

2017-02-08 LearnAndRecord


So, tell me about China



I marked the calendar at work and realized that I only had one day until I set off on my 10-day adventure back home. My bags were partially packed, and I only needed to hit[1] the tourist market in Wangfujing to grab some last-minute souvenirs. My friends and family were eagerly texting me, saying they cannot wait to see me and telling me how excited they are. Amid all the excitement of going home and catching up with everyone, some things make the situation a little stressful and annoying.



1)to arrive at a place or position 到达

If we turn left at the next junction, we should hit the main road after five miles or so.


2)to move your hand or an object onto the surface of something so that it touches it, usually with force 击;打;撞 

Teachers are not allowed to hit their pupils. 


For any expat[侨民;外籍人士] who has gone home or back to visit friends, there are classic questions you face from almost everyone.


"So, what is China like?" as if I can somehow sum up the whole of my experience and opinion of China over a quick chat.


The real China is so far from the perception those have at home that it would take at least two full days of lectures, pie charts and power points to just scratch the surface. So, I usually just say, "It’s awesome. There are so many different things like amazing food and beautiful scenery, and you can do it all for next to nothing."


This usually leaves the listener satisfied enough. Any more information would be shared on an ask-and-tell basis.


It is best not to overwhelm[2] people with everywhere you have been and everything you have done all at once. Whether it is jealousy or an inability to relate, it tends to alienate people and make them shut down.



1)to defeat someone or something by using a lot of force(用武力)制服,击败,征服 

Government troops have overwhelmed the rebels and seized control of the capital. 


2)[usually passive]to cause someone to feel sudden strong emotion(强烈的感情)充溢,使难以承受,使不知所措 

They were overwhelmed with/by grief when their baby died. 


"When are you coming back home for good[forever;permanently]?" Hmmm, let me check my calendar. When you move to another country, you have a timeline in your head, but this definitely changes once you arrive and start to become accustomed to your new life.


In this situation I say, "Well, I think I am going to stay a little longer than expected because there are so many opportunities in China."


Quick, short and to the point. The truth is I have no idea when I am coming back, or if I am coming back. However, that type of response is sure to give you the wide-eyed stare you are desperately trying to avoid.


"So do you speak fluent Chinese now?" While cultural immersion is the best way to learn a language, I think it is safe to say that you could easily live in China without knowing Chinese. In the eight months I have lived here, I have learned to count, say thank you and you’re welcome, and most importantly, ask for a beer.


This is a good time to bust out[3]the pictures you took around town of "Chinglish" translations. My favorite being a "beware of your belongings" sign I saw in the bathroom, which immediately made me start to get uneasy around my backpack.

这时把你拍摄到的“中式英语”照片拿出来给大家看再好不过了。我最喜欢的是在浴室里看到的一个“小心保管财物(beware of your belongings)”的标志,马上就使我担心起自己的背包来。

[3]bust out(informal)

1)to begin (doing something) suddenly

She just busted out laughing.

2)to take (something) from the place where it is stored so that it can be used;to break out 

He busted out the champagne.

3)to escape from a prison, jail, etc. 

Two prisoners busted out of jail.

When going home, there is also reverse culture shock. Many people are doing the same thing they were doing when you left. While this makes it easy to fall back into the routine, you see everything through a different lens because change happens quickly in China. Realize that you need to adapt to the situation and that people are seeing you differently just the same way you are seeing them differently.








