

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

鼠兔是一种耳朵短而圆、没有尾巴的动物。据说鼠兔是因为外形酷似仓鼠而得名。鼠兔没有犬齿,门齿可不断生长。 前肢五指,后肢四趾。爪子细而弯,适合掘土。毛色因种而异,由灰色、灰褐色至锈褐色,夏毛要比冬毛淡。

Pikas, a hampster-size rabbit relative, have disappeared from a 64-square-mile plot in the northern Sierra Nevada—and climate change is a likely culprit[1].


someone who has done something wrong 过失者;责任人 

Police hope the public will help them to find the culprits


a fact or situation that is the reason for something bad happening 问题的起因;罪魁祸首 

Children in this country are getting much too fat, and sugar and sweets are the main culprits


Rabbit Relatives Reel from[2] Climate Change

[2]reel from: 遭受;灾难后蹒跚而行;受…的不好影响(必应词典网络释义)

The industry continued to reel from aftershocks of a disastrous year. 


正文Up in California's High Sierra, above the dense pine forests, rocky habitats reign. And if you look carefully among the boulders(大圆石), you might see a pika—a rabbit relative the size of a hamster(仓鼠), with round ears and big eyes.

"Hikers oftentimes see them with little bouquets of wildflowers sticking out of their mouths." Joseph Stewart, a conservation biologist at the University of California Santa Cruz. "Maybe I'm a little biased, other people tell me they're very cute. I find them majestic. I feel like they're the lords of the mountain."

Stewart is also a skilled spotter of pikas. "You could say I've got a little bit of experience with that." Which makes it all the more strange that in five years of surveys—of 64 square miles of high mountain rocky habitats near Lake Tahoe—he found no pikas at all. In an area littered with decades-old pika droppings(小动物或鸟类的粪便).

It's relatively pristine[3] habitat, in the center, rather than the edge, of historic pika territory. So Stewart suspects the most likely culprit for this local extinction is rising temperatures, due to climate change. And the mercury's heading higher. "By 2050 we expect there's going to be a 97 percent decline in the area of climatically suitable habitat in the greater Tahoe area." The study is in the journal PLOS ONE. [Joseph A. E. Stewart,Apparent climate-mediated loss and fragmentation of core habitat of the American pika in the Northern Sierra Nevada, California, USA]

[3]pristine: new or almost new, and in very good condition 崭新的;状态良好的 

pristine new offices 崭新的办公室 

Washing machine for sale - only two months old and in pristine condition. 出售洗衣机——只用过两个月,完好如新。

Pikas can still be seen elsewhere in Tahoe, and in other parts of the Sierras. Especially further south, where loftier summits allow pikas to roam higher to escape rising temperatures. But Stewart still worries about their eventual fate.

"We're depriving future generations of the ability to see this critter(生物). And pikas have been around longer than humans have been around. What right do we have to cause pikas and all the other species that are vulnerable to climate change to go extinct?"

—Christopher Intagliata















