
网红无绳遛狗 踢伤孕妇致先兆早产 王思聪也看不下去了!

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,浙江杭州,微博@刺Ytt (杨女士)发文称,自己怀孕32周被网红@Saya一(陈某伊)打骂致先兆早产,打人者在微博上拥有300多万粉丝。



Chinese social media celebrity Saya faces charges over alleged attack on pregnant woman

Suspect, who is said to have launched assault after victim's husband kicked her dog, will be charged once health of unborn baby is clarified, police say

A woman in east China is facing a criminal charge after being accused of physically assaulting a pregnant woman who doctors said could now be at risk of losing her baby.




sexual/indecent assault 性侵/猥亵

Police in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, issued a statement on Tuesday saying that the charge would be dependent on whether anything happened to the unborn child.

The incident happened on Friday, when the suspect, identified only as Chen, and her mother, who was not named, were walking their pet dog, a French bulldog, in the grounds of their residential community.

When they came across a husband and his pregnant wife, surnamed Yang, walking their dog, the bulldog, which had not been on a leash, ran towards the strangers.


French bulldog 法国斗牛犬

The French Bulldog, also known as Frenchie, is a small breed of domestic dog.

a breed of 中的breed表示“〔宠物或牲畜的〕品种”,英文解释“a type of animal that is kept as a pet or on a farm”,也可以表示“〔人或物的〕类型,种类”,如:

a new breed of international criminal



leash作为名词,表示“〔牵狗的〕绳子,皮带”,英文解释为“a piece of rope, leather etc fastened to a dog’s collar in order to control it”

短语:on/off a leash,如:

Never leave your dog off the leash outside a store.


Alarmed by the dog's approach, Yang's husband kicked it to stop it “attacking” his wife, according to a record of the incident Yang posted on Weibo, China's Twitter-like service, over the weekend.

Angered by the attack on her pet, Chen then assaulted both Yang and her husband, after which the pregnant woman fell over as she was having difficulty breathing, the online post said.

alarmed & angered

孕妇一家看到狗朝自己扑来很惊慌,alarmed by ...

网红看到狗被踢很生气,angered by ...

alarmed意思就是“worried or frightened”,“担忧的;恐慌的”,如:

Environmentalists are alarmed by the increase in pollution.


Security guards and neighbours broke up the fight and called the authorities.

The police statement said Yang had not suffered any obvious physical injuries but had felt unwell and had difficulty breathing because of all the “excitement”.


She was taken to a local hospital where her condition is being monitored. According to images of her medical records Yang posted online, doctors had told her she was at high risk of having a miscarriage.


miscarriage意思是“流产,小产”,英文解释为“if a woman who is going to have a baby has a miscarriage, she gives birth before the baby is properly formed and it dies”


· abortion:If a woman has an abortion, she ends her pregnancy deliberately so that the baby is not born alive. 流产

· stillbirth:a birth in which the baby is born dead 死产

就连娱乐圈“纪委书记”@王思聪 也看不下去了,评论称:美丽的皮囊碰到丑陋的心灵会变得一文不值。看到她妈那泼妇样我就懂了,从小就没人好好教她做人。

On September 10, the story attracted nationwide attention when Chinese billionaire and famous social media persona Wang Sicong (@王思聪), who has more than 27 millions fans on Weibo, condemned internet star Saya on his social media account.

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