
「王者荣耀」启动最严格实名策略 接入公安权威数据平台

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



China’s biggest gaming and social media firm Tencent Holdings unveiled new checks aimed at restricting access to its popular games for underaged players, amid a government campaign to tackle gaming addiction among Chinese children.

金融时报(Financial Times):

Tencent has announced plans to introduce a new real name verification system to limit play time for younger users of its lucrative Honour of Kings video game, as the Chinese technology conglomerate battles escalating government scrutiny.


Popular Chinese mobile game King of Glory, developed by Tencent Games, has enhanced its anti-addiction system to strictly adopt real-name registration with users identities verified by police data.

腾讯 & conglomerate

对腾讯的介绍:China’s biggest gaming and social media firm Tencent Holdings 中国最大的游戏和社交媒体公司——腾讯

the Chinese technology conglomerate 科技企业,科技集团

conglomerate  [kən'ɡlɒmərɪtkən'ɡlɒmərət] 指的是“大型联合企业,企业集团”,英文解释为“a large business organization consisting of several different companies that have joined together”,如 industrial / financial / media etc conglomerate 工业/金融/媒体等集团


文中用到的几个《王者荣耀》译名:Honour of Kings, King of Glory, 实际上王者荣耀国际版叫做“Arena of Valor”,刚刚结束的雅加达亚运会电竞表演赛上中国队夺得冠军的就是这款游戏,简称AoV。

Arena of Valor, formerly Realm of Valor then Strike of Kings, is an international adaptation of Wangzhe Rongyao (Chinese: 王者荣耀, variably known in English unofficial translations as King of Glory, Kings of Glory, Honor of King, or Honour of King). (Wikipedia)


Honour of Kings, a fantasy multiplayer role-playing battle game, is the top-grossing mobile game in China.(Reuters)

Arena of Valor, a multiplayer online battle arena developed and published by Tencent Games for the iOS, Android and Nintendo Switch, for markets outside mainland China(Wikipedia)


lucrative意思是profitable,用来表示某种活动、职业“获利丰富的,可赚大钱的”,如:lucrative business 赚大钱的公司,lucrative job 报酬丰厚的工作

此处用lucrative来形容《王者荣耀》这款游戏“特别赚钱”,Reuters报道中还用了the top-grossing mobile game来表现这游戏的可观收入,top-grossing通常用来表示电影中“票房最高的”。

escalating government scrutiny

escalating (government) scrutiny 逐步升级,逐步加强的审查

escalate用作动词,意思是“使…加剧; 加剧”,英文解释为“if a bad situation escalates or if someone or something escalates it, it becomes greater in size, seriousness, or intensity.”,如:

Both unions and management fear the dispute could escalate.


scrutiny意思是“详细/仔细的审视/审查、监视;彻底的检查”,英文解释为“careful and thorough examination of someone or something”,如:

His activities have come under police scrutiny.



Tencent said on Thursday it will introduce from around September 15 a real name-based registration system for new players of its Honour of Kings game to identify minors.



a new real name verification system

real-name registration

a real name-based registration system


Reuters在文中用了minor一词来表示“未成年人”,A minor is a person who is still legally a child. In most states in the United States, people are minors until they reach the age of eighteen.(18岁以下),此外还用了“underaged players”作替换。

The system would be linked to China’s public security database and would be the first of its kind in the Chinese gaming industry, it said.



It will be able to accurately identify underaged players and impose the relevant play time restrictions it had set previously, it said.

“Through these measures, Tencent hopes to continue to better guide underaged players to game sensibly,” the company said in a statement on its official WeChat account, adding it plans to gradually expand the requirement to its other games.


Tencent’s move comes a week after China called for more play time restrictions citing rising levels of myopia among Chinese children, heightening regulatory risks for companies in the world’s biggest gaming market.



myopia /maɪ'əʊpiə ;maɪˋopɪə / 意思是“近视”,the inability to see clearly things that are far away medical;myopia还有贬义的意思“目光短浅,缺乏远见”,英文解释为“when someone does not think about the future, especially about the possible results of a particular action – used in order to show disapproval”。此外,近视也可以说“shortsightedness / nearsightedness”

来源:Reuters & FT & ECNS






