

2017-04-27 LearnAndRecord

Home built aircraft carriers a strategic need





China’s first domestically built aircraft carrier, the second such vessel, will soon be commissioned [1], say reports. Designed to be a base for fighter jets and helicopters, the country’s second aircraft carrier is the first of the Type 001A class.



1)[vt] to formally choose someone to do a special piece of work, or to formally ask for a special piece of work from someone (正式地)安排(某人)做,委托(某人)做 

The newspaper commissioned a series of articles on the worst excesses of the fashion industry. 


2)[vt,usually passive] specialized military to give someone the official authority to be an officer in the armed forces 委任(或任命)…为军官 

Grandfather was commissioned as Group Captain in the RAF just before the war. 


The "homemade" aircraft carrier is expected to have a displacement [2] of about 50,000 metric tons, and conventional engines and fighter jet launch systems, which are used on CNS Liaoning, China’s first aircraft carrier. However, on-board fighter jets may still have to resort to ski-jump ramps instead of the more advanced catapult-assistance take-off.



1)the situation in which people are forced to leave the place where they normally live 被迫移居他乡 

The recent famine in these parts has caused the displacement of tens of thousands of people. 


2)specialized physics the weight of liquid that is forced out of position by an object that is floating on or in it 排水量

CNS Liaoning, rebuilt from a former Soviet cruiser, Admiral [3] Kuznetsov-class carrier Varyag, is primarily used for training and research, while the new carrier will serve naval combat and defense missions, as well as non-combat missions ranging from fighting terrorism and piracy to taking part in rescue operations. Pilots and commanders for the new carrier have been trained and its equipment tested on Liaoning for future operations.


[3]Admiral: an officer of very high rank in the navy 海军将军;海军上将;舰队司令 

Admiral Nelson/Horatio Nelson 海军上将纳尔逊

Although the new aircraft carrier will be a much-improved version of Liaoning, it will not be as advanced as its US counterparts [4], including the nuclear-powered US Nimitz-class and the latest Gerald Ford-class carriers, in terms of size, scale and combat capability. Also, it will take a few more years to complete the functional operations of the new vessel's devices and weapons before it can embark on sea trials.


[4]counterpart: a person or thing that has the same purpose as another one in a different place or organization (与不同地方或组织的人或物)作用相同者,相对应者 

The prime minister is to meet his European counterparts to discuss the war against drugs. 


This is all the more [5] reason Beijing should intensify its research in and enhance its capacity to build aircraft carriers. Such vessels are a necessity for a major power aspiring to better protect its legitimate interests in the open seas, as well as to safeguard regional stability and international sea lanes. Since strong naval powers like the United States are unlikely to exchange equipment and technologies used in their top carriers, China should emulate successful models and learn how to build more advanced carriers.


[5]all the more: even more than before 更加,越发,格外 

Several publishers rejected her book, but that just made her all the more determined. 


Two aircraft carriers, regardless of their size, are not enough for a country such as China. The basic principle is that a country the size of China should have at least three aircraft carriers-one for training, one for naval duty and one for maintenance. Six of the 11 US aircraft carriers are deployed in the Pacific Ocean and the rest in the Atlantic Ocean, which help Washington to maintain a formidable maritime presence across the globe.


China has no intention of challenging the US' global dominance nor will it seek to strengthen its navy beyond its defense-oriented strategic need. Chinese vessels are mainly used for self-defense and to preserve regional security. And there is plenty of room for improvement with regard to their capability and combat readiness.


Since aircraft carriers will continue to play a key role in securing open sea operations, China's efforts to design and build a competent carrier from scratch [6] are more than justified. Besides, China needs to convince its neighbors with which it has maritime disputes that the carriers will not be used to flex its military muscles but to make the region safer.


[6]from scratch: from the beginning, without using anything that already exists 从头开始,从零开始 

Ben built the shed from scratch


* start from scratch 白手起家

这一短语是从体育运动中来。在18世纪中期,“scratch”被用作体育词汇,意思是“地上划出的起跑线(a line scratched on the ground)”。后来,“start from scratch”的意思就演变为了“从头开始,从无到有,白手起家”。

1)To begin on an even footing, with no advantage or handicap : 

We're gonna have a good life together starting from scratch. 

2)To begin with the very first and simplest steps; build from the ground 

So they threw their plans away and started from scratch.







