
2017《时代》最具影响力100人 | Time 100

2017-04-29 LearnAndRecord

►►►Time 100

全球最具影响力人物又名(时代百大人物或者时代:最具影响力一百人,英文:Time 100)是美国《时代》杂志评选的年度人物榜单,每年选取100位在世界范围内最具有影响力的人物。



Fang Bingbing

By Diane von Furstenberg

The first thing I noticed when I met Fan Bingbing was her inner strength, which was exuded[1] so effortlessly it was difficult to take my eyes off her. I am not the only one. A giant star in mainland China, Fan Bingbing has also made her mark in Hollywood as Blink in X-Men: Days of Future Past[2]. And her innate sense of style has made her a natural to represent global brands.

She is also a woman who knows her own strength. Not only is Fan Bingbing a brilliant actor, but she is also a formidable[3] businesswoman. She's one of the world's highest-paid female actors, she has created her own studio to make her own films and develop other projects, and still she finds time for philanthropy, co-founding Heart Ali[4] to help children who suffer from congenital[5] heart disease. Her fierce independence has earned her the nickname Fan Ye, or Master Fan. She is the woman she wants to be. Her wish, as they say, is our command.

[1]exude:If you exude love, confidence, pain, etc., you show that you have a lot of that feeling. 明显地流露,充分显露(爱、自信、痛苦等) 

She just exudes confidence. 她显得信心十足。


[3]formidable:causing you to have fear or respect for something or someone because that thing or person is large, powerful, or difficult 可怕的;令人敬畏的;难对付的 

a formidable obstacle/task 令人生畏的障碍/任务 

a formidable adversary/enemy/opponent 难对付的敌手/劲敌/强大的对手 

a formidable intellect 令人敬畏的知识分子 

[4]“爱里的心”:“爱里的心(HEART ALI)”是西藏阿里地区先天性心脏病儿童救治项目,启动于2010年8月,旨在救治阿里地区先天性心脏病儿童。该项目发起人为范冰冰小姐及其工作室与北京麦特文化发展有限公司董事长兼CEO陈砺志先生。


1)A congenital disease or condition exists at or from birth. (疾病等)天生的,先天的 

a congenital abnormality/disease 先天性畸形/疾病 

2)used to say that someone always shows a particular bad quality 生就有(某种坏品质)的,生性的 

a congenital liar 生性爱说谎的人

Janet Yellen

By Joseph Stiglitz

Janet Yellen, the first woman to hold what is often viewed as the most important and powerful economic position in the world, has wielded that power deftly[1], with a sure but steady hand, during an enormously difficult time. With a less skilled leader, the Fed[2] might have become fractious[3] and divided.

Instead, with both labor and capital markets deeply troubled, she brought an expertise in these aspects of economics based on a deep theoretical grounding obtained at Yale (confession: James Tobin and I were among her advisers). And more than perhaps any other central banker, she brought a sensitivity to the key issue of our day, inequality, grasping that Fed macro and regulatory policies can have profound effects on both the poor and the rich. As chair, she has more than lived up to[4] our high expectations.

Her biggest challenge may be going forward, with Trump proposing large budget deficits in an economy that many members of the Fed already believe is close to full employment. In a highly politicized environment marked by extreme uncertainty, the nation needs the calm hand, expertise and wisdom of a devoted public servant like Janet Yellen.

[1]wield influence, power, etc.: to have a lot of influence or power over other people 施加影响/运用权力等 

He still wields enormous influence in politics.


[2]the Fed: 美国联邦储备系统(The Federal Reserve System),简称为美联储(Federal Reserve),负责履行美国的中央银行的职责,从美国国会获得权力,行使制定货币政策和对美国金融机构进行监管等职责。      


[3]fracious: 难以驾驭的;不守规矩的;

[4]live up to: to be as good as something 与…一样好 

The concert was brilliant - it lived up to all our expectations. 


Theresa May

By Bill English

For almost 250 years the fortunes of New Zealand have often been tied to the U.K., through settlement, war and trade. So I was intrigued[1] to meet Prime Minister Theresa May in January, only months after Britain voted to leave the E.U. and she took office.

I learned quickly why she emerged from the Brexit after­math as leader: she has will and she has clarity. In charting the U.K.'s renewed relationship with Europe and the rest of the world, she has met the deepest demand of leadership: to provide direction and reassurance in a time of upheaval and confusion. She is the right person to guide the democratic will of Britain through the complexity of separating the U.K. from the European Union.

And in the midst of this highly charged process she can talk with warmth about her concerns for the disenfranchised[2] and disadvantaged, and listen and learn. With gracious determination but without ego, this is remaking a nation. From the other end of the world, it looks like she will succeed.

[1]intrigue: to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual, or mysterious (尤指因奇怪、不寻常或神秘而)使很感兴趣,迷住 

Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. 纵观历史,人们一直被这样一个问题吸引着:宇宙的其他地方是否也存在着有智力的生物?

[2]disenfranchised: not having the right to vote, or a similar right, or having had that right taken away 没有选举权的,被剥夺选举权的 

disenfranchised youth/communities/voters 





2016年度 | 屠呦呦 | 王健林 | 郭培

2016年度 | 小李子 | 金正恩






