

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

《天线宝宝》中"丁丁(Tinky Winky)"的扮演者西蒙·巴恩斯(Simon Shelton Barnes)于近日去世,享年52岁。巴恩斯从1998年到2001年在《天线宝宝》中扮演“丁丁”一角,全身紫色并提着一个红皮包的形象深入人心。原来,天线宝宝是真人扮演...

Tinky Winky actor dies suddenly at age 52

The actor who played Tinky Winky in BBC children's TV series Teletubbies[《天线宝宝》] died aged 52 of hypothermia[1] after collapsing on the streets of Liverpool, a friend confirmed today.

[1]hypothermia: a serious medical condition caused by extreme cold 体温过低(症)


malaria疟疾   anaemia贫血症

dysaemia血液不良症  uraemia尿毒症

toxaemia毒血症  leukaemia白血病

septicaemia败血症  hyperaemia充血

pneumonia肺炎  arrhythmia心律不齐

diphtheria白喉  hemiplegia偏瘫;半身不遂

neuralgia神经痛  neurasthenia神经衰弱(症)

Friends and family of Simon Shelton Barnes confirmed he died suddenly last Wednesday, just four days after his 52nd birthday.

Father-of-three Simon Shelton Barnes, who lived in the Georgian market town of Ampthill, Bedfordshire, was well-known for his role as the purple teletubby but trained as a dancer and choreographer[舞蹈指导].

His son, Henry, posted on Facebook: “I lost my lovely dad on Wednesday, he was the kindest and most gentle man I knew and I love him more than anything!!!!“

"I always used to be embarrassed as a child that he was a dancer and an actor but now I couldn’t be more proud! He is in a better place now and I know he wouldn’t want me to be sad, so I’m going to live my life the way he would want me to."

His niece, Inbetweeners actress Emily Atack, posted a tribute on Instagram, writing: "My wonderful uncle Simon Barnes has been taken from us all so suddenly. The kindest and most talented man you could ever wish to meet. Loved by all who knew him, and will be forever. X." 

The actor who played the green teletubby Dipsy also paid tribute.

John Simmit tweeted: "'What a week! RIP Simon Shelton aka Tinky Winky: remembering the many good times. Rest easy."

Paul McCartney’s brother Mike McGear, a second cousin of the actor’s former wife Emma, also posted his condolences[2] online.

[2]condolences: When you offer or express your condolences to someone, you express your sympathy for them because one of their friends or relatives has died recently. 哀悼

He expressed his condolences to the families of the people who died in the incident. 


He wrote: "So sad to hear about Si. He was a luvly lad..and will be dancing along Uncle Bills bar, knocking Mum&Dad, Milly&Ginny, Mike &Betts drinks off, as we talk! Luv to U & kids from me & mine X"

Shelton Barnes once said being in the Teletubbies was "a bit like the Beatles or Take That of television".

He added: "We used to receive a lot of fan mail from children and parents."

The production company he worked with when he was on the Teletubbies, Ragdoll, has said everyone he worked with thought he was a "lovely, lovely man."

Ragdoll Productions said in a statement: "We will always remember Simon. He was such a joy to work with, which was clear from the fun and energy that came through the screen in all his performances.  Our deepest sympathies go to his family and friends."

The actor was a regular[3] at the Queen's Head pub in Ampthill, and people who drank with him there shared their condolences.

[3]regular: The regulars at a place or on a team are the people who often go to the place or are often on the team. 常客; 正式队员

Regulars at his local bar have set up a fund to help out. 


Lanie Bryer wrote on Facebook: "Very sad, he was lovely. Always a smile and a chat."

Jonathan Duckett wrote: "What a legend, so extremely sad to hear this news."

His funeral will be held  at Bedford Crematorium on February 7, and attendees have been asked to wear bright colours.

来源:The Telegraph








