

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,英国一位“技术专家”Ian Wilso宣称,他通过谷歌地图观察,发现了2014年失踪至今的马航#MH370残骸#,位置就在柬埔寨密林深处。

并且,他还提供了具体坐标(12.088611, 104.151389),谷歌地图上确实可以看到一个疑似飞机形状的物体出现在一片绿色丛林中。而至于该图案所指“飞机”是不是就是MH370还没有得到官方确认。



Google Maps tech expert claims he's found doomed flight MH370 in 'darkest part of Cambodian jungle'

Ian Wilson, a technology geek, has offered a potentially ground-breaking theory into the world's greatest missing plane mystery

《太阳报》The Sun:

PLANE MYSTERY MH370 sleuth claims he’s spotted doomed passenger jet on Google Maps crashed in remote Cambodian jungle

British video producer Ian Wilson claims he has found the missing plane, which vanished in 2014 with 239 people on board, after spending 'hours' searching online

doomed & ill-fated

doom 作为动词,意思是“注定(死亡,失败,毁灭等)”,一般用被动语态,英文解释为“If a fact or event dooms someone or something to a particular fate, it makes certain that they are going to suffer in some way.”

The Sun和Mirror都用了doomed来表示MH370的命运,用作形容词,意思是“命中注定的;难逃一死的”,


GOOGLE Maps could provide the key to the missing flight MH370 mystery after a man claimed he spotted the ill-fated plane, which disappeared in 2014, on Google Earth.

对比Express用ill-fated一词来替换,ill-fated含义相近,英文解释为“unlucky and leading to serious problems or death”,译为“不幸的,倒霉的〔导致严重问题甚至死亡〕 ”,如:an ill-fated venture 注定失败的企业


ground-breaking可以解释为“独创的,开拓性的,里程碑性的”,英文解释为“You use groundbreaking to describe things which you think are significant because they provide new and positive ideas, and influence the way people think about things.” 如:groundbreaking research 开拓性的研究


sleuth / sluːθ ; sluθ / 可以用来替换常用的表示“侦探”的词,detective,英文解释:someone who tries to find out information about a crime


jungle指的是“(热带)丛林”,英文解释为“(a thick tropical forest with many large plants growing very close together”,如:the Amazon jungle 亚马逊丛林,

此外,也可以表示“竞争激烈的情形〔尤因竞争者众多〕”,英文解释为“a situation in which it is difficult to become successful or get what you want, especially because a lot of people are competing with each other”,如:the media jungle 弱肉强食的传媒界

《太阳报》The Sun:

Images from Google Maps show the outline of a large plane – which could simply be an aircraft flying directly below the satellite which photographed it.

But video producer Ian is convinced of his findings and says he intends to visit the sight to solve one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history.


Mr Wilson told Daily Star Online : "I was on there [Google Earth], a few hours here, a few hours there. If you added it up I spent hours searching for places a plane could have gone down. "And in the end, as you can see the place where the plane is. It is literally the greenest, darkest part you can see."



如果你细心的话可能会发现,这位名为Ian Wilso的爆料者,有媒体称其为“tech expert”,技术专家,也有称其为“video producer”,视频制作者,...



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