
集体“怒怼”特朗普移民禁令 硅谷科技公司发联合声明反对

2017-02-07 LearnAndRecord




SIEGEL: Nearly 100 technology companies have signed on to a legal brief[诉讼案情摘要;法律理由书;法律摘要] challenging President Trump's executive order[总统命令;行政命令] restricting immigration. The companies include Google, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft, Uber and Lyft. The brief filed in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals[(美国联邦)第九巡回上诉法院] claims the order is discriminatory and will harm American businesses, as NPR's Aarti Shahani reports.


AARTI SHAHANI, BYLINE: Companies that are often at odds[不和;意见不一致] — suing each other, divided on policy — have joined together, 97 signers in total. And here's a little bit of the backstory on the amicus brief[非当事人意见陈述;摘要;法庭之友书状].


AARON LEVIE: It got kicked off last weekend by a number of leading technology firms, and then throughout the week, many, many more joined in.


SHAHANI: That's Aaron Levie, CEO of Box, a cloud storage company that joined in. Two weekends ago when President Trump's new executive order went clumsily into effect, technology leaders in Silicon Valley began talking to each other about the industry response. Levie says his company didn't have workers turned away at airports, but he does employ people from the seven predominantly-Muslim[以穆斯林为主] countries listed in the order. And even if he didn't, he says he doesn't like that the order came out of nowhere.


LEVIE: If you look at how hastily this was put together and how little judgment there seems to have been, I think that creates a lot of concern for anybody that we don't know what the next similar orders might be in the future.


SHAHANI: The largest tech companies declined interview requests today, saying the brief speaks for itself. But in fact, employees at the same companies tell NPR the companies don't want to risk being singled out and attacked by the president on Twitter.


The uncertainty created by the Trump administration has rocked Silicon Valley. Right before the president took office, as Levie explains, tech leaders didn't think he was actually going to follow through on campaign promises to curtail[1] immigration. What he and others thought was...


[1]curtail:to stop something before it is finished, or to reduce or limit something 制止;减少;缩减;限制

to curtail your holiday/spending


LEVIE: Even in the worst case scenario, you know, Trump's rhetoric would actually align with ultimate policy or action, and that it would - you know, meant to really kind of stir up[搅拌;煽动;激起;挑起] his base and ultimately get elected.


SHAHANI: The business leaders argue to the 9th Circuit that Trump's order is a sudden shift that inflicts substantial harm on U.S. companies, and that it puts too much discretion[2] to decide who gets to enter the country in the hands of the government. While the order says there can be case-by-case exceptions, it doesn't lay out the criteria for issuing exceptions. And leaders argue the move gives multinationals a new, significant incentive to set up shop abroad outside the U.S.



1)the right or ability to decide something 决定权;决策力

Students can be expelled at the discretion of the principal (= if the principal decides it).


I leave the decision to your discretion (= for you to decide).


2)the ability to behave without causing embarrassment or attracting too much attention, especially by keeping information secret 慎重,谨慎;守口如瓶

"Can you trust him with this?" "Yes, he's the soul of discretion (= he will not tell other people)."








