
最后一个万圣节 奥巴马在白宫怎么过

2016-11-01 LearnAndRecord


Remarks by the President at Halloween Event

East Room

THE PRESIDENT: Happy Halloween, everybody! (Applause.) Trick or treat. Well, it is great to see all of you guys. Your costumes are outstanding. Young man, no selfies in the middle of me talking. (Laughter.) And, Darth Vader[1], back up a little bit. I'm getting spooked[2]. (Laughter.)

So we just want to say to all the families, all the kids, it is great to see you guys and we hope you have a great time today. You guys all look scary, or cool, or whatever you're trying to be. (Laughter.) Awesome. Many of you look awesome. And we hope you have a great time. We hope, parents, that on this day at least, you don't have to pay attention to Michelle and healthy eating. (Laughter.)

MRS. OBAMA: Candy for everybody. (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: And in fact, the more candy, the later you eat the candy, the better. (Laughter.) Because I think that you being up all night with a sugar rush is exactly what your parents are looking for. (Laughter.)

All right. So we hope you guys have a great time. And to the staff who are here, thank you, guys. I'm glad you guys took a little break from all the outstanding work. (Applause.)

And now, my understanding is, is that we've been working on a little dance. We don't know how it's going to go, but we think we should all just try it anyway. What do you think?


THE PRESIDENT: Yes -- don't you think? All right. So who’s got the music? Let’s cue it up[3]. Everybody get ready. (Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” is played.)




[1]Darth Vader:达斯·维德(黑暗公爵、黑武士大师)是带有悲剧与矛盾色彩的人物:他拥有强大的原力与高超的武艺,以及多项惊人的天赋,但无法阻止母亲与爱妻之死;他曾被视为拥有光明前途的绝地武士,银河共和国的“无畏英雄”,但因为黑暗面的诱惑加入西斯麾下,成为西斯黑暗尊主;他是建立银河帝国的功臣,但付出了全身严重烫伤与毁容的代价,被迫靠包裹全身的维生系统渡过余生;他残酷无情,常常为一点小事而杀害属下;最后却为了拯救不同立场的儿子,杀死了帕尔帕廷皇帝(Emperor Palpatine),后因放弃了原力黑暗面而去世。

[2]spook:to frighten a person or animal 惊吓;吓唬

Seeing the police car outside the house really spooked them.


[3]cue it up:To position an audio or video recording in readiness for playing

The DJ cued up the next record on the turntable as the song came to an end.

I wanted to show scenes from the film during my presentation, so I cued them up ahead of time.








