

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,江苏一男子被查出有酒驾嫌疑(suspected drink-driving),却坚称没喝酒,只是吃了榴莲(durian)。随后,经抽血证实,确实不含酒精。警方也亲自实验发现吃过榴莲后,确实会被检测出酒精。

Chinese man fails breathalyser on eating durian fruit


A man in China has failed an on-the-spot breathalyser test after eating too much durian fruit.

According to Chinese video website Pear Video, an unnamed man in Rudong county, in the eastern province of Jiangsu, was pulled over by the police on 17 April for suspected drink-driving.

breathalyser/ breathalyzer

此处作名词,表示“呼气酒精测量仪”,英文解释为“A Breathalyzer is a bag or electronic device that the police use to test whether a driver has drunk too much alcohol.”


He failed his breathalyser test, but was filmed by police protesting: "I've just eaten durian fruit!" A follow-up blood test proved that there was no alcohol in his system, putting the man in the clear.

But it also prompted local police to subsequently carry out tests themselves, to check the legitimacy of the man's claims.

be in the clear

1) 表示“无罪,清白”,英文解释为“to not be guilty of a crime”举个🌰:

The police breathalysed him last night, but he was in the clear.


2) 表示“没有问题;身体健康,没有疾病”,英文解释为“to have no problems after being in a difficult situation”举个🌰:

The X-rays showed that she's in the clear.



作动词,表示“促使;激励”,英文解释为“to make someone decide to do something  prompt sb to do sth”举个🌰:

What prompted you to learn English every day?


A big stink

In a 29 April investigation, Pear Video showed a police officer being breathalysed after eating some of the stinky fruit, and confirmed that his alcohol level directly after eating durian was 36mg per 100ml.

The legal limit for blood alcohol concentration in China is 0.02% - roughly 20mg per 100ml. Three minutes after taking the test, police officer Yu Pengxiang was retested and the breathalyser showed a negative result.


表示“难闻的,有臭味的”,英文解释为“smelling unpleasant”,如:stinky socks 臭袜子。

类似的:smelly表示“有臭味的”(having a strong unpleasant smell),如:smelly feet 臭脚。

stink可以作名词表示“恶臭,难闻的气味”(a very bad smell),也可以作动词,表示“散发恶臭,发臭味”(to have a strong and very unpleasant smell),过去式stank,过去分词stunk,举个🌰:

The toilets stank to high heaven(=stank very much).


Pear Video subsequently warned users against eating the fruit while driving, along with other products that might show a positive result, including certain brands of mouthwash and lychee.


表示“漱口剂,漱口水”,英文解释为“a liquid used to make your mouth smell fresh or to get rid of infection in your mouth”。


表示“荔枝”,英文解释为“a small Chinese fruit with thick rough reddish skin, white flesh and a large seed inside”。

Waste of 'innocent people's time'

Pear Video's report has triggered thousands of comments on Chinese social media, with many surprised, but also concerned.

Some on the popular Sina Weibo microblog are calling on the police to apologise to the interrogated man. Others are asking for improvements in the carrying out of breathalyser tests.


作动词,表示“(长时间地)讯问,审问,盘问”,英文解释为“to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information, sometimes using threats”举个🌰:

The police interrogated the suspect for several hours.


"Do you have to waste innocent people's time, frighten them and then stick a needle in them to eliminate suspicion?" one user asks.

Some are also voicing incredulity that the driver could tolerate eating durian anyway in a confined space, given its notoriously pungent smell.


incredulity /ˌɪnkrɪˈdjuːlɪtɪ/ 表示“怀疑,不相信”,英文解释为“If someone reacts with incredulity to something, they are unable to believe it because it is very surprising or shocking.”举个🌰:

The announcement has been met with incredulity.



表示“刺鼻的;刺激味觉的”,英文解释为“Something that is pungent has a strong, sharp smell or taste which is often so strong that it is unpleasant.”举个🌰:

The more herbs you use, the more pungent the sauce will be.



形容词性:notorious 表示“臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的”,英文解释为“famous or well-known for something bad”,如:a notorious computer hacker 声名狼藉的电脑黑客。

There are also complaints online that the police might be relying on outdated equipment, rather than trusting their noses.
This is not the first time that breathalysers have come under scrutiny for showing positive results for non-alcoholic products.

In January, an Australian lorry driver went viral with a video showing that eating a hot cross bun could generate a positive reading.

hot cross bun

表示“十字面包”,英文解释为“a small sweet bread roll that contains currants and has a pattern of a cross on top, traditionally eaten in Britain around Easter”。

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