

想看雪的 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Massive cleanup after blizzards in central, east China

Central and east China are experiencing their heaviest snowfalls so far this winter. The snowstorm began on Wednesday, leaving drivers stranded[1], damaging houses and causing power outages.

[1]stranded:unable to leave somewhere because of a problem such as not having any transport or money (因缺乏交通工具、金钱等)滞留的,被困住的

He left me stranded in town with no car and no money for a bus.


Thousands of workers have been battling the extreme cold to try to make the cities safer for others.

▲Sanitation workers in Xi'an


Early Friday morning, more than 113,000 sanitation workers in Xi'an in northwest China's Shaanxi Province were out removing snow from the roads.

The snowstorm gave the city a white new year, as well as slippery streets. A local hospital said it had treated more than 640 patients within 48 hours because of injuries from falls.

Similar scenes occurred in the city of Nanjing, in east China's Jiangsu Province.

From Thursday evening to Friday, over 10,000 municipal workers and 1,200 vehicles were sent out to clear the roads. The local government also sent 10,000 letters to residents asking them to join the army of sweepers.

"In the morning, I saw many soldiers, sanitation workers and even citizens clearing the snow. I thank them," said a local resident.

In Wangcang county, in southwest China's Sichuan Province, the heavy snow caused power outages in mountainous areas. On Saturday morning, local electric technicians began urgent repairs as soon as the snow stopped.

▲Sanitation workers clearing the snow

In Zezhou county of north China's Shanxi Province, the extreme weather has stranded dozens of trucks on the 207 national highway.

Since Thursday afternoon, all expressways in nearby regions have been closed. The staff canteen for local police prepared free food for stranded people. A Henan bus driver posted about his experience on his WeChat Moments. "Shanxi Province is well-known for delicious noodles nationwide. But this bowl of noodles is particularly tasty for me," he wrote.

中午时分,泽州高都中队的民警和山西长晋高速南义城收费站的工作人员又挨个将受困的货车司机叫起,把他们领至南义城收费站职工食堂,为他们提供午餐——热气腾腾的面条。 河南司机严艳华边吃饭边用手机拍摄小视频,发送到自己的微信朋友圈,他写道:“出门在外,寒冬雪天能有口热饭吃,真温暖”。

▲Heavy snow has fallen in central and eastern China.

On Saturday, China's weather authorities issued a blue warning for blizzards. According to the authorities, the heavy snowfall will continue into Sunday morning, covering most of Henan Province and parts of Anhui and Hebei Provinces. The powerful storm could dump 10 more centimeters of snow across these areas.

Authorities explained that the heavy snow is influenced by the warm and humid air from the Bay of Bengal[孟加拉湾] in the southwest and the cold air in the north.


Did your city embrace the first new year snowfall?






