

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Selling Air (a.k.a. the Idea They Thought of Next)


Would you pay $100 for a whiff of Welsh air?


In some of the world's most polluted cities, people apparently will: Sales of bottled air from fresh-smelling places are taking off.


An Australian company is hawking[1] six-packs of air bottled in places like Bondi Beach in Sydney or the eucalyptus-covered[满山桉树的] Blue Mountains. A Canadian firm sells containers of Rocky Mountain breeze as an antidote[2] to smoggy skies ("a shot of nature," its marketing promises).

[1]hawk: to sell goods informally in public places 沿街兜售,叫卖 

On every street corner there were traders hawking their wares. 


[2]antidote: Something that is an antidote to a difficult or unpleasant situation helps you to overcome the situation. 克服…的良方

Massage is a wonderful antidote to stress. 

Aethaer, a British company, is hoping to turn packaged air into a popular luxury item in fast-growing markets like China. The company sells glass jars holding 580 milliliters (a bit more than a pint) of air from Wales — witha "morning dew feel," according to its website — for 80 pounds, or $97.


The company's 28-year-old founder, Leo De Watts, said he hoped buyers would come to regard his product as a collectible[3], like a "sculpture or a limited-edition print made by an artist." "Clean air is actually a very rare commodity," he said.



1)[n] any object that people want to collect as a hobby 收藏品

2)[adj] A collectible object is one which is valued very highly by collectors because it is rare or beautiful. 有收藏价值的

Many of these cushions have survived and are very collectible. 

The market for all kinds of pollution-fighting tools is booming in many smog-choked cities[烟雾呛罩的城市] in China, India and Southeast Asia. Innovations abound, including air purifiers that are attached to bicycles and outdoor towers that are meant to suck up[吸收] smog.

Bottled air is one of the least practical but most talked-about ideas. It can hardly replace the local atmosphere — one person would require at least eight to 10 bottles a minute to breathe. But residents in smoggy places are snapping up[4] the stuff anyway.


[4]snap up: If you snap something up, you buy it quickly because it is cheap or is just what you want. 争购

...a millionaire ready to snap them up at the premium price of $200 a gallon. 


The Australian bottler, Green and Clean, plans to ship about 40,000 containers a month to China starting in December, and then expand to India, Malaysia, Chile and the Middle East.

澳大利亚的空气公司Green and Clean就计划从12月起,每月水运4万罐空气到中国,并在今后逐步发展至印度、马来西亚、智利和中东地区。

Some people purchase bottled air as a gag gift. Others buy it to inhale themselves, and say it reinvigorates them on days when the air is really bad. "It makes my lungs feel clean," said Pan Li, 37, who works at a technology start-up in Beijing and buys about six bottles a month. "It might just be my imagination, but I'm willing to try anything."








