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LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Dramatic end to short track relay leaves Canadian women in disbelief — and off podium

By Pete Evans, CBC Sports

The Canadian women's short track speed skating team was dramatically eliminated[1] in the medal race on Tuesday after being penalized — despite being tripped up[2] by the eventual gold medal winners.

[1]eliminate:to defeat someone so that they cannot continue in a competition (比赛中)淘汰

He was eliminated in the third round of the competition.


[2]trip sb. up:to fall because you hit your foot on something, or to make someone fall by putting your foot in front of the other person's foot 绊,绊倒(某人)

I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to trip you up.


The quartet of Valerie Maltais, Kasandra Bradette, Kim Boutin and Marianne St-Gelais were among the leaders in the hectic, 3,000-metre race against Italy, South Korea and China.

Then, with three laps[3] to go, leading into a changeover between teammates, Maltais was tripped up by a South Korean racer.

[3]lap:a complete trip around a race track that is repeated several times during a competition (跑道的)一圈,一周

Maltais slid across the ice and into an Italian skater, knocking her down, too.

"It was just the end of the relay that everything happened," Italian skater Arianna Fontana said of the incident after the race. "For sure we're all going to go back and see the race because we want to understand for real what happened."

The Canadians scrambled to get back into it, but confusion reigned in the aftermath as nobody knew who crossed the line first, or whether the results would stand up.

The Canadian team watched the overhead video board intently, hoping for a ruling in their favour based on the initial trip.

Then their jaws dropped[4] when they realized they were the ones who had been penalized — for an entirely separate incident that happened at the end of the race.

[4]sb's jaw drops (open) If someone's jaw drops (open), they look very surprised. 大吃一惊;惊讶得张口结舌

My jaw dropped open when she told me how old she was.


The judges determined that Boutin, who was not racing at the time and was instead circling the track in the middle portion, had briefly crossed into the field of play and in doing so, impeded the Chinese and South Korean teams as they raced to cross the finish line.

That's against the rules, so the Canadians were disqualified.

"I thought we had it," St-Gelais said after the race. "Short track is short track— sometimes it goes our way, sometimes it doesn't and tonight wasn't our turn.

But the drama wasn't over yet, as the judges determined that the Chinese team had also committed an infraction, negating[5] their second place finish.

[5]negate:to cause something to have no effect 使无效,取消

The increase in our profits has been negated by the rising costs of running the business.


"I don't know why [China was disqualified]," Chinese skater Zhou Yang said. "I think there was no problem with what we did."


When the dust had settled[6], the two disqualifications meant that the South Koreans were awarded the gold medal, and the third-place Italians were bumped up into silver.

[6]the dust settles:If the dust settles after an argument or big change, the situation becomes calmer. 尘埃落定,有了眉目,形势明朗

We thought we'd let the dust settle before discussing the other matter.


Then came yet another bizarre[7] twist, as because of the two disqualifications in the four-team final, the bronze medal went to the Dutch team who didn't even compete in the same race, having failed to qualify for it.

[7]bizarre:very strange and unusual 怪诞的;罕见的;异乎寻常的

a bizarre situation



They raced earlier in the 'B' final, where they set a world-record time of four minutes, 3.471 seconds.

That earned them the bronze, despite putting up a faster time than any team, ever.




Li Yan: Referees’ decision needs to be consistent for everyone and every race






