

2016-11-06 LearnAndRecord


Donald Trump Rushed Off Stage At Reno Rally

November 5, 2016 10:24 PM ET


Donald Trump was surrounded by security agents and hustled off a Reno[雷诺市], Nev., stage Saturday night while people in the crowd before him called out, "He's got a gun."

The Republican nominee disappeared behind the backdrop[背景幕布] of the Nevada[内华达州] rally while law enforcement swarmed[1] the area directly before the podium.

A man was led from the rally by a phalanx[2] of armed agents.

The U.S. Secret Service[特勤局] said in a statement there was no weapon involved in the incident after a search of the person, as part of an ongoing investigation, according to the Associated Press[美联社].

Trump retook the stage a short while later and finished his address. He later boarded his plane en route[在途中;在路上] to his final campaign stop in Colorado[科罗拉多].

Shortly after the incident, the Trump campaign released the following statement:

I would like to thank the United States Secret Service and the law enforcement resources in Reno and the state of Nevada for their fast and professional response. I also want to thank the many thousands of people present for their unwavering[不动摇的;坚定的;始终如一的] and unbelievable support. Nothing will stop us — we will make America great again!

The episode[插曲;片段;事件] was reminiscent[3] of a disturbance earlier in the campaign. In a hangar[飞机库] outside Dayton[达顿], Ohio[俄亥俄州], in March, U.S. Secret Service agents rushed the stage and surrounded Trump in a protective ring after what the campaign described as an attempt "to breach the secure buffer." As with Saturday's disruption, the candidate continued his speech after a pause.

Security threats aren't new to his opponent either. In August, multiple Secret Service agents were able to quickly halt an animal rights protester from rushing the stage at a Hillary Clinton rally in Des Moines[得梅因], Iowa[爱荷华州].

That incident came one day after Trump's controversial comments about Clinton's position on Second Amendment[第二修正案] rights. Trump suggested her Secret Service detail[4] should "disarm" and "see what happens to her," which many critics perceived[认为;觉得;看出] as veiled[不明言的;含蓄的;掩饰的] violent threats against Clinton, or as encouraging violence. Trump later said his words were misinterpreted[曲解;误解] by the "dishonest media."



[1]swarm [swɔː(r)m]

When insects swarm, they come together in a large group. 蜂拥,群集,成群结队地移动

When people swarm somewhere, they move there in a large group or in large numbers. (人)蜂拥,涌动

[2]phalanx ['fælæŋks]

a large group of people standing very close to each other, usually for the purposes of defence or attack 密集的人群,方阵(通常以防御或攻击为目的)

Bodyguards formed a solid phalanx around the singer so that photographers couldn't get close.


[3]reminiscent [.remɪ'nɪs(ə)nt]

making you remember a particular person, event, or thing 使人想起…的;使人回忆起…的

That song is so reminiscent of my adolescence.


[4][熟词僻义]detail:特遣队;小分队;支队a group of soldiers given special duties









