
「故事·听力」My Parents Can Never Forgive What I Did That Night

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Parents Can Never Forgive What I Did That Night

This is Maya, and the first concert she ever attended turned into a complete mess...but she still looks back on that night fondly.

Maya really likes metal. It’s not the only genre she listens to, but she’s always enjoyed the heavier stuff. So when she found out about a big concert happening in her town, she knew she just HAD to go. A few cool bands were supposed to be there, and she had dreamed of going to a concert like that since she was like, 12.

But...as much as she wanted to be a cool metalhead who does whatever she wants, in reality she was a 15-year-old girl, and she had to ask her parents’ permission to go there. And the thing was that they hated the music she listened to – they said it was just noise.

But she asked anyway...and they said “no.” And then she asked again, and they said “no” again. All of this was repeated again and again, hundreds of times, and every time it was a “no.” She gave up at first, but then she came up with a plan.

Maya said that she would go to her friend’s house and spend the night at her place. Her friend confirmed it for them. She packed her bag, but instead of pajamas and toiletries, she packed an outfit she had put together for the concert. She also had some money she had saved from her birthday, and it was enough to buy a ticket!

So she finally got to the venue, but she still had one problem – security wouldn’t let her through because she was obviously too young for the concert. You see, the thing was that although she was 15, she looked about 13...even with makeup on and her oversized leather jacket.

So she had to come up with a new plan on the spot! She noticed a cool-looking girl standing outside. She had purple hair and a nose ring, and Maya went up to her and asked her if she could help her get into the concert. She laughed and said, “I like you!”

She told the security guy that she was her sister and that she would look after her, but he still wasn’t sure. So then she started pleading, “Come on, please” and he finally agreed.

She was finally inside! And it was so cool! There were so many people, and all of them looked so different – more interesting than regular people. She felt like she had arrived home. It was very loud, of course, and also pretty dark, and she was so overwhelmed with emotions! Some people were in the mosh pit, but she was too scared to go there.

She also couldn’t really see the band because she was too far away in the back. She kept having to jump to see them, and even then she could only see a little bit. Then some guy noticed her and asked (well, more like shouted in her ear) if she wanted to sit on his shoulders. She happily agreed and gave her bag to the girl who was her “sister.”

It was a little scary, but also incredibly cool; she had been waiting for this her entire life. She thought that nothing could ruin that moment. But she was wrong!

The guy suddenly jumped, and she fell down. She didn’t get hurt, but she fell down onto something wet, like someone’s spilled drink. It was pretty nasty, but it wasn’t enough to ruin her evening. So she turned around to find her “sister”, but she was nowhere to be found.

She started to look around, trying to find her, but it was literally impossible to look for her in the crowd. Maya finally realized that she had stolen her bag and that she wasn’t getting it back. Now she was really panicking, because her regular clothes, her phone, and the rest of her money was in that bag! How could she have given it to someone she'd just met!?

She went outside and started crying. She was wet, dirty, and alone. Suddenly, some very big metal head came up to her. He had long hair and a massive beard; he was large and had very scary eyes. He was much older than everyone else, like 30 or 40. And she thought that he wanted to rob her or something...but then he asked if she was alright and why she was crying. He had a very soft and kind voice.

She told him everything that had happened. He laughed, and said “let’s go in and find your bag.” They went inside and he started actively searching around, looking closely for people with purple hair. He finally found the girl and took her bag back from her. She thanked him and went outside again to go home. It had been a very awkward and messy evening, and not what she had imagined it would be at all.

The guy that helped her came after her and asked if she wanted to get a burger. He said “There's a burger joint nearby, let’s go eat. I’m Andy, by the way.” She realized that she was really hungry, so she agreed...






