

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Oddly satisfying or gross?



Stepping on Crocs full of shaving cream is the new oddly satisfying thing on the internet

If you haven't been able to wear your Crocs outside for fear of someone saying ‘what are thooose?’ then don't worry, there's a new use for them.

The infamous shoes have been ridiculed for a long, long time but now folks on the internet have made them relevant again. That's because people are now filling up their Crocs with shaving foam and stepping on it.


Crocs,实际上它是个品牌名,俗称鳄鱼鞋。Crocs, Inc. is an American company, based in Niwot, Colorado, that distributes and once manufactured a foam clog shoe.

The shoes are produced in an array of colors, depending on the model. The Classic styles are available in more than 20 colors; most other styles are produced in a palette of four to six colors or two-color combinations. There are different styles of Crocs that are made so they can be worn in any season.


视频中人们用的泡沫大多数是shaving cream,表示“剃须膏,剃须泡沫”,英文解释为“Shaving cream is a soft soapy substance which men put on their face before they shave.”

以及“shaving foam”剃须膏;修面霜(special cream or foam for spreading over the face with a shaving brush before shaving)。


表示“嘲笑”,英文解释为“If you ridicule someone or ridicule their ideas or beliefs, you make fun of them in an unkind way.”举个🌰:

I admired her all the more for allowing them to ridicule her and never striking back.



1) 除了表示“有关的;相关联的;切题的”,英文解释为“connected with what is happening or being discussed”举个🌰:

Education should be relevant to the child's needs.


2) 还有“有价值的;有意义的”的含义,英文解释为“having ideas that are valuable and useful to people in their lives and work”

Her novel is still relevant today.


3) 或者解释为“正确的;适宜的”(correct or suitable for a particular purpose),如:plans to make schooling more relevant to life beyond school 使学校教育更有利于学生毕业后走向社会的计划。

You are probably asking why – but once you see the results and feel that tingly sensation rolling down your spine, you'll see.
The concept is simple and yet so appealing: step into the shoe full of foam and send it squirting in all directions.

tingly /ˈtɪŋglɪ/

1) 表示“刺痛的”,英文解释为“If something makes your body feel tingly, it gives you a slight stinging feeling.”举个🌰:

These lotions tend to give the skin a tingly sensation.


2) 表示“惬意的”,英文解释为“If something pleasant or exciting makes you feel tingly, it gives you a pleasant warm feeling.”举个🌰:

He had a way of sounding so sincere. It made me warm and tingly.



表示“脊柱”,英文解释为“Your spine is the row of bones down your back.”


表示“挤;喷出”,英文解释为“If you squirt a liquid somewhere or if it squirts somewhere, the liquid comes out of a narrow opening in a thin fast stream.”举个🌰:

He cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it.


It doesn't even have to be a Crocs either, anything with holes works, the more holes the better.
It's the viral trend that's oddly satisfying and people are even calling it therapeutic. The exact origin of the trend is unknown but it seems to have gained popularity on video-sharing platform TikTok.


therapeutic /ˌθɛrəˈpjuːtɪk/ 1) 表示“使人镇静的,使人放松的”,英文解释为“making you feel calm and relaxed”举个🌰:

I find swimming very therapeutic.


2) 表示“治疗的”,一般放于名词前,英文解释为“relating to the treatment or cure of an illness”举个🌰:

Some claim that the herb has therapeutic value for treating pain.


After one Twitter use from Haverhill, Suffolk, shared a video he found on TikTok, it caught the attention of Crocs Shoes who also shared it.
Clearly pleased with all the free publicity, they wrote on: ‘Thank you internet, for giving us what we never knew we needed’.

People online were immediately drawn to it. ‘What a mood’ wrote one person while another said: ‘Omg that's satisfying’.


此处表示“吸引”,英文解释为“to attract someone or make them want to do something”举个🌰:

The festival is likely to draw huge crowds.


Others drew comparisons to the feeling of popping a zit. ‘Me squeezing my nose to get all the whiteheads out,’ wrote one person.


表示“青春痘,丘疹,小脓包,粉刺”,英文解释为“Zits are pimples on someone's skin, especially a young person's”

pimple:(尤指长在脸上的)丘疹,小脓包,粉刺(a small raised red spot on your skin, especially on your face)。


表示“(常指用手)挤压;紧捏”,英文解释为“If you squeeze something, you press it firmly, usually with your hands.”举个🌰:

He squeezed her arm reassuringly.



白头粉刺?英文解释为“Whitehead, a blocked sweat/sebaceous duct of the skin known medically as a closed comedo”。

A whitehead is a type of acne that forms when dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria become trapped within one of your pores. Whiteheads can be annoying, and they may seem to develop at the worst times. The good news is that whiteheads can be prevented with a combination of lifestyle changes and medical treatments.

blackhead:黑头粉刺(a small dark spot on the skin, with a black centre)。

comedo:the technical name for blackhead.

But of course, it's not for everyone. Some people did not enjoy it at all, they wrote: ‘Disgusting,’ ‘Sorry not sorry it's awful, made me cringe so hard,’ and ‘I'm suffering’.
One forward-thinker asked: ‘Do I smell a new way to make spaghetti?’ If that’s exactly the kind of frothy mess you're into, you might want to grab the iconic clog and get to work.

But it'll probably make a bit of a mess so we recommend doing it in the bathroom.


1) 表示“感到尴尬不安;觉得难为情”,英文解释为“to feel very embarrassed and uncomfortable about sth”举个🌰:

I cringe when I think of the poems I wrote then.


2) 表示“畏缩;怯退”,英文解释为“to move back and/or away from sb because you are afraid”,如:a child cringing in terror 吓得直退缩的小孩。


spaghetti /spəˈɡeti/ 表示“意大利细面条”,英文解释为“in the shape of long thin pieces that look like string when they are cooked pasta”。


表示“有泡沫的;起泡沫的”,英文解释为“having a mass of small bubbles on the surface”如:frothy coffee 泡沫咖啡。

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