
「别人家的学校系列」帮新生找志趣相投的舍友 推荐算法分宿舍

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Chinese college says it will let algorithms assign roommates based on interests and habits

Nanjing University's new system cheered by netizens, but can you trust college students?

In the West, college dorm rooms are mostly shared by just two students. But in China, most dorm rooms are crammed[1] with 4 to 6 people, assigned only by their student numbers.

[1]cram: If people cram into a place or vehicle or cram a place or vehicle, so many of them enter it at one time that it is completely full. 挤满; 塞进

We crammed into my car and set off.


此外,cram还有“临时抱佛脚,突击准备 (考试)”的意思,英文解释为“If you are cramming for an examination, you are learning as much as possible in a short time just before you take the examination.

She was cramming for her Economics exam.


It means your odds of[2] sharing living space with roommates you don't get along with for four years is extremely high. Some of them may not want to turn on air conditioning in a 30˚C summer because they think it's bad for their health. (This may or may not be from personal experience.)

[2]the odds of ...的可能性,发生的几率

That's why netizens in China loved today's announcement from Nanjing University, who says they have a solution to the roommate nightmare.

The university says it will use “recommendation algorithms[推荐算法]” for new enrollments this year, assigning them with roommates with similar interests and living habits, a local newspaper reports.


The newspaper's Weibo post drew more than 17,000 likes and thousands of comments, with most users praising the university and taking the chance to complain about their own horrible roommates.

The university explained in the report that it created a recommendation system similar to what's used on NetEase Music, a popular Spotify-like music streaming app in China. It says results will be based on online questionnaires filled out by the new students about their daily routine, air conditioner habits and personal hygiene[3].

Li Hao, a teacher in charge of enrollment at the university, said that the university will adopt the latent factor model[隐语义模型] algorithm to deal with the big data, and this algorithm will help match students with similar mindsets, instead of random choices.


[3]hygiene /'haɪdʒiːn,ˋhaɪdʒin/ the practice of keeping yourself and the things around you clean in order to prevent diseases 卫生;保健

the importance of personal hygiene 个人卫生的重要性


▲Latent Factor Model

Recommender systems are a common use of machine learning[机器学习] technologies -- it's how Amazon recommends more products to you, and also how Netflix figures out what you're likely to watch next.

But users on Weibo point out that the data in this system might not be trustworthy, because it relies entirely on students being honest.

As one of the most liked user comments says, “who would say on the questionnaire that they don't have good personal hygiene?




▲How Big Data Is Used In Amazon Recommendation Systems Big Data Application & Example

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