

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


FBI: US man stole thumb of Chinese terracotta warrior statue

Federal authorities have said that a U.S. man stole late last year a thumb of a Chinese terracotta warrior statue being displayed at a Philadelphia museum in state of Pennsylvania.

兵马俑 the terracotta warriors

According to an arrest affidavit[1] filed Friday, Michael Rohana, a 24-year-old man from state of Delaware, was attending a party held at the Franklin Institute on Dec. 21 last year when he made his way into the museum's special exhibit "Terracotta Warriors of the First Emperor."

[1]affidavit:a written statement that someone makes after promising officially to tell the truth. An affidavit can be used as proof in a law court. (法庭上作证用的)书面证词

在去年展览期间的12月21日,一名24岁美国青年迈克尔·罗哈纳(Michael Rohana)到费城这家博物馆参加一个周末派对。 

The FBI said that Rohana used a cellular telephone as a flashlight, looked at various exhibits displayed in the then-closed showroom, stepped up onto a platform supporting one of the statues, and took a selfie with it.

根据监控视频显示,当晚9点15分,该博物馆已经闭馆,罗哈纳一个人偷偷溜进展厅,随后又叫来两名朋友四处参观。  没一会朋友离开了,而罗哈纳还一个人留在展厅内。他先是掏出手机用手电筒照着一个兵俑的手指仔细研究,之后又站上陈列台,将手臂搭在兵俑的肩膀上自拍。  在离开展厅时,罗哈纳折断了兵俑的一个左手拇指,并将其塞进自己的左边口袋带走。

Rohana, according to the affidavit, put his hand on the left hand of the statue, appeared to break something off from the Calvaryman's left hand and put it in his pocket, and then left.

Museum staff noted the missing thumb on Jan. 8 and a special agent from the FBI's Art Crime Team tracked down Rohana days later and showed up at home in Bear, Delaware to question him about the finger, authorities said.

In front of his father, Rohana admitted that he had stashed[2] the thumb in his desk drawer.

直至今年的1月8日,博物馆的工作人员才发现该兵俑拇指丢失了。5天后的1月13日,美国联邦调查局(FBI)才锁定盗窃者罗哈纳,并到其家中询问,“是不是有东西想上交给FBI。”  罗哈纳十分配合地将被盗的兵俑手指拿出来,归还给博物馆。目前,罗哈纳被控艺术品窃盗罪。

[2]stash:to store or hide something, especially a large amount 存放,藏匿(尤指大量物品)

The stolen pictures were stashed (away) in a warehouse.


A U.S. attorney has decided to charge him with theft of a major artwork from a museum, concealment[3] of major artwork stolen from a museum, and interstate transportation of stolen property.

[3]concealment:the act of hiding something 隐藏;隐匿;隐瞒

the concealment of evidence/facts/weapons


He was arrested and released on a 15,000-USD bail[4], on the condition that he hand over his passport, consent to drug testing, and refrain from leaving the country before trail.

[4]bail:an amount of money that a person who has been accused of a crime pays to a law court so that they can be released until their trial. The payment is a way of making certain that the person will return to court for trial 保释金

He was released/remanded on bail (of $100,000).


It was not immediately clear whether he had retained[5] a lawyer.

[5]retain:to get the services of a lawyer by paying them before you need them 付定金聘请(律师)

A spokeswoman for the museum said that the statue will be repaired, adding that a security contractor did not follow standard procedures the night of the alleged theft.

The statue that temporarily lost its left thumb, called the Cavalryman, dates back to 210 and 209 B.C. It is one of 10 elegant Chinese Terracotta warrior statues currently on display at the Franklin Institute. The special exhibit will run through March 4th.







