
恋爱中,如何摸清社交媒体的界线 | 纽约时报

2017-09-03 LearnAndRecord

How to Navigate Social Media Boundaries in a Relationship


Most of us are uncomfortable talking about these types of interactions because we worry that social media is too frivolous[1] to argue over, but it is important to recognize that social media brings up real feelings, and those feelings do matter.


[1]frivolous: A frivolous activity or object is silly or not important rather than useful or serious. 无聊的;不重要的 

I feel like doing something completely frivolous today. 


Still, navigating social media boundaries doesn't have to be the colossal struggle we sometimes turn it into.


Prioritize Quality Time Without Social Media


The most common social media-related fight I hear from clients is how much time their partners spend on Facebook or Instagram. I hear story after story of couples planning a romantic date night that turns into nothing but chatter about Instagram likes, Twitter favorites and Snapchat views.

我从客户处听到的与社交媒体有关的最普遍问题,是他们的伴侣把太多时间花在Facebook或Instagram上。我一次又一次地听说这样的事情:一对伴侣原计划晚上来一场浪漫的约会,结果除了聊Instagram的“赞”、Twitter的“喜欢”以及Snapchat的点阅量,什么也没干。 34 26832 34 9230 0 0 5687 0 0:00:04 0:00:01 0:00:03 5686span>

You should always make your partner feel more important to you than your phone, so dedicate at least 20 minutes a day to spending screen-free time together. (Scrolling through Facebook while watching television won't cut it.)


Check In Before You Post


Always prioritize your living, breathing, human partner. This is especially important when it comes to sharing details, photos of the two of you or details of your lives or dates together. Often in relationships, one person is more private than the other, a difference that can lead to fights.


One easy rule to follow: Ask your partner before sharing anything related to your relationship. Simple questions like, "Are you O.K. with my posting this picture of us on our date night?" can go a long way toward heading off[2] arguments. When there isn't agreement, Mr. Gray said to err "on the side of[3] the partner who is more private."


[2]head off: If you head something off, especially something unpleasant, you take action before it is expected to happen in order to prevent it from happening.阻止,防止(尤指不愉快的事)发生

He would ask Congress to intervene and head off a strike.


[3]err on the side of:If you err on the side of caution, for example, you decide to act in a cautious way, rather than take risks.宁愿过于…;力求…  

He probably erred on the conservative rather than the generous side.


If you find yourself stuck in oversharing mode, Ms. McCallum offered a great reminder. "The volume of photographs of your relationship that you post on Facebook is not indicative of the success or warmth within that relationship," she said. "Even in this period of heightened social media use, very solid, strong, happy couples quite often choose to not lay their relationships bare on Facebook."


Don't Snoop


Social media also makes it easier to check on your partner's behavior. You don't have to don a trench coat, fake mustache and sunglasses to track your partner across town anymore. You can just grab his phone when he is in the shower. And there's a lot to find too; for some reason, most of us think our online activity is private, but it's shockingly easy to find a treasure trove of[4] information.


[4]a treasure trove of sth: a place that is full of something good 丰富的…,…的宝库 

a treasure trove of information 丰富的信息 

Though small, this museum is a veritable treasure trove of history. 


You might consider simply not following each other on social media at all. I have two friends who are a couple. The guy's social media platform of choice is Twitter; his girlfriend prefers Instagram. They purposefully don't follow each other. They trust each other not to do anything inappropriate, and they like not feeling like they're "checking up" on each other. It's a good reminder that your social media lives don't have to converge the same way your real lives do. A little distance is always healthy, in the real world and online.







