really hard to focus on each day's moments of joy. 


It is the greatest irony[讽刺] of my life that losing my husband helped me find deeper gratitude — gratitude for the kindness of my friends, the love of my family, and the laughter of my children. My hope for you is that you can find that gratitude — not just on the good days, like today, but on the hard ones, when you will really need it. 


There are so many moments of joy ahead of you. That trip you always wanted to take. A first kiss with someone you really like. The day you get a job doing something you truly believe in. Beating Stanford. (Go Bears! 49 31725 49 15535 0 0 2575 0 0:00:12 0:00:06 0:00:06 3030span>) All of these things will happen to you. Enjoy each and every one. 


[注释]Go Bears!伯克利的口号。

I hope that you live your life — each precious day of it — with joy and meaning. I hope that you walk without pain — and that you are grateful for each step.


And when the challenges come, I hope you remember that anchored[固定;抛锚;主持] deep within you is the ability to learn and grow. You are not born with a fixed amount of resilience. Like a muscle, you can build it up, draw on it when you need it. In that process you will figure out who you really are — and you just might become the very best version of yourself. 


Class of 2016, as you leave Berkeley, build resilience


Build resilience in yourselves. When tragedy or disappointment strikes, know that you have the ability to get through absolutely anything. I promise you do. As the saying goes, we are more vulnerable than we ever thought, but we are stronger than we ever imagined


Build resilient organizations. If anyone can do it, you can, because Berkeley is filled with people who want to make the world a better place. Never stop working to do so — whether it's a boardroom[会议室] that is not representative or a campus that's not safe. Speak up, especially at institutions like this one, which you hold so dear. My favorite poster at work reads, "Nothing at Facebook is someone else's problem." When you see something that's broken, go fix it. 


Build resilient communities. We find our humanity — our will to live and our ability to love — in our connections to one another. Be there for your family and friends. And I mean in person. Not just in a message with a heart emoji


Lift each other up, help each other kick the shit out of option B — and celebrate each and every moment of joy. 


You have the whole world in front of you. I can't wait to see what you do with it. 


Congratulations, and Go Bears!



中文参考:http://t.cn/RqDuPPv 和 http://t.cn/RqDDwJv








