

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

据报道,近日美国《GQ》杂志发布了餐饮品赏大师Brett Martin最新出炉的“美国2017餐饮排行榜”,位于休斯敦的双椒川菜馆(Pepper Twins)的招牌凉菜“夫妻肺片”荣登榜首,被评选为“年度开胃菜”(Appetizer of the Year)。



Mr. and Mrs. Smith


和安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)与布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)主演的好莱坞电影同名,网友表示...

GQ food critic Brett Martin recently named a Sichuan dish as “Appetizer of the Year” in the magazine's April issue. He had the dish, called Mr. and Mrs. Smith, at a Sichuan restaurant called Pepper Twins, in Houston, Texas.

Named after the US action comedy film, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," the dish is a take on the classic Sichuan fuqi feipian, which translates to “lung of the husband and wife.



Appetizer of the Year

Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Pepper Twins, Houston

I found myself at Pepper Twins on Inauguration Day[1], after watching Donald Trump take office from my Houston hotel room, spending a sobering hour in the Rothko Chapel[2], and then doing all I could to dispel that sobriety with a series of micheladas[3] at a Mexican bistro[4] named Cuchara. It's fair to say that food wasn't my topmost preoccupation at that moment.


[1]Inauguration Day:in the US, the day when a person officially becomes president in a special ceremony and takes responsibility from the previous president 美国总统就职日(美国总统从前任接过权力,正式就职,举行就职仪式的日子)

[2]Rothko Chapel 罗斯科教堂

[3]A michelada is a Mexican version of the famous American "red beer" cerveza preparada made with beer, lime juice, and assorted sauces, spices, and peppers.

[4]bistro:a small informal restaurant 小餐馆;小酒馆

That began to change as I gingerly[5]—and then increasingly less gingerly—began to eat an appetizer called Mr. & Mrs. Smith, a more palatably named take on the classic Sichuan fuqi feipian, “lung of the husband and wife”: cold slices of beef tendon[6] and tongue, tossed with sesame paste[7], Sichuan peppercorns, scallions, and chiles[8].

但是当我开始小心翼翼地品尝一道名为“史密斯夫妇(Mr. & Mrs. Smith)”的开胃菜的时候,一切都开始改变了——这个译名要比这道川菜原来的名字“夫妻肺片(lung of the husband and wife)”好吃的多!把牛腱子肉、牛舌等凉菜切成薄片,拌上香油、花椒、葱和辣椒,一道美味的夫妻肺片就做好了。

[5]gingerly ['dʒɪndʒəli]

in a way that is careful or cautious 谨慎地;小心翼翼地;轻手轻脚地

Holding her painful back, she sat down gingerly on the bench.


[6]tendon:a strong piece of tissue in the body connecting a muscle to a bone (连接肌肉和骨头的)腱,肌腱

[7]sesame paste 芝麻酱

[8]peppercorn:a small, dried fruit that looks like a seed and is crushed to produce pepper 胡椒粒;干胡椒籽

scallion:a small white onion with a long green stem, also known as a spring onion, salad onion, or green onion 葱

chile:a us spelling of chilli 辣椒

I had not realized how much I was sleepwalking until flavor hit me in the face. The dish is a numbing[9], burning, textural masterpiece, and the kind of thing a budding[10] empire is built on. Indeed, Chongqing native Yunan Yang (who is also involved, with her sister, in the restaurant Cooking Girl) already has two Pepper Twins locations and two more in her sights.

这道菜的美味将浑浑噩噩的我重新拉回了现实,吃下一口你的口腔里全是麻痹、烧灼的快感,这道菜简直就是一个伟大的杰作、单凭这一道菜就能支撑起一个饮食帝国!事实上,重庆人Yang Yunan已经在美国开了两家双椒川菜馆(她还和妹妹开了一家名为“Cooking Girl”的餐馆),不久之后还要再开两家。


1)If a part of your body is numb, you are unable to feel it, usually for a short time. (身体部位)麻木的,失去感觉的

2)not able to feel any emotions or to think clearly, because you are so shocked or frightened, etc. (由于过度震惊或恐惧而)麻木的,思维迟钝的

[10]budding:beginning to develop or show signs of future success in a particular area 开始发展的;崭露头角的

While still at school she was clearly a budding genius.


I planned to skip dessert, but the manager, also from Chongqing, was evangelical[11] about a favorite dessert of his, one that made him feel like he was home—creamy sweet corn flecked[12] with red chili and enriched by preserved egg[13]. He insisted on buying me a portion, promising that if I didn't like it he would happily eat what was left, a trip down memory lane[14] that I'm sorry to report I denied him. I left smiling for the first time all day.


[11]evangelical [.iːvæn'dʒelɪk(ə)l]

having very strong beliefs and often trying to persuade other people to have the same beliefs (信仰上)狂热的;热衷传播自己观点的

Why is it that people who've given up smoking become so evangelical and intolerant of other smokers?


[12]flecked:having small marks or spots 有斑点的

It's a dark grey material but it's flecked with white.


[13]Century egg (also known as preserved egg, hundred-year egg, thousand-year egg, thousand-year-old egg, and millennium egg, is a Chinese preserved food product and delicacy made by preserving duck, chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, quicklime, and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing.皮蛋

[14]take a stroll/trip/walk down memory lane:to remember happy times in the past 追忆往昔










