

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



近日,《新华日报》刊发署名文章《提高生育率: 新时代中国人口发展的新任务》,引发广大网友热议。文章建议设立生育基金制度,40岁以下公民不论男女,每年必须以工资的一定比例缴纳生育基金,若未生育二孩,则退休后再取出。



A reproduction fund system should be established that will reward families for second children without government investment. The government can stipulate that citizens under the age of 40, regardless of gender, each contribute a certain percentage of their salary into a personal account each year. When a family has a second child, it can apply to cash out the money and receive a maternity allowance to compensate for short-term income loss caused by interruption to the parents' work. If a citizen never has a second child, the government will return the money when they retire. The fund should be based on a PAYGO system, which means that the money that has been contributed by individuals can be used by the government to pay subsidies to other families.”——SupChina


Controversial proposal of childbirth fund draws criticism

China Daily

The proposal of setting up a childbirth fund to cover expenses of families having second child has drawn a wave of criticism.

An article published Tuesday on Xinhua Daily, a Party-run newspaper of Jiangsu province, suggested establishing a childbirth fund which collects a portion of salary from employees under the age of 40 to cover costs incurred during breaks of female workers on maternal leave[产假].


The article was written jointly by Liu Zhibiao and Zhang Ye from the Yangtze Institute of Industrial Economy of the Nanjing University.

文章署名:刘志彪、张晔 (南京大学长江产业经济研究院)

The article said families having a second baby are allowed to draw[1] money from the fund as subsidy for their child rearing. If a family does not have a second child, it can withdraw the money deposited in the fund upon retirement.


draw: If you draw money out of a bank account, you get it from the account so that you can use it. 提取 (钱款) 

She was drawing out cash from an ATM.


The article said as the number of Chinese women of child-bearing age[生育年龄] is expected to drop dramatically in the next decade, and the positive effect of loosening family-planning policy to wane[2], China faces a grim prospect of low birth rate and declining working population.

[2]wane: if something such as power, influence, or a feeling wanes, it becomes gradually less strong or less important 〔权力、影响或感觉等〕逐渐减弱[变小]

My enthusiasm for the project was waning.


The proposal has drawn[3] a wave of criticism from internet users and scholars.

[3]这里又出现draw了,If someone or something draws a particular reaction, people react to it in that way. 意思是:引起 (某种反应) 

这里还不仅仅是draw a wave of discussion 引起广泛讨论,而是 criticism 饱受网友和学者的批评。

"Do you know how much pressure we working people between the ages 25 to 30 suffer? We pay thousands of yuan each month on housing mortgage[4] and car mortgage and social security premiums[5]. We have to empty out our pockets to make the ends meet[6]. Now you reach your hands into our pocket for childbirth fund?" commented an internet user on wallstreetcn.com.

[4]mortgage: A mortgage is a loan of money which you get from a bank or savings and loan association in order to buy a house. 房屋抵押贷款

housing mortgage 房贷

car mortgage 车贷

social security premiums 社保费用

[5]premium: the cost of insurance, especially the amount that you pay each year 〔尤指每年缴付的〕保险费,例如,insurance premiums 保险费

[6]make the ends meet: to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need 使收支平衡/相抵;勉强维持生计

He Yafu, a demographer[人口学家], told Caixin.com that Chinese employees already pay a relatively high level of social insurance premiums - around 39 percent of the total income. Paying for the proposed childbirth fund will push up the cost of employers, which goes against the guideline of the central government to ease burden on enterprises and let employees have more cash in hand.

独立人口学者何亚福说,目前中国社会保险五险费率合计为39.25%,已属较高水平。如果再实行工资按比例缴纳生育基金(childbirth fund),不可避免会进一步推高社会保险费率,增加企业用工成本。这与中央关于“十三五”规划的建议所提出的“适当降低社会保险费率”相悖。

He said to encourage more people to have child, the country should implement more measures to ease financial burdens on families, such as tax break and subsidy for families with new child.


According to statistics of National Bureau of Statistics[国家统计局], the total birth rate of China was 1.7 in 2016, below the level needed for population replacement, which is 2.1 by recognized international standard.

To reverse the trend of low fertility rate[生育率], China loosened its decades-long family-planning policy in 2016, allowing couples to have a second child, and extended maternity leave to parents with new babies.

However, the number of newborns in 2017 has dropped by 630,000 from the previous year, which indicates that the "two children policy[二孩政策]" has not increased the birth rates[出生率].

To raise the birth rate, local governments have rolled out preferential[7] policies for families with new child.

[7]preferential treatment, rates etc are deliberately different in order to give an advantage to particular people 优先的,优待的,优惠的

preferential credit terms for reliable borrowers


Xianning city in Hubei province announced policies this month to give subsidies of up to 30,000 yuan to families with difficulties in having baby and exempt[8] a portion of fees for their children to attend kindergarten, and grant priority to families with a second child in applying for low-income houses.

[8]exempt: “免除,豁免”的意思,短语:exempt sb from sth

Charities are exempted from paying the tax.


注:In everyday British English, people usually say let sb off (doing) sth rather than exempt sb from (doing) sth. 在日常英国英语中,人们一般说 let sb off (doing) sth,而不说 exempt sb from (doing) sth.

In June, Shaanxi province pledged[9] to allow women to give birth to as many children as they want.

[9]pledge:a serious promise or agree-ment, especially one made publicly or officially formal 〔尤指公开或正式作出的〕誓言,誓约;保证

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