
5岁男孩简历走红网络 网友:看完我不打算要孩子

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



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A 5-Year-Old's 15-Page Résumé Captivates China


New York Times

BEIJING — The young applicant is described as confident and courageous. His résumé, at 15 pages, is glittering, complete with performance reviews (“full of energy”), a map of his travels (trips to Tokyo and Bali) and a list of books he has read this year (408 in total).




1)résumé实际上是个法语单词,英文解释为“Your résumé is a brief account of your personal details, your education, and the jobs you have had. You are often asked to send a résumé when you are applying for a job.”

2)curriculum vitae,CV,拉丁语,英文解释:a short written document that lists your education and previous jobs, which you send to employers when you are looking for a job.


表示“使着迷,迷住,吸引”,英文解释为“to attract someone very much, and hold their attention”,举个🌰:

I was captivated by your brilliant mind.




1)表示“闪光的,闪耀的”,英文解释为“giving off many small flashes of light”,如:glittering jewels 璀璨的珠宝

2)表示“辉煌的,非常成功的,光彩夺目的”,英文解释为“very impressive or successful”,如:a glittering career 辉煌的事业

3)表示“盛大的,华丽的;众星云集的”,英文解释为“connected with rich, famous and fashionable people”,如:a glittering array of celebrities 名人云集

But the applicant is not a seasoned job seeker. He is a 5-year-old boy from southern China applying for a spot in first grade at a Shanghai private school.



表示“经验丰富的”,英文解释为“used to describe someone who has a lot of experience of a particular thing”,举个🌰:

Tom was by then a seasoned musician with six albums to his credit.


还可以表示食物“已调味的,调过味的”,英文解释为seasoned food has salt, pepper etc added to it,如:

a highly seasoned piece of fish 味道很浓的一块鱼

以及表示木材“风干的,晾干的”,英文解释为seasoned wood has been prepared for use by drying.

“I hope I can outperform my parents,” the boy is quoted as saying, between photos showing him playing the piano, swimming and driving a toy car.


The résumé, which was leaked and shared widely online this week, has provoked a mix of fascination, indignation and debate about whether children in China's test-crazed education system are being raised as soulless strivers.



通常说法:examination/exam/test-oriented education system

此处纽约时报用了test-crazed来表达这个含义,-crazed构成复合词表示“因...而发狂的,发疯的”,英文解释为“-crazed combines with nouns to form adjectives that describe people whose behaviour is wild and uncontrolled because of the thing the noun refers to.”比如:

a drug-crazed killer


后文则出现了另一种表达“test-dominated system”:考试为主导的(教育)制度。

Some called for the parents of the boy to be arrested. Others wondered whether today's children would know true happiness, given the intense pressure to perform well and land good jobs.



land作动词除了表示“着陆,降落”、“掉落,跌落”;此处表示“谋得〔难得的工作、合约等〕”,英文解释为“to succeed in getting a job, contract etc that was difficult to get”,举个🌰:

He landed a job with a law firm.


此外,land sb in trouble/hospital/court 可以表示“使某人陷入困境/得病住院/卷入官司”等含义,英文解释为:to cause someone to have serious problems or be in a difficult situation.

Still, some defended the parents, saying they were trying to promote their child's best interests in a flawed system.


Yong Zhao, a professor of education at the University of Kansas, said the debate reflected widespread anxiety among Chinese parents about getting their children into top schools. In China's test-dominated system, exam scores determine where students go to college and what careers they can pursue.

堪萨斯大学(University of Kansas)教育学教授赵勇说,这场辩论反映出中国家长在让孩子进顶尖学校方面普遍有焦虑感。在中国的应试教育体系中,考试成绩决定了学生上哪所大学,以及他们能够从事的职业。

“No matter how many good schools there are, people are always shooting for the best,” he said. “Where their children go to school represents an achievement, an accomplishment for parents. But many don't know what a good education is.


It is unclear who prepared the résumé, which was addressed to the Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School. As in urban school districts in the United States and elsewhere, it is common for parents in Chinese cities to hire coaches to help their children gain admission to selective schools.


A staff member at Shanghai Starriver declined to comment, except to say that the school did not accept résumés from parents as part of the admissions process. The boy's father also declined to comment, saying he did not want to draw attention to his son.


The competition for seats at top schools in China is notoriously cut-throat. In some cities, the wealthy and well connected pay large sums of money, sometimes described as “donations,” to secure placements in top programs.



表示“竞争激烈的;残酷竞争的”,英文解释为“a cut-throat activity or business involves people competing with each other in an unpleasant way”,举个🌰:

Cut-throat competition is keeping prices low.



形容词性notorious,表示“臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的,众所周知的”,英文解释为“famous or well-known for something bad”。

Xiong Bingqi, deputy head of the 21st Century Education Research Institute in Beijing, said China needed to distribute education resources more evenly and to begin evaluating students on more than just test scores.


“There is a competition to rank every student,” he said. “Under these circumstances, of course parents want their kids to rank in the top. Then it worsens this kind of anxious competition.”


The boy's résumé reads like a PowerPoint presentation, complete with growth charts and stick-figure clip art. It includes discussion of his adversity quotient and his artistic talents. It also provides details of his schedule — time for memory training, English diary class, sports and piano — and samples of his artwork, including drawings of dogs and fish.


adversity quotient


“I never cry when I get shots,” the résumé says. “Starting when I was a year and a half old, I would get up by myself when I fell down. Everyone praised me as brave.”


The résumé closes with a list of English books the boy has read, including “The Hungry Squirrel” and “Bubbles in the Sky.” It shows a picture of him with his head resting on his hand, a pensive look on his face.

简历的结尾处列出了男孩读过的英文书,包括《饥饿的松鼠》(The Hungry Squirrel)和《天空中的泡泡》(Bubbles in the Sky)。在简历上一张照片里,他手托着头,脸上露出沉思的样子。


表示“沉思的;郁郁不乐的”,英文解释为“thinking a lot about something, especially because you are worried or sad”,举个🌰:

He looked suddenly sombre, pensive.


A caption alongside a photograph of the school's terra-cotta facade reads, “When will Shanghai Starriver open its gates to me?”


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