
开车不摸脸 摸脸不开车

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Chinese driver gets ticket for scratching his face


A man in eastern China received a fine after a traffic camera using artificial intelligence captured him scratching his face, it's reported.

According to the Qilu Evening Post, the male motorist surnamed Liu was driving on Monday in Jinan, eastern Shandong province, and had raised his hand to scratch his face while passing a traffic camera.

The next thing he knew, he'd received a notification instructing him that he had violated the laws of the road for "driving while holding a phone". A surveillance picture of his "offence" was attached.


除了表示“票,门票,入场券”,此处表示交通违章的“罚款通知,罚单”,英文解释为“a printed note ordering you to pay money because you have done something illegal while driving or parking your car”,如:parking/speeding ticket 违法停车/超速行驶罚款单。

补充:just the ticket

类似于just the job,表示“正是求之不得的东西;正是所需要的东西”(very suitable and exactly what is needed)举个🌰:

This bag is just the job for carrying your sports gear.



表示“挠,搔,轻抓”,英文解释为“to rub your skin with your nails because it feels uncomfortable”举个🌰:

He yawned and scratched his leg.


补充:from scratch

表示“从头开始,从零开始,白手起家”(from the beginning, without using anything that already exists)举个🌰:

He had built the business up from scratch.



等于driver,表示“汽车驾驶员;司机”,英文解释为“A motorist is a person who drives a car.”

the next thing I knew, [句子]

表示“(用于描述事情突然意外发生)接下来,之后”,英文解释为“used to talk about part of a story that happens in a sudden and surprising way”举个🌰:

A car came speeding around the corner, and the next thing I knew I was lying on the ground.


也可以说:(the) next thing (one) knows,英文解释为:All of a sudden; out of nowhere; without warning. 例如:

Jimmy and the boys called me from Las Vegas and told me to come down. So the next thing you know, I'm on a plane to Vegas, and all I've got with me is one change of clothes and a tooth brush.


The next thing I know, he's holding my hand and looking right into my eyes. My heart stopped. Was this it? Would this be my first kiss? 接下来,我所知道的就是,他紧紧握住我的手,与我深情对视。我的心跳停止了。就要来了吗?我的初吻就要来了吗?”


1) 表示“命令,指示”,英文解释为“to officially tell someone what to do”举个🌰:He went straight to the hotel, as instructed (= as he had been told).


2) 表示“教;教授,指导”,英文解释为“to teach someone something, or show them how to do something”举个🌰:

He instructed family members in nursing techniques.


3) 此处的he'd received a notification instructing him that he had violated the laws of the road,显然不符合前两个意思,而是表示“通知,告知”,英文解释为“to officially tell someone about something”,通常用法,instruct sb that,举个🌰:

I was instructed that ¥1,000 had been paid into my account.



除了表示“冒犯;搅扰;侮辱;得罪”,还有“违法行为;犯罪;罪行”的意思,英文解释为“An offence is a crime that breaks a particular law and requires a particular punishment.”如:

a criminal offence 刑事罪

a serious offence 重罪

a minor offence 轻罪

a first offence (=the first time that sb has been found guilty of a crime)初犯

a capital offence (= one for which sb may be punished by death)死罪

an offence against society/humanity/the state 妨害社会╱人类╱国家的罪行。

补充:No offence

表示“无冒犯之意”(used to say that you do not mean to upset or insult sb by sth you say or do )

No offence, but I'd really like to be on my own.


He was told that he would receive two points on his licence and was also ordered to pay a 50 yuan (£5.70; $7.25) fine.

"I often see people online exposed for driving and touching [others'] legs," he said on the popular Sina Weibo microblog," "but this morning, for touching my face, I was also snapped 'breaking the rules'!"



作动词,表示“给…拍照,拍摄”,英文解释为“to take a photograph”举个🌰:

He snapped a picture of me.


He shared the surveillance picture of himself that he had been sent, and said that he was going to go the authorities to try to sort the situation, after "no one would help him" over the phone.

The Global Times newspaper says that the city's traffic authority have now cancelled his ticket, and told him that "the traffic surveillance system automatically identifies a driver's motion and then takes a photo", which is why his face-scratching had been mistaken for him taking a phone call.


表示“将…分类,整理”,英文解释为“to put things in a particular order or arrange them in groups according to size, type etc”举个🌰:

The eggs are sorted according to size.


2) 表示“修理;处理好,安排妥当”,英文解释为“to deal with a situation so that all the problems are solved and everything is organized”举个🌰:

Right, I’ll leave this for her to sort, then.


Can you sort the car by tomorrow?


While many online are amused by his case joking that the positioning of his hand signalled he certainly appeared to be on an "invisible" phone, some are also voicing their concerns about the level of surveillance placed on them.

"This is quite embarrassing," says one, "that monitored people have no privacy."


There are more than 170 million surveillance cameras and the country has plans to install a further 400 million by 2020.

Many are fitted with artificial intelligence including facial recognition technology, and whereas some can read simple faces, others can estimate age, ethnicity and gender.

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