

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

UN Chief sends warm wishes in Chinese for Spring Festival

United Nations Secretary-GeneralAntonio Guterres gave his warm wishes to the Chinese people in Chinese on Thursday, the day before the Spring Festival. The leader wished the Chinese people "good health, happiness and success" in the upcoming new year.

"Happy Chinese New Year," Guterres said in Chinese.

Wearing the lucky-symbolized red tie, Guterres acknowledged this year's zodiac—dog, and went on to link the animal representation to the future of the world's development. 

"The Year of the Dog symbolizes loyalty and trust," he said. "Trust boasts unity and collaboration. This is what our world needs. Let’s work together for global peace and prosperity."


At the end of his speech, Guterres extended his appreciation to China for its support of the UN.

World leaders extend Chinese New Year greetings


Several world leaders have expressed their goodwill and best regards to the Chinese people on the Chinese Lunar New Year.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in expressed warm New Year's wishes to Chinese people, "eat dumplings with your families and enjoy the happy lunar year," he said.

"The flame of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games is burning and I have confidence that the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing will be successfully held too," he added.

President of Mauritius[毛里求斯] Ameenah Gurib-Fakim wished all the Chinese people good luck in the new year and said "we highly value the contributions made by Chinese people and we have a lot to learn from our Chinese brothers and sisters."

Prime Minister of Denmark Lars Lokke Rasmussen welcomed Chinese people to Denmark to see two cute giant pandas who just moved from Chengdu in southwest China to Denmark soon in the year of 2018.

Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde said "I sent the most sincere wishes for the Chinese Lunar Year of the Dog," which shall be translated into wishes for prosperity, health and good fortune for the Chinese people.


World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim wished Chinese people happy new year and said "I hope China's economic growth will be further consolidated this year.  bringing more countries to common prosperity."

President of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussain said that under the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China, "the friendship between Pakistan and China will be stronger," and "I sincerely hope that the friendship between Pakistan and China will be passed down from generation to generation."

Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev has sent his Lunar New Year greetings to Chinese people in an exclusive interview with China Global Television Network (CGTN).

"First of all, the people of Kazakhstan wish all the Chinese people a happy Spring Festival. I wish all of you health and good luck. And I wish China can make breakthrough in all respects to reach the goals set at the 19th CPC Congress," said the president.

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Wednesday extended his greetings to the Chinese community in the country ahead of the Chinese Lunar New Year.

Rajoy highlighted the contributions of the Chinese community to the shared prosperity in Spain, said a statement released on the official website of the government.

The Chinese community has become the second-largest non-European Union community in Spain, and "many Spaniards today see the Chinese and Asian cultures as something much closer than they did in the past," Rajoy said.


Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina[波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那(波黑)] Dragan Covic wished the friendship between the two countries will be further consolidated in the coming new year.

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta sent a message of goodwill and best wishes to Chinese people and said that the relationship between the two countries has been strengthened in the past half century. "2018 will be a new milestone in the relations between the two countries," he added.

"Cooperation between the two countries on a number of major projects are changing the lives of the people of Kenya," and the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway[蒙内铁路] proves the power of cooperation between the two sides.

Chilean minister of foreign affairs Heraldo Munoz and former president of Uruguay Julio Maria Sanguinetti also send their most sincere wishes to Chinese people.

