

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





Lightbulb candy hot online, but is it safe?

Candy shaped like life-size lightbulbs have proved a big seller in China during the holiday season after going viral online, but a Beijing health expert has warned the treat could be a choking hazard.

Made from caramel[焦糖;黄油奶糖], the solid candies-about 10 centimeters long and 6 cm at the widest point-have been popular with shoppers looking for unique gifts on Taobao, the online marketplace.

The novelty[1] became popular thanks to Emergency Medicine Specialist《急诊科医生》, a soap opera that began to air[2] in China about a month ago.


1)something new and unusual which attracts people's attention and interest  新奇的事物

Then the Internet was still something of a novelty. 


2) an unusual, small, cheap object, often given as a present


a selection of novelties and T-shirts 


[2]air: to broadcast a programme on television or radio  播放,广播

KPBS airs such popular children's programs as 'Barney' and 'Sesame Street'. 


The program is due to air next month. 


In the show, a man puts a lightbulb into his mouth out of curiosity and has to be rushed to the emergency room when it becomes stuck.

The lead actress, who plays the hospital's director of ER, helps the patient remove the bulb by breaking the glass and putting wax around the mouth to reduce friction.

One merchant on Taobao who was selling the lightbulb candy for 39 yuan ($6) advertised their product as homemade and said it weighed 200 grams. They had notched[3] 1,026 sales in one month.

[3]notch: If you notch a success, especially in a sports contest, you achieve it. (尤指体育比赛) 赢得

"It took longer than we wanted," Clemens said after notching his first victory since June 9. 

However, netizens have raised concerns about safety. Xu Fanchi, an online celebrity, posted a video in which she was unable to remove the candy bulb from her mouth for five minutes. She finally worked it free after the caramel began to melt.

Bi Qingyun, an attending doctor[主治医生] with the ear, nose and throat department at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing, warned that the treat could cause more health risks than a real light bulb[各位一定不要好奇心作祟啊,慎吃慎吃!].

"If the hard sugar candy stays in the mouth for more than one to two hours, the lower jaw joint could be dislocated[下颌关节会移位]," she said.

"Once the tongue swells due to the long-term pressure, it can cause choking, which can be fatal."

She suggested consumers avoid putting the entire candy in their mouth. "Don't even risk it out of curiosity," Bi added.







