

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Boeing 747s offered for public auction in China

Ever wanted to own your own private jet? That may now be possible, given that a number are now up for auction in China, it's reported.

Three Boeing 747s have landed on the auction arm of Taobao, China's leading eBay-like service.


The planes have been in storage in the cities of Shanghai and Shenzhen since 2013, after their owner, Jade Cargo International,filed for bankruptcy in September that year.


They were seized[*] by a court in the southern city of Shenzhen, but had never found buyers despite being offered previously in six offline auctions[*].

[*]seize: If a government or other authority seize someone's property, they take it from them, often by force. 没收; 查封

Police were reported to have seized all copies of this morning's edition of the newspaper. 


According to the Yangcheng Evening Post, this is the first time that the courts have offered a Boeing aircraft to the public for online auction.

羊城晚报  |  线上拍卖

Sadly, you'll need deep pockets to afford one of these jets - opening bids for the planes range from 122 to 135 million yuan ($18.5-20.4m; £13.7m-15.1m).


Taobao directs potential buyers to make a security deposit for the planes before 20 October, and bids formally close on 20 November.



Boeing 747s to hit Taobao auction

Despite a number of failed auction attempts[流拍] in the past, three Boeing 747s are hoping finally to find their wings on[*] e-commerce site Taobao. 


In their latest sale, the three Boeing cargo planes will land on the auction block[拍卖平台] with a total starting price[起拍价] of 390 million yuan ($59.3 million).

Opening bids for each of the planes range between 122 and 135 million yuan. 

The upcoming auction on November 20 in Guangdong Province will be the first time Boeing craft have been offered on Taobao.

The planes, once owned by Jade Cargo International, were jettisoned[*] when the company filed for bankruptcy in 2013. 

[*]jettison: If you jettison something, such as an idea or a plan, you deliberately reject it or decide not to use it. 拒绝接受;放弃

The governor seems to have jettisoned the plan. 


To jettison something that is not needed or wanted means to throw it away or get rid of it. 丢弃; 处理掉

The crew jettisoned excess fuel and made an emergency landing.


The planes were later seized by a Shenzhen court.  

The aircraft were offered in six offline auctions but never found buyers. They are currently being stored at airports in Shenzhen and Shanghai.

Taobao has tried its hand at[尝试做;试试身手] auctioning off[拍卖掉] aircraft in the past with mixed results. 

Six aircraft, including a small helicopter,hit the online auction block in 2013, the majority of which failed to receive any bids. 







