

2017-04-05 LearnAndRecord

Within Hours, Plans for a Quiet Corner of China Send Home Prices Soaring


The New York Times


A residential and industrial area roughly 80 miles south of Beijing once barely registered on China's economic map. Consisting mostly of apartment buildings, villages, wetlands and empty fields, it has primarily been known for its donkey burgers[驴肉火烧].


But now the area around Xiongxian County has become another example of the frothiness[1] and unpredictability[不可预测性] of the Chinese property market — a market that many experts warn could have severe repercussions[2] for China and the world if it stumbles.


[1]frothy (adj.):(of a liquid) with small white bubbles on the surface (液体)起泡沫的,有泡沫的

Beat the mixture until it becomes frothy.


frothiness 起泡性

[2]repercussions [.riːpə(r)'kʌʃ(ə)n]

the effect that an action, event, or decision has on something, especially a bad effect (尤指坏的)影响,反响;恶果

Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy.


On Saturday, China declared that an area that sprawls across three local counties will someday become Xiongan New Area, a gleaming[3] economic powerhouse reminiscent of[4] earlier developments that helped put China's economy on its fast-growth trajectory. When completed, it will cover nearly 800 square miles, offer favorable regulation to businesses and become a modern urban area[现代都市区] crucial to redeveloping the Rust Belt[铁锈/生锈地带] around Beijing.

周六,中国宣布一片横跨当地三个县的区域未来将成为雄安新区,一个闪闪发光的经济发动机,它让人想起早年将中国经济送上快车道的那些经济开发区。建成之后,这个面积近800平方英里(约合2070平方公里)的新区,将实行有利于企业的管理,会成为一个对北京周边铁锈地带(Rust Belt)的再开发至关重要的现代都市区。

[3]gleaming:bright and shiny from being cleaned 光洁闪亮的;明净的

a gleaming kitchen


[4]reminiscent of sb/sth

making you remember a particular person, event, or thing 使人想起…的;使人回忆起…的

That song is so reminiscent of my adolescence.


Almost immediately, speculators[投机者] pounced[5], setting off a property buying frenzy[房产购买狂潮] and sending shares of construction companies soaring. It has been such a chaotic market that local authorities have been forced to freeze purchases and close real estate offices. Chinese social media showed photos of new property developments and real estate offices with signs saying they had been temporarily closed.


[5]pounce:to jump or move quickly in order to catch or take hold of something 猛扑,猛冲,突然袭击

The cat sat in the tree ready to pounce on the ducks below.


The price spikes[价格飙升;物价飞涨] have been fast and furious.


In the town of Baigou, about 12 miles north of Xiongxian, prices for an apartment jumped to 12,000 renminbi per square meter — or more than $160 per square foot — from 8,750 renminbi within hours after the announcement, according to Wen Yunlong, a local real estate agent. On Sunday, it rose by an additional 3,000 renminbi, he said.


“Prices have gone up every day,” Mr. Wen said.


Since Saturday, he said, potential buyers had lined up at his agency. “I have been working from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. these days,” he said. “Last night, I worked till midnight.”


He added: “I haven't seen so many people here before. It went crazy.”


On Monday, Hong Kong-traded shares of the BBMG Corporation, a Beijing cement maker[水泥生产商], jumped nearly 35 percent. Shares of other Hong Kong-traded property-related firms active in the area rose by smaller amounts. Markets in China were closed on Monday for a holiday.

周一,在香港上市的北京水泥生产商北京金隅(BBMG Corporation)的股价暴涨了近35%。在香港股市,在该地区比较活跃的其他房地产相关企业的股票,也实现了低于这个幅度的增长。中国的股市交易周一因赶上节假日而关闭。

Property is a major investment vehicle[投资媒介/工具] in China, where the stock market has long been seen as unreliable and where the authorities tightly limit how much money can be sent outside the country. That has led to surging prices — and worries about bubbles — in a number of cities. While mortgages[抵押贷款] in China are not as big or as common as they are in the United States, a surge of lending to home buyers has prompted worries about what might happen if China's property market bursts.


In declaring its intent to build Xiongan, the Chinese government invited comparisons to the southern city of Shenzhen and the Pudong area of Shanghai. Shenzhen was part of China's earliest experiments with private enterprise after the death of Mao Zedong, and it remains one of the richest parts of China. Pudong, home of many of the gleaming skyscrapers that define Shanghai's skyline, became one of China's most successful and high-profile development projects.


Xiongan will become “a demonstration area for innovative development,” Xi Jinping, China's president, told the official state media.


Xiongan also fits into China's grand plan to create a vast urban area uniting the capital city of Beijing with the nearby port city of Tianjin and with Hebei Province, the industrial province between them. Called Jing-Jin-Ji, the area — which would include Xiongan — will become a hive of economic activity[6] that is intended to replace Hebei's dependence on smokestack industries[烟囱工业] like steel and put the region on a path to rival Shanghai and Shenzhen.


[6]a hive of activity/industry:a place where a lot of people are working very hard 繁忙的场所;忙碌的地方

The whole house was a hive of activity on the day before the wedding.


Right now, the Xiongan area has less than 1 percent of the economic output of Beijing, according to state media. It is part of an area known for its donkey burgerssandwiches with roasted donkey meat, which tastes something like pastrami.


Owen Li took the morning train on Monday from Beijing to sample[7] donkey burgers but had an unusually hard time buying a ticket. Once in Baigou, where property sales had not been shut down, Mr. Li noticed that many cars on the street were brands like Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz.

欧文·李(Owen Li)周一从北京搭火车去品尝驴肉火烧,但却费了很大劲才买到票。在房产销售没有被喊停的白沟镇,欧文·李注意到街上出现了许多奥迪(Audi)、宝马(BMW)和奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)车。

[7]sample [熟词僻义]

1)sample to taste a small amount of food or drink to decide if you like it 尝,品尝

As the food looked so good, he decided to sample a little from each dish.


2)to experience a place or an activity, often for the first time (常指初次)体验,尝试

So you're going to sample the delights/pleasures of the new restaurant?


He then met many potential apartment buyers from out of town and began talking to them. Mr. Li said he was tempted to join them, though he wondered at Xiongan's long-term prospects.


“If I had the extra money, I would buy several,” he said. “It's cheap and has room for appreciation[8]. But maybe not this time.”


[8]appreciation [熟词僻义]

increase in price, value, etc. (价格,价值等的)上涨,增值

There has been little appreciation in the value of property recently.







