
如何在2018年成为一个更好的人 |《纽约时报》

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



▲How to Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet!

9 Ways to Be a Better Person in 2018


1. Make your bed.

1. 铺好你的床

This small act will give you a sense of pride and accomplishment, which, the thinking goes, will lead to other similarly virtuous deeds.


2. Wear weather-appropriate shoes.

2. 穿上适合天气的鞋子

Melania Trump was reminded of this best practice when she spurred the internet's ire[1] by departing for hurricane-ravaged Houston in stilettos. (She wore sensible shoes upon arrival.) It's never a bad idea to put your best foot forward, literally and figuratively.


[1]ire:anger 愤怒

raise/arouse/draw sb's ire (=make someone angry)使某人愤怒

The proposal has drawn the ire of local residents. 


3. Wash your hair.

3. 勤洗头发

You know how there are always stories telling you you're shampooing your hair too much? Well, as with everything, a backlash[2] is brewing[3]. Dermatologists and hairstylists blame the blowout bar phenomenon, saying that dry shampoo will buy you an extra day or two, but nothing more. Remember that your scalp is skin and, just like your face, it needs regular washing.


[2]backlash: a strong negative reaction by a number of people against recent events, especially against political or social developments〔尤指对政治或社会事件的〕强烈反应,反对,抵制

[+ against]

The 1970s saw the first backlash against the women's movement. 


[+ from]

The management fear a backlash from fans over the team's poor performances. 


[3]be brewing

1)if something unpleasant is brewing, it will happen soon 〔不快之事〕酝酿,即将来临

There's trouble brewing in the office. 


2)if a storm is brewing, it will happen soon 〔暴风雨〕即将来临

We'd seen the storm brewing when we were out in the boat. 

5. Accept the things you cannot control.

5. 接受你无法控制的事物

We reported on the wedding of 98-year-old Gertrude Mokotoff and 94-year-old Alvin Mann, who, like so many couples before them, met at the gym. The groom, who also earned a bachelor's degree in history last year, shared this advice on living a long life: "Of course, one part of it is medical science, but the bigger part is that we live worry-free lives; we do not let anything we cannot control bother us in the least."


6. And if you still feel stressed, distract yourself with a real-life fairy tale.

6. 压力太大?看看现实中的童话故事

If you are in dire need of some fun and frivolity[轻松的乐事], just look across the pond. In 2018, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will bless the world with a thoroughly modern royal union.


7. Embrace your age.

7. 欣然拥抱一个老去的自己

Let your hair go gray and leave those wrinkles alone. It may just be the start of a revolution. If we want to ensure a less ageist culture, then the battle begins in the mirror, wrote Ashton Applewhite. "For movements to have power, their members have to embrace the thing that is stigmatized[4], whether it's being black, loving someone of the same sex, or growing old. That means moving from denying aging to accepting it, and even to embracing it."

让你的头发自然地变白,并且别管那些皱纹了。这可能只是一场革命的开始。如果我们想维系一个不那么老的文化,那么这场战争就是从镜子里开始的。阿什顿•阿普尔怀特(Ashton Applewhite)写道。 “对于为了争取权力的运动来说,他们的成员必须拥抱被污名化的事物,无论是黑人、同性之间的爱还是衰老。这意味着人们从拒绝老去到接受老去,甚至欣然拥抱老去。”

[4]be stigmatized: to be treated by society as if you should feel ashamed of your situation or behaviour  被视为可耻,受到蔑视

Single mothers often feel that they are stigmatized by society.


9. If you suffer a setback, just keep going — and going out.

9. 如果你遇到挫折,继续前进——然后走出去

Make like Hillary Clinton after her election defeat, when she popped up at a Broadway play, an Italian restaurant and a hotel cabaret.

希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)学习吧。败选后,人们在百老汇剧场、意大利餐厅和酒店的歌舞表演都看到了她的身影。



https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=g1331v9rwyi&width=500&height=375&auto=0▲Tony Robbins:How To Be A Better Person (TIME)


