

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



好笑的是,对于梅姨这张举着自己作品的照片,《伦敦晚报》评价说:“Wrong way up... Theresa runs out of luck on Shanghai visit”.

《伦敦晚报》是在给自己加戏吗?不知道中国的“福倒了“寓意“福到了”吗?有网友还特意@特蕾莎·梅刚开的微博和 @英国驻华使馆 “搞事情”:

British PM Theresa May's visit to China succeeds in boosting bilateral ties and trade

The Straits Times

BEIJING - British Prime Minister Theresa May's China visit can be deemed[视为] a success, having boosted bilateral ties and laid the groundwork for further cooperation in trade and investment, analysts said.


The beleaguered[1] leader, battered[2] at home by acrimony[争执;敌意] over Brexit talks, was received warmly by both Chinese leaders and people during her three-day visit, which ended in Shanghai on Friday (Feb 2).


1) experiencing a lot of problems or criticism  困难重重的;饱受批评的

the country’s beleaguered steel industry


2) surrounded by an army  被围困的

Supplies are being brought into the beleaguered city.


[2]batter: To batter someone means to hit them many times, using fists or a heavy object. 连续猛击 (某人)

The passengers were battered by flying luggage and cargo as the cabin lost pressure. 



She was pleasantly surprised - honoured, she said - when a CCTV interviewer told her that many people refer to her affectionately as "May-yi" or Auntie May.

At her meeting on Thursday with President Xi Jinping, the Chinese leader urged both sides to build on the past success of the China-Britain relationship.

He called for an enhanced version of the "Golden Era", a term used to describe bilateral ties during his visit to Britain in 2015.

Waxing lyrical about[3] the future of bilateral ties, he said, quoting Shakespeare: "What's past is prologue."[“凡是过去,皆为序章”]

[3]wax lyrical: to talk about and praise something in a very eager way  热情地谈论[赞美]

One fisherman waxed lyrical about the variety of fish in the river.


"Golden Era" was a catchphrase[名言; 流行口号] of Mrs May's trip. She told Premier Li Keqiang at their meeting on Wednesday that both sides should seek to "build further on that golden era and on the global strategic partnership that we have been working on".

However, for a time after she became Prime Minister in 2016, ties between the two countries went through a "testy period", as an editorial in the Global Times newspaper put it. That was when Mrs May delayed approval of the Hinkley Point nuclear power plant project[4] that the Chinese had a part in.

[4]欣克利角C核电站(Hinkley Point C)项目.(感兴趣的伙伴可以看看纽约时报这篇文章https://cn.nytimes.com/world/20160918/britain-hinkley-point/dual/)

With the decision to leave the European Union, the British government regards China as one of its most important economic partners in the post-Brexit world, noted Mr Rajiv Biswas, Asia-Pacific chief economist at IHS Markit[5].

[5]IHS Markit Ltd. (INFO, Information Handling Services Markit) is a company based in LondonUnited Kingdom. IHS Markit is the leading source of information and insight in critical areas that shape today's business landscape. Customers around the world rely on it to address strategic and operational challenges. It provides information and analysis to support the decision-making process of businesses and governments in industries such as financials markets; aerospace, defense and security; automotive; chemical; energy; maritime and trade; and technology.

Mrs May's visit, therefore, had a strong focus on further strengthening trade and investment ties and attracting more Chinese investments into Britain, he added.

After her meeting with Mr Xi, Mrs May noted that £9 billion (S$16.8 billion) in business trade deals would be signed on her trip and that China's markets would be further opened to Britain, including beef, dairy and other food products.

The leaders also discussed a free trade deal and agreed to hold more talks on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), according to media reports.

Mrs May's visit, said Mr Biswas, "was a successful first step in strengthening bilateral ties with China, with a number of significant trade deals that will improve the UK's market access to China". But he added "much more work" is needed for Britain to narrow the huge bilateral trade deficit, which stood at £25.4 billion in 2016.

Professor Xu Mingqi, director of the European Studies Centre at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences[上海社会科学院欧洲问题研究中心], noted the large business delegation that accompanied Mrs May.

The interaction between the business people on both sides would build the foundation for cooperation, increasing the room for trade and investment development, he said.

While Mrs May did not sign a memorandum of understanding on the BRI, she had positive discussions with the Chinese leadership on it and opportunities for British firms, said Mr Biswas.

Noting that Britain was concerned that the BRI should have greater transparency and meet international standards, he said "both sides are likely to make efforts to improve cooperation on the BRI in a constructive way".

He also said Britain's imminent exit from the EU will diminish[减小;削弱] its strategic significance for China, as it will no longer have a role in shaping EU policy.

However, Prof Xu said Britain would remain important to China because politically it is a member of the United Nations Security Council and economically the two countries are complementary.

Mrs May was also under pressure to raise the issue of the erosion of basic freedoms in Hong Kong, a former British colony that returned to the Chinese fold in 1997. She did not speak about this publicly - although she raised it privately with Chinese leaders, according to reports.


英文来源:The Straits Times










